• 我们很容易陷入一种误区:它们都是玻璃瓶因此可以回收进入绿色回收站

    It's an easy trap to fall into: they're glass bottles, so they can be recycled, so into the green bins they go.


  • 索马里接壤其他国家部分地区陷入危机,尽管那些地方暂时还没有宣布进入饥荒状态。

    Parts of countries bordering Somalia are also in crisis, although famine has not been declared there. Not yet.


  • 连续季度负增长定义来衡量,日本欧元区已经陷入衰退美国则是从2007十二月已经正式声明进入衰退。

    Japan and the euro area fell into recession (using the definition of two quarters of negative growth) and America was officially declared to have been in recession since December 2007.


  • 一旦进入项目注意不要陷入一个牺牲者角色

    Once into the project, be mindful not to fall into a martyr role.


  • 诚然美国的美国国际集团(aig)在扩展进入抵押债券提供保险业务陷入严重麻烦,除aig外瑞士再保险(Swiss Re)唯一涉猎利基公司

    Admittedly, America's AIG got into serious trouble after expanding into the business of insuring mortgage bonds, but Swiss Re was the only other company to dabble in this dangerous niche.


  • 当代艺术现在的确是进入图式泛滥的时代一种图式获得商业成功艺术家创作也就陷入图像复制生产

    Contemporary art indeed enter a deluge pattern times, when a pattern get success in business, the artist's creation fell into the copy and produce.


  • 第二个挑战随着西方国家传统市场陷入停滞必须努力进入仅有几个石油需求还在增长的地方比如中国

    Second, as its traditional markets in Western countries stagnate, it must also work to gain access to the few places, such as China, where demand for oil is growing.


  • 是个糟糕的情况,比赛进入紧张阶段,不能的大个子完全陷入对方攻击

    That's a bad move. when game was tight, you should not put your biggest hole for them to attack.


  • 世界粮食计划署正在地区空运紧急补给物资。与索马里接壤其他国家部分地区陷入危机,尽管那些地方暂时还没有宣布进入饥荒状态。

    The World Food program is airlifting emergency supplies to the region. Parts of countries bordering Somalia are also in crisis, although famine has not been declared there. Not yet.


  • 那个榆树图像之下,一个清楚除了天堂的一道彩虹之外。进入漂浮杂草之内,使彩虹陷入

    That lake under the Elm shadow, Not a clear fountain but a rainbow in heaven. Twisted into floating weeds, precipitating rainbow dreams.


  • 进入大学校园几天忙乱适应陷入孤独恐慌之中,不敢打电话给家里——妈妈一定会把眼睛哭坏的。

    A long period after that, in the first few days entering university campus, busy life and new environment pulled me into lonely and sad, I do not dare to give a call to my mothershe would be worried.


  • 所有这些都是为了陷入新的周期的的借口这个周期发生在今年早些时候开始于木星进入水瓶座,过去大约一周加快了速度。

    Each of these is an excuse for not plunging into the new cycle that began when Jupiter moved into Aquarius, earlier this year, and has speeded up during the past week or so.


  • 进入酒店就会发现自己陷入滑动墙壁之中,规律的布置利于将海景引入建筑

    You enter the hotel and find yourself intertwined with a scenography of sliding doors and evading walls, rhythmically placed to allure the sea into the building.


  • 1981年提供了一些资金项目中坚持,LIDA远处使得兔子陷入昏迷,使得进入快波睡眠

    I provided those funds from my project in 1981, and he determined that the LIDA would put rabbits into a stupor at a distance and make cats go into REM.


  • 唯一能够找到的是一些文字记录它们太宠了,巨大怪物电脑里每一次点击进入,我就要陷入迷宫无法抽身

    The only thing I can find some written records, but they spoil big, like a huge monster hidden in my computer, every click to enter, I will not withdraw into the maze.


  • 为了避免陷入陷阱,可以开始先从小事做起,然后再进入一个阶段处理更加有挑战的任务

    Not to get in such a trap, start doing small things and then move to the next level and deal with more challenging ones.


  • 采用混合策略使优化过程中的探测免于陷入局部极小而进入全局最优点的所在区域

    Mixing optimization scheme enables the probe points to enter the area where the global optimization point locates.


  • 进入桌面市场arm任何项目同时陷入瘫痪事实微软直至现在拒绝开发ARM处理器Windows

    Any entries by ARM into the desktop market, meanwhile, have been crippled by the fact that Microsoft, up until now, refused to develop Windows for ARM processors.


  • 美国经济2007年末陷入衰退之中,世界其它国家则在几个之后进入衰退。

    The U. S. economy fell into recession at the end of 2007; the rest of the world followed a few months later.


  • 与此同时,美国国会预算办公室高级经济学家国会举行的听证会上表示,他相信美国经济正在进入一个缓慢增长时期,而不会陷入衰退。

    Such fears have been stoked by recent reports of a slowdown in the economy, rising unemployment, and no end in sight to a credit crunch as well as a weakening U. S. housing market.


  • 联合抵制一家新的公司进入市场联合使某一竞争者陷入劣势境地同样也是非法的。

    Boycotts to prevent a firm from entering a market or to disadvantage a competitor also are illegal.


  • 然而结果却是喜忧参半特别是进入90年代许多国家先后陷入金融危机的怪圈。

    But the result of financial liberalization was mixed, especially in 1990s, with a lot of countries falling into financial crisis.


  • 进入90年代中期以来,全国范围内,传统零售业主流业态——百货商场的效益开始下降百货零售行业开始陷入战略危机

    The retail profit for the traditional main-stream business form-department store began to decline in the mid-90's all over the country. The retail stores have stepped into a strategy crisis.


  • 中国城市进入高速建设阶段,城市空间形态日益陷入碎片化的境地。

    While cities develop at a great speed in China, their space pattern becomes more and more fractured.


  • 中国城市进入高速建设阶段,城市空间形态日益陷入碎片化的境地。

    While cities develop at a great speed in China, their space pattern becomes more and more fractured.


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