• 随着交通状况改善,人们可以到达全国范围更远大的市场从而鼓励大型工厂发展,以跟上销售增长的步伐。

    As transportation improved, distant and larger markets within the nation could be reached, thereby encouraging the development of larger factories to keep pace with increasing sales.


  • 随着拉丁美洲目前发展缓慢的一些生产厂家开始目光投向加勒比海沿岸中美洲地区市场竞争将日益激烈。

    Competition is heating up as operators in Latin America, where growth is now slowing, look to new markets in the Caribbean and Central America.


  • 随着市场迅猛发展进入到这一行当的人越来越多,使得出版商不得不手机小说副产品上下功夫,具有讽刺意味的是,印刷版的手机小说居然买得很火。

    Yet with the market growing fast, new entrants are piling in, forcing publishers to find new spin-offs for keitai novels. Ironically, some have gone on to do well in print.


  • 虽然这些都是例外的案例但是随着市场迅猛发展艺术品价值增长更多的艺术品爱好者将会寻求额外的保证,确保他们的艺术品确实属于自己

    Such cases are exceptional, but as the market booms and the value of art increases, more art lovers will look for additional assurances that their art is really theirs.


  • 随着1990年代中期互联网蓬勃发展,大家认为提高价格透明度减少中间商进而提高市场效率

    WHEN the Internet took off in the mid-1990s, it was often claimed that it would improve price transparency, cut out middlemen and make markets more efficient.


  • 随着市场飞速发展,这些机构赚取了大量的利润

    As the market blossomed, so did the agencies' profits.


  • 随着建筑行业迅猛发展建筑安装装饰行业的市场快速增长

    With the rapid development of building industry, construction installation and decoration industry market also grows quickly.


  • 随着磁盘访问技术互联技术飞速发展网络存储成为存储市场重要组成部分

    With the rapid development of disk access and interconnection technology, network storage system has become the most important part of storage market.


  • 摘要随着我国电子商务经济飞速发展网络市场竞争越来越激烈

    Abstract: With the rapid economic development of China's e-commerce, network market competition is increasingly fierce.


  • 随着公司制我国普及以及市场营销活动蓬勃发展相信市场营销审计研究在我国不断深入

    Along with the universality of company system and the booming development of marketing activities in our country, I think the research of marketing audit in our country will get further development.


  • 随着供应链管理现代物流业蓬勃发展物流供应商需要寻求能够激发市场需求、永葆企业活力先进营销理念

    With the rapid development of modern logistics based on Supply Chain Management, logistics enterprises need various advanced marketing ideas to stimulate market demands and enterprising creativity.


  • 近年来,随着房地产市场飞速发展建筑项目众多房产工程档案管理面临着新的问题

    In recent years, with quick development of real estate market, and numerous construction projects, the management of real estate project archives face new problems.


  • 随着中国经济迅猛发展人民生活品质提升,一个企业的品牌价值房地产市场作用日益显现

    With the rapid economic development and great improvement in people's lives in China, the effect of brands to real estate market has gradually come into vision.


  • 随着我国寿险业飞速发展中国寿险业面临巨大市场机会的同时,面临着巨大潜在风险

    With the rapid development in our country's life insurance industry, the Chinese life insurance faces great market opportunity, at the same time it also faces enormous and latent risks.


  • 近年来,随着国家煤矿安全高度重视国内高压开关柜向无油化发展矿用高压真空开关柜具有良好市场

    In recent years, with national high attention to coal mine safety and the non-oil development of home high-pressure switch cabinet, mine use high-pressure vacuum switch cabinet has a good market.


  • 随着居民收入的持续提高社会保障体系的逐步健全,以及扩大内需政策的不断完善,中国市场再次实现长足发展

    With rising income, improving social security system, and more optimal policy to expand domestic demand, China's market will once again achieve substantial development.


  • 随着全球市场竞争越来越激烈以及计算机信息网络技术飞速发展,人们质量和质量管理赋予越来越多的关注

    As drastic competition of global market and rapid development of computer network technology, quality has been given more and more attention.


  • 随着中国经济飞速发展越来越企业已经意识到,市场竞争焦点产品质量、产品价格开始转入服务为中心竞争阶段。

    With the rapid development of Chinese economy, more and more enterprises are aware of that the focus of market competition is changing from the quality and price of production to the service.


  • 随着21世纪全球信息技术迅猛发展全球化市场的逐步形成,企业正面临着新的机遇挑战

    In the 21st century, every enterprise faces new opportunities and challenges because of the rapid development of global information and formation of global markets.


  • 随着现代通信技术飞速发展市场需求不断提高,对射频接收机性能提出了更高要求

    With the rapid development of the communication technique and the growing demand of the markets, the better performance of radio-frequency (RF) wireless receivers is requested.


  • 随着我国餐饮业迅猛发展公共关系越来越成为餐饮企业开展市场竞争一项重要资本

    With the rapid development of China's catering industry, public relations become an important capital market competition in catering enterprises.


  • 随着社会经济飞速发展市场竞争越来越激烈

    Along with the rapid development of social economy, more and more intense market competition.


  • 随着数码便携音响市场不断发展壮大追求前卫高端消费者造型时尚的数码音响需求越来越大。

    With the continuous development and expansion of the digital portable audio market, the pursuit of the avantgarde, high-end consumers of stylish digital audio demand is growing.


  • 近年来随着我国证券市场迅猛发展上市公司数量逐年增多规模增大结构不断优化、运作不断规范。

    Recently, with the rapid development of the stock market in China, the listed companies grow in quantity and scale, their composition and operation getting better.


  • 近年来,随着通信多媒体市场快速增长数字信号处理技术得到了迅猛发展广泛地应用各个领域

    In recent years, with the growth of the communications and multimedia market, the digital signal processing (DSP) technology which has also great developed and widely used in various fields.


  • 随着旅游业迅猛发展旅游市场竞争日趋激烈旅游地形象问题越来越受到理论界业界人士关注。

    With the rapid development of tourism, the competition of tourist market is more violent. As the tourist destination, City must build up particular and vivid tourist identity.


  • 随着技术进步市场需要码垛机器人取代传统机械码垛发展趋势

    As the development of technology and demand of market, the stacking robot to replace the traditional mechanical stacking has become a development trend.


  • 随着我国证券市场飞速发展会计信息真实性越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the development of Chinese security market, people pay more and more attentions to accounting information authenticity.


  • 随着国际市场一体化经济活动全球化,国际贸易前所未有速度迅猛发展

    Along with the integration of the international market and the globalization of economic activities, the international trade developing at an unprecedented rate.


  • 随着科学技术全球经济迅猛发展全球化市场竞争趋势企业管理模式的确正在发生着根本性的变化。

    The trends of global market competition and the corporation management mode have been changing radically Accompanying with the development of scientific technology and global economy.


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