• 然而西方大部分情况下,是随着一些变化的出现,逻辑分析总是在先,接受在后

    In most cases in the West, however, with some variation, the logical parsing came before the acceptance.


  • 健康情况下这些转换器的开关总是随着一些变化——关上时生物分子平铺打开时折叠起来;

    The turning on and off these switches is usually accompanied by a change in shape — “off” the biomolecule lies flat, “on” and it gets folded;


  • 随着气候变化加剧一些趋势以及中和其他因素,重塑大不列颠土地

    As climate change reinforces some trends and counteracts others it will reshape Britain and its landscapes.


  • 随着洋流变动一些地区气候产生急剧变化

    And there might be drastic changes in the climate of some regions as ocean currents shift.


  • 随着季节变化白天,非常时候回顾我们喜爱一些美丽的自然图片,还有看看那些新的图片

    So as the seasons change and the days grow shorter, it's a good time not only to look back at some of our favorite images of this natural phenomenon, but check out some new pictures, too.


  • 一些科学家已经警告说,随着气候变化造成温度上升澳大利亚面临倍多的热浪。

    Some scientists have warned that Australia was facing a ten-fold increase in heat waves as a shifting climate increases temperatures.


  • 诚然,变化总会随着一些不确定。 但是,一点坚信不疑就是公司能力延续我们已经开始了的成功,我们已经制定了经过仔细斟酌的交接计划,出世界最好的领导团队来完成。

    While change always comes with its share of unknowns, there is one thing that I have absolutely no question about, and that is this organization’s ability to continue the great work that we’ve begun.


  • 随着年岁的增长,他们的画风可能有一些不同变化不大

    As the artist grows older his pictures may change, but not very much.


  • 但是随着我们迈入2009年,多少了解一些SEO变化趋势

    But there are some important SEO trends you should know about as we go further into 2009.


  • 随着一些行业消退一些扩张就业市场不停变化这场衰退更是让变化过程加快了脚步。

    While the job market is constantly shifting as some sectors fade and others expand, this recession threw that process into overdrive.


  • 他们对于一些来自冰川河床以及珊瑚岩心进行了分析对可以随着岩层深度以及时间变化指示化学物质变化水平进行了测量

    They analysed cores from glaciers, lake bottoms and coral reefs and measured how the levels of some telltale chemicals changed with depth, and thus with time.


  • 随着这种变化现在只有六个中的一些冠军级别比赛女生距离男生

    With that change, there are now only six states in which at least some of the girls race shorter than boys at the state championship level.


  • 高校体育专业体操教学形式方法随着我国教育形式改变而发生一些变化

    The forms and methods of gymnastics teaching in physical education major of universities and colleges are changing with the changing of education forms in China.


  • 随着婚礼旺季来临,婚礼礼物的清单在发生着一些变化——借此也能走进新人们的新窥他们对于构建爱巢的想法期待

    As wedding season kicks in, gift registries are making some changes -and offer a glimpse into the homes and expectations of couples.


  • 渐渐发现身边一些一些事都随着时间变化改变着。

    Gradually found that some of the people around, some things as the change of time and change.


  • 对于一些永久性转变来说就是噩梦例如全新今天各种事物变化:例如一个更热世界,伴随着就是贫瘠海洋

    The nightmare would be a flip to some permanently altered state much further from the Holocene than things are today: a hotter world with much less productive oceans, for example.


  • 一些原来典型量词用法中不能产生色彩意义随着这些功能变化而产生。

    Some color meanings that cannot be produced in the model's classifier, gradually occur with changes of its function.


  • 随着以太网协议统治地位增强网络安装配置方面发生一些变化

    With the enhancement of Ethernet protocol rule degree, some change has taken place at the aspects of network installment and configuration.


  • 随着原子几个变化计划包括一些新的功能选项满足球迷等待模式

    As the Atom, several changes are planned including some new features and options to satiate fans while they wait for the new model.


  • 本文依据设计观念必将随着信息技术社会影响趋势所产生的变化浅谈一些信息时代日用陶瓷设计观念。

    In the light of the change of design sense along with the influence of it technology upon the society, this paper discusses the sense of designing household ceramics in the it era.


  • 随着近几年中国互联网用户高速增长,中国互联网网民组成结构消费习惯出现一些新的特点和变化

    With the rapid development of China Internet users in recent years, the composition and consuming habits of China's netizens have been undergoing some changes.


  • 随着收入水平不断增长消费结构不断变化我国城镇居民文化消费呈现出一些新的特点

    With the continuous growth of income level and constant changes of consumption structure, urban residents' cultural consumption shows some new characteristics.


  • 随着韦埃尔,Housefull风筝Rajneeti今年上半年发布,但在列表中的一些变化

    With Veer, My Name is Khan, Housefull, Kites, Rajneeti set for release in the first half of the year, except some changes in the list.


  • 随着越来越流动儿童进入城市公办学校就读,学校教育生态环境悄然发生变化一些新的教育问题也随之产生。

    An increasing number of migrant children's entrance into public urban schools brings about changes in the educational environment and also some new problems.


  • 尝试一首歌中创作出伴随着许多变化复杂极致的高音低音,而不是写出一些流于俗套流行速成品。

    I wanted to try my hand at creating all the extreme highs and lows, with lots of changes in the songs, instead of just churning out quick-to-the-point pop songs.


  • 既然我们已经知道贷款数量随着时间贷款目的不同变化让我们看看贷款本身是否会告诉我们有关贷款风险一些信息。

    Now that we have explored how the loan amount has differed over time and between loan purposes, let's take a look at whether the amount itself tells us anything about the risk of the loan.


  • 诚然随着时间流逝,这些填料可能会发生少许变化而且也许无法确切地解释为什么面包片中夹一些牡蛎

    Sure, over the years the recipes may change a bit, and you might not be able to explain exactly why you're supposed to add a cup of crushed oysters to the 21 breadcrumbs.


  • 诚然随着时间流逝,这些填料可能会发生少许变化而且也许无法确切地解释为什么面包片中夹一些牡蛎

    Sure, over the years the recipes may change a bit, and you might not be able to explain exactly why you're supposed to add a cup of crushed oysters to the 21 breadcrumbs.


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