• 健康言语,一句不可出口,只要造就好话,叫听见得益处

    Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.


  • 你们作外邦的时候,随事牵引、受迷惑,哑巴偶像是你们知道的。

    Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.


  • 四大趋势也已经显现出来:机器人将变得随事应变更便宜更简单程序编制更安全

    Four trends were on show: robots are rapidly becoming more responsive, cheaper, simpler to program and safer.


  • 腓利比书4:12-13 “知道怎样处卑贱、知道怎样处丰富、或饱足、或饥饿、或馀、或缺乏、随事、我都得了秘诀。

    Philippians 4:12-13 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty."


  • 维克说明一旦入主白宫,为了做好他的工作,他可以自己心意来处理这些

    Novick explains that once he is in the White House, anything he wants will be fulfilled so that he can do his job.


  • 物质世界中另一影响两者之间时间空间距离的增大衰减。

    In the physical universe the effect that one event has on another tends to decrease with the distance in time or in space between them.


  • 出于性'而方式后来说过,"一贯我想"),他转而研究一类称为苯二效卓化合物

    In his wilful way (“I always did just what I wanted to do, ” he said later), he turned to research he had started as a student, at Krakow University, into a class of compounds called benzodiapenes.


  • 他们惧怕耶和华,又自己何邦迁移,就何邦的风俗

    They worshiped the Lord, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought.


  • 什么,”弗洛什,“上帝的上帝!”

    "Anything," said Gavroche. "Good God!"


  • 知道尝试做的每一件不过自己意愿的理由而已。

    He has realised that everything he tries is just for a reason and to suit himself.


  • 人生旅途中,不可能总是一帆风顺人愿。

    In the journey of life, not always a smooth one, with people willing to matter.


  • 一生柔情开启尘封记忆所想所望

    I will use my whole life tenderness, open your dusty memories. You would like to think with heart, things into hope.


  • 天气越来越除了床上之外,大夥儿似乎越来越少

    With the weather getting colder and colder, it seems that there are less and less things that one wants to do besides stay in bed.


  • 何须昨日水流寻觅

    Why sigh again yesterday, the flower with flow is difficult to find.


  • 仅仅知道我一同临。

    For I know one thing, love comes on a wing.


  • 接下来两个星期果提克斯在一起,斯提兹常丹尼尔哈姆航海钓鱼或者其他所以常见着

    For the next two weeks I was often with Peggotty and Barkis, while Steerforth went sailing or fishing with Daniel and Ham, or found other things to do, so I did not see very much of him.


  • 一个孩子本有许多烦扰观念著岁月增长的,而冒险用这来破坏坚强的爱情,真是亨察尔太太连不敢想

    The risk of endangering a child's strong affection by disturbing ideas which had grown with her growth was to mrs. henchard too fearful a thing to contemplate.


  • 结果:国外服务费水平次均费用3 - 50之间,服务内容对象机构级别等因素变化。

    Result: The average dispensing fee ranges from 3-50 yuan which varies with its service content, organization, and object.


  • 离婚而来的钱财纠纷美国常见

    And divorce with its accompanying money problems is common in the United States.


  • 相信如果孩子真心喜爱上学学习,学习变成最简单因为学习本来就是著有趣的学习时光快乐而来的。

    I believe that if the children genuinely love coming to school and class, then learning will be the easiest part of all because they will associate it directly with fun times and happiness.


  • 也许世界上多人拨逐流,很少坚持甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。

    Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr.


  • 每个向往快乐当然不是所有人愿,所以许多害怕尝试

    Each one longs for happiness and love, of course all things cannot be as well as they want, hence most of them are afraid of try.


  • 如果客户品牌忠诚确实已经成为过去,那么他们为什么改变心意意思是是什么原因导致他们和自己喜欢品牌挥手告别?或者这种情绪是时间的推移与日俱增的?

    And if customer fidelity is indeed a thing of the past, why the change of heart? I mean, what caused the separation of consumers from their favorite brands, or did they just grow apart over time?


  • 如果客户品牌忠诚确实已经成为过去,那么他们为什么改变心意意思是是什么原因导致他们和自己喜欢品牌挥手告别?或者这种情绪是时间的推移与日俱增的?

    And if customer fidelity is indeed a thing of the past, why the change of heart? I mean, what caused the separation of consumers from their favorite brands, or did they just grow apart over time?


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