• 麦克法兰随后指出英国提供日期形成了惊人巧合

    Macfarlane then noted that the history of tea in Britain provided an extraordinary coincidence of dates.


  • 随后骚乱中,3个英国受伤了。

    During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt.


  • 一名英国律师代表伊拉克人提出这些指控国防部理应就此进行调查哪怕随后证实这些指控子虚乌有或是出于得到补偿金目的。

    Defence officials are obliged to investigate the claims, brought on behalf of Iraqis by a British lawyer, even if they later turn out to be false or motivated by the prospect of compensation.


  • 一位记者随后英国是否减少伊拉克南部巴士拉地区军事武装力量用以平衡阿富汗的增兵行动。

    A reporter then asked him if the United Kingdom might draw down its military contingent in the Basra area of southern Iraq, to balance out the increased Afghan deployment.


  • 他们援引英国意大利的例子,此二国1992年放弃货币住政策,随后经济迅速复苏

    They point to Britain and Italy, which abandoned their currency pegs in 1992—and then recovered quickly from recession.


  • 随后新婚妻子卡拉·布吕尼陪伴下,萨科英国首相格登•布朗阿森纳足球俱乐部训练基地的酋长球场举行首脑会谈

    Mr Sarkozy, who was accompanied by his new wife, Carla, later held summit talks with Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown, at the Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal football club.


  • 报道美国有三婴儿死亡是与一种婴儿有关,随后,该品牌婴儿背巾英国欧洲范围召回

    A baby sling has been recalled across the UK and Europe following claims linking it to three infant deaths in the United States.


  • 英国首相布朗成为第一白宫会见巴马的欧洲领导人随后,布朗在国会发表了演讲

    Britain's Gordon Brown became the first European leader to meet Barack Obama in the White House; he later addressed Congress.


  • 这位英国律师随后指认了一名那不勒斯船主,迭戈·阿塔纳西奥,称他这笔真正来源

    The British lawyer subsequently identified a Neapolitan ship owner, Diego Attanasio, as the true source of the funds.


  • 随后穿绿色围裙外科医生开始接手,这的英国美国其他国家的外科医生,我见过的任何其他医院都

    After that, the surgeons with the green aprons take over: British, American and other nationalities - way more surgeons than I've ever seen in any other hospital.


  • 随后一轮选举中申办团队听说南非已经打败了巴西摩洛哥英国,只剩下德国

    In the later rounds of voting, the bid team heard that South Africa had beaten Brazil, Morocco and England, and was left fighting it out with Germany.


  • 英国设计师一向十分尊崇因为他们挑衅,而且去挑战时,新东西随后就会出来。”卡丹先生说到

    "I have a very big respect for English design, because they are provocation, and when you provoke, something stays after," says Mr. Cardin.


  • 他们H5N1病毒感染随后得到世组织英国一个合作实验室证实

    Their infection with the H5N1 virus was subsequently confirmed by a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom.


  • 这些专家这样一个文化知识方面的“提前教育”不但不能是英国儿童赶上其他国家的同龄儿童,反而随后引起情感行为方面问题

    Far from helping British children catch up with their peers in other countries, the campaigners say, such a "head start" in literacy may cause emotional and behavioural problems later on.


  • 人均消费来计算排名有些不同了,位列首位的仍是卢森堡,随后美国冰岛英国挪威

    By looking at individual consumption, the list changes somewhat.The richest are Luxembourg, U.S., Iceland, Britain and Norway.


  • 随后沿着隆河逆流上,销往法国各个城市或是出口英国

    The citrus was shipped to Marseille and then it went up the Rhône to be delivered to French cities and exported to England.


  • 随后地质调查油价波动促使英国一家公司DesirePetroleum租用钻井装置,准备自己几家其他公司钻探最多座油井

    Subsequent seismic surveys and the surge in the price of oil prompted Desire Petroleum, a small British company, to hire the rig, which will drill up to ten wells for itself and several other firms.


  • 糟的是,为了巴结他们的德州朋友,B&B董事会随后拒绝了英国企业家ColinCowdery的收购请求。

    To make matters worse, B&B’s board subsequently rejected bid overtures from Colin Cowdery, a British entrepreneur, in order to stick with their new Texan friends.


  • 随后,他们的首张专辑Roomonthe 3rdFloor英国专辑榜上排名第一。

    This was followed by the album Room on the 3rd Floor debuting at number one in the UK Albums Chart.


  • 本周英国财政大臣公布项占GDP1%减税计划随后还计划提高收入人群的所得税税率——是一项不利产出的计划。

    This week Britain’s chancellor laid out tax cuts worth 1% of GDP, but coupled these with a counterproductive plan to raise income taxes on high earners later.


  • 20世纪90年代首先意大利了跟头;随后英国西班牙葡萄牙最终法国拉倒。

    In the early 1990s Italy was the first to fall; after it toppled, Britain, Spain, Portugal and eventually France were forced to follow.


  • 警方随后逮捕了袭击者。据英国记者协会称,袭击男子社交网络服务twitter上以“JonnieMarbles ”自称。

    A police officer arrested the protester, identified by the British Press Association as a man known as "Jonnie Marbles" on the social networking service Twitter.


  • 2002年,福克斯电视台推出了改编自英国电视节目《PopIdol》的《美国偶像》,这一节目随后成为了美国受欢迎的电视系列节目。

    Based on the British series' pop Idol, ' 'American Idol' launched on Fox in 2002 and became the most popular series on television.


  • 根据英国医学杂志》上研究那些遭遇首次流产的想成为妈妈的女性个月内再次怀孕,会使随后妊娠可能成功并且简单

    Would-be mothers who conceive within six months of a first miscarriage are more likely to have a successful and uncomplicated subsequent pregnancy, according to a study in the British Medical Journal.


  • 公司计划今年将这一装置首先应用一家美国购物中心随后用于英国

    The company plans to install its first device later this year in a US shopping centre, with a UK site to follow soon after.


  • 这样强有力的推荐,(英国)陆军部1901年正式批准风雨衣在陆军中的推广,随后英国海军部也在1906年批准该风雨衣供皇家海军陆战队使用。

    With such powerful recommendations, the War Office gave its official approval to the trench coat in 1901, with the Admiralty for the Royal Marines following suit in 1906.


  • 这样强有力的推荐,(英国)陆军部1901年正式批准风雨衣在陆军中的推广,随后英国海军部也在1906年批准该风雨衣供皇家海军陆战队使用。

    With such powerful recommendations, the War Office gave its official approval to the trench coat in 1901, with the Admiralty for the Royal Marines following suit in 1906.


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