• 他们自己人生中重要一天尽可能美妙独特难忘地度过

    They want "the most important day of their lives" to be as amazing, unique and as memorable as possible.


  • 悍马去年销量下降51%——是整个行业糟糕的表现——今年令人难忘地惨跌67%左右。

    Hummer sales fell 51% last year - the worst in the industry - and are down an impressively lousy 67% this year.


  • 因为如此许多游客会一又一次回到令人难忘的“微笑国”。

    For this reason, many travelers choose to return again and again to the unforgettable "Land of Smiles".


  • 我们欣赏目光窗外望去,久久凝视着片我们度过无数难忘美好时光的院落,多少网球逗爱犬巴迪

    We gazed out the Windows to take a long, admiring look at the beautiful grounds where we had Shared so many memorable times and I had thrown countless tennis balls to Buddy.


  • 工厂表面看起来干净令人难忘

    On the surface, the plant is impressively clean.


  • 他们世人展现的是一面具常常是美好难忘的面具,他们会小心翼翼掩盖自己真相

    They show the world a mask, often an impressive on, but take care to conceal their real selves.


  • 我们美丽的室外露台玻璃花园鹅卵石铺就的面和满目葱翠的景色,这些使我们教堂成为举行难忘婚礼浪漫绝佳

    Our beautiful outdoor gazeboand glass garden, cobblestone-accented grounds and lushlandscaping make it the perfect romantic spot for a memorable marriage.


  • 塞一样漂浮死海盐水里,绝对一个令人难忘的经历。

    Floating like a cork in the salty water of the Dead Sea is a memorable experience.


  • 王子儿》:大多数孩子通过汤姆·索亚》知道马克吐温的,但是《王子与贫儿》这部作品一样趣味非凡,塑造了英国历史上让人难忘人物形象

    "The Prince and the Pauper." Most kids encounter Mark Twain through "Tom Sawyer," but this work is at least as funny and offers unforgettable images of English history.


  • 我们美丽的室外露台玻璃花园鹅卵石铺就的面和满目葱翠的景色,这些使我们教堂成为举行难忘婚礼浪漫绝佳

    Our beautiful outdoor gazebo and glass garden, cobblestone -accented grounds and lush landscaping make it the perfect romantic spot for a memorable marriage.


  • 虽然努力放手”,发现过去情绪创伤

    As much as I might try tolet go, ” I find it very difficult to put past emotional wounds behind me.


  • 英国民众2008年中国关心慷慨帮助终身难忘

    And the outpouring of sympathy and support to China after the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 was without doubt, the most moving experience during my stay.


  • 我们在Gadling旅行当中,已经找到了部分世界上难忘、最独特音乐目的

    In the course of our journeys here at Gadling, we've uncovered some of the world's most unique and memorable destinations for music.


  • 我们希望创造一款能够真正让人久久难忘的汽车,等你回到家后,不由自主出它的线条

    We wanted to create something that sticks in your mind and is so memorable you could go home and draw the lines yourself.


  • 现代经典墨西哥蒙特雷一个五星级住宿美食难忘豪华酒店墨西哥事件目的婚礼空间

    Modern yet classic, Quinta Real Monterrey is an unforgettable luxury hotel with five-star accommodations, fine dining, and ample space for events and destination weddings in Mexico.


  • 许多主要造船厂商都羡慕看到,“欢呼者级”设计如此有效难忘于是开始类似概念整合他们自己的舰队

    So effective and impressive were the Acclamator designs that many leading shipbuilders looked on with envy, and began incorporating similar concepts into their own fleets.


  • 夜晚春风柔和吹着下巴,坐在落英缤纷的台阶上,脑海里浮现出难忘的事。

    Night, spring breeze was blowing gently. I, her chin cupped in sitting in a tree lost its steps, mind emerge a memorable thing again.


  • 寒假里,身边发生许多事,悲伤,有开心的,难忘的ꅰ……其中有件事令记忆犹新

    In the winter vacation, my side many things happened, sadly, there are also a happy and unforgettable... I remember one thing.


  • 最后时候兴奋捶打着胸膛,庆祝胜利,之后的“博尔特式”招牌庆功动作成为北京奥运会上最令人难忘画面之一

    He thumped his chest in triumph over the last few meters before his 'marksman' celebration which became one of the lasting images of the Games.


  • 美丽室外露台玻璃花园鹅卵石铺就的面和满目葱翠的景色,都使教堂举行难忘婚礼浪漫绝佳

    Our beautiful outdoor gazebo and glass garden, cobblestone-accented grounds and lush landscaping make it the perfect romantic spot for a memorable marriage.


  • 如果再不停止胡言乱语他们就要狠狠教训他一番,叫终身难忘

    If he did not stop his nonsense, they would teach him a lesson he would never forget.


  • 马宇歌以其朴实语言,平静而又不乏自豪记录下难忘旅程呈现读者面前令人感喟,令人赞叹。

    Ma Yuge's tone is simple and calm. She recorded this memorable journey, presented it in front of the reader, and made people moved and impressive.


  • 妈妈日记,他除了松散记述有趣的难忘事情画了许多漫画

    His mother told him to keep a diary, besides his loosely describes the interesting or unforgettable things outside, still painted many cartoons.


  • 悉尼歌剧院令人难忘演出

    The Sydney Opera House is a memorable place to see a performance.


  • 电影中被出色演绎,频繁的重复着,伴随着欢快情绪难忘场景不由自主记住它。

    It's done so well in the movie, and said so often, and delivered with such upbeat emotion in the one unforgettable scene, that you can't help but remember it.


  • 深信本届世博会有史以来举办最大令人难忘的一届世博会,我个人表示由忠祝贺

    I am delighted to congratulate Shanghai on hosting what I am sure will be the biggest and most impressive World Expo ever held.


  • 最好朋友这样可以他一起坐在门廊上,就那样靠着他,什么都不用说你走开的时候感觉难忘交谈

    The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch, swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like that was the most unforgettable conversation you've had.


  • 最好朋友这样可以他一起坐在门廊上,就那样靠着他,什么都不用说你走开的时候感觉难忘交谈

    The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch, swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like that was the most unforgettable conversation you've had.


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