• 比较无限平面大地模型四周无限大地圆形隧道模型基础上,提出电气上长大隧道概念。

    Based on model comparison between the semi-infinite earth and the circular tunnel with peripheral infinite earth, the conception of long and large tunnel in the electrical meaning is put forward.


  • 隧道模型

    It is the small model of a tunnel.


  • 隧道模型

    The small model of a tunnel.


  • 针对动态模拟隧道开挖难题利用离心模型深圳地铁sk3 + 395断面进行了尝试性研究取得一定进展

    On the puzzle of dynamic simulation of tunnel excavation with centrifuge model, this thesis makes a trial research on the section of SK3 + 395 of Shenzhen Metro and has made some progress.


  • 前交叉韧带重建失败模型评估显示导致重建失败的常见的原因股骨骨隧道建立不恰当

    Critical evaluations of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction failure modes have shown that the most common cause for failure is aberrant femoral tunnel placement.


  • 有限元数值模型分析隧道断面8个不同位置10种不同水压突水条件下衬砌结构受力特征。

    Mechanical behavior of lining structure is analyzed under 10 different conditions that high water pressure suddenly effluent water upon 8 different parts of tunnel section with FEM numerical model.


  • 研究直接利用隧道施工监测位移量测信息来判别隧道力学计算模型原理方法

    The theory and approach of model identification through using the information provided by in-situ displacement measurements during tunnel excavation monitoring are studied.


  • 确切说因为隧道交易灵活性认为我看到的最好交易模型

    Precisely because of this flexibility tunnel trading is the best model I have ever seen.


  • 由于岩体加载卸载条件应力路径不同仅采用加载条件下所建立力学模型研究隧道开挖稳定性问题适合的。

    Due to the difference in stress paths between the loading and unloading conditions, it is unsuitable to apply mechanical model under loading condition to stability of tunnel excavation.


  • 针对双层隧道衬砌结构,建立了考虑围岩结构相互作用能考虑车辆荷载作用的结构计算模型

    The calculation models of the double decked tunnel were established in consideration of not only the interaction of the strata surrounding and lining but also the effect of live loads of vehicle.


  • 建立了新的隧道工程开挖围岩位移预测稳定性预报模型及其分析方法

    Analysis models of displacement prediction and stabilization forecast of surrounding rock of highway tunnel excavation are established.


  • 针对武隆隧道出口处穿越楼房基础工程实例,通过合理简化假设建立仿真模型

    On the study of the engineering practice of excavation of Wulong tunnel under building foundation, the three dimension numerical modeling was established by reasonable simplification and hypothesis.


  • 文章考虑土体和结构相互作用基础上,采用耦合模型隧道进行抗震分析。

    Based on the principle of soil-structure interaction, the coupled model is used to analyze the seismic responses of a shallow embedded tunnel.


  • 采用施加轨道一系列移动轴荷载模拟列车作用,利用轨道结构连续弹性双层模型计算出城市地铁列车运行产生轨枕隧道之间作用力

    Using the continuous elastic double layers beam model of track structure, the forces between the sleepers and the tunnel inlay produced by the running of certain subway train were calculated.


  • NS方程作为隧道通风数学模型,采用三次插值伪质点求解ns方程。

    NS equation was adopted as the model of tunnels ventilation, and this model was solved by Cubic Interpolated Pseudo-particle Method.


  • 本文提出了隧道窑窑车二维非稳态传热数学模型计算机程序框图

    Mathematical model and computer programme flow diagram for two-dimensional transient heat transfer in tunnel kilns are presented.


  • 根据BP网络基本原理,建立隧道锚喷支护设计神经网络模型

    The paper establishes neural network model of bolt shotcrete support design in tunnel based on the theory of BP network.


  • 采用考虑湍流效应辐射传热的扩散燃烧模型隧道不同规模火源通风条件下的火灾过程进行了数值模拟

    A fire simulation of long tunnel under different fire loads and ventilation velocities was carried out by using the non-premixed combustion model which considered turbulence effect and radiation.


  • 全面分析影响地铁区间隧道安全体系各个因素建立层次结构模型

    An overall analysis of factors influencing the safety system of metro running tunnel was carried out; a Hierarchy structure Model is set up.


  • 依据隧址区工程地质特征建立通—公路隧道1:1实体模型

    Based on engineering geological features of tunnel setting, a1:1 hypostatic model of Tong-Yu deep buried highway tunnel is built.


  • 建立破碎围岩力学模型,求破碎围岩隧道荷载理论

    Their related mechanical models are established and theoretical solutions to the calculation of chain tunnel load inside broken rock mass are obtained.


  • 运用非等间隔序列的灰色模型进行隧道沉降预测,并通过实例计算分析。

    This paper applied non-equidistance grey model to forecast the tunnel settlement.


  • 隧道等效连续模型基础上,认为环缝影响范围有限,尚未达到整环管片,隧道纵向等效连续化模型进行深化

    Based on the equivalent continuous model of tunnel and the limited influence area of longitudinal seam, the improved equivalent longitudinal continuous model of tunnel was put forward.


  • 应用非线性弹簧模型穿越黄河隧道一次衬砌结构受力进行了分析

    The lining structure of the Yellow River crossing tunnel is analyzed, the results of the beam and non linear spring model are compared with those of other models.


  • 结合雪峰隧道F8断层开挖支护方法选择实践验证模型可行性

    The model combines choices of methods of excavation and shoring in the F8 Fault of Xuefenshan tunnel, validates its feasibility by practice, and illuminates its academic and practical value.


  • 盾构隧道管片地下铁道现场试验模型试验。设计荷载

    Shield Tunnel. Segment. Metro. Field test. Model test. Designing Load.


  • 运用理论分析模型试验现场试验方法铁路隧道基底结构受力状态病害产生的机理以及病害的整治措施进行研究。

    By using the methods of theoretic analysis, model experiment and spot test, the mechanical condition of tunnel bed, the mechanism of tunnel bed disease and the treatment measures are studied.


  • 最后多种工况模拟基础上,提出了一现场应用的基于神经网络模型隧道通风控制方法应用于实际的隧道通风工程中

    Finally, through simulating many ventilation conditions, a new tunnel ventilation control method based on neural network model is developed, which can be used in the field tunnel ventilation project.


  • 对采用人工神经网络技术预测隧道地表沉降模型中进行了研究

    This paper researches a method to predict tunneling-induced ground subsidence with artificial neural network.


  • 本文研究了直接利用隧道施工监测位移量信息判别隧道力学计算模型原理方法

    In this paper the principles and methods of mechanical calculation models for tunnel was judged by using directly the information of displacement measurement in monitoring of tunnel construction.


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