• 90%案件中审判法庭采纳陪审团裁决(是否有罪),而且陪审团的判决(应处刑罚)建议被采纳的更多。

    Trial courts accept jury verdicts regarding guilt in over 90% of the cases, and jury sentencing recommendations even more.


  • 陪审团宣告了无罪判决

    The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.


  • 陪审团宣布判决时候,法庭上听到倒抽了一口气的声音。

    An audible gasp went around the court as the jury announced the verdict.


  • 具有里程碑意义1975年泰勒路易斯安那判决中,最高法院陪审团代表社区所有人意志要求扩大一级

    In the landmark 1975 decision Taylor vs Louisiana, the Supreme Court extended the requirement that juries be representative of all parts of the community to the state level.


  • 如果法官这样选择(中世纪的法官总是男性)在询问几个简单问题以后,甚至可以询问陪审团自己做出判决

    If the judge so chose, he (and it was always' he ') could ask a few simple questions and deliver a verdict himself without ever consulting the jury.


  • 陪审团用了不到一个小时的时间便做出了判决判决林汉有罪处以死刑。

    The jury took barely an hour to return a guilty verdict, and Willingham was sentenced to death.


  • 然后陪审团退出审判庭根据证词Fritzl招供决定他们判决,还有刑期

    The jury will then retire to decide their verdict based on both the evidence and Fritzl's confession, and to determine the sentence.


  • 决定Fritzl终身监禁判决时,陪审团确认是对承认20多年罪行最大惩罚

    By giving Fritzl a life sentence, the jury ensured he received the maximum punishment for the crimes he committed over more than two decades.


  • 在美国加州陪审团判决名中泰瑟枪后死亡男子父母支付620万美元,Taser国际公司便于今年早些时候罕见地在法庭审判中败诉

    The company suffered a rare courtroom loss earlier this year when a Californian jury ordered it to pay $6.2m to the parents of a man who died after being shocked.


  • 瑞德担心陪审团成员们圣诞节精神带到审议当中可能做出判决不给出严厉惩罚

    Reed said she was concerned that jurors might bring the holiday spiritsintosdeliberations and be less likely to convict or hand out harsh punishments.


  • 美国公司们因为害怕陪审团判决巨大赔偿裁定额经常在庭外和解知识产权案件。

    In America, firms often settle intellectual-property cases out of court for fear of enormous awards by juries.


  • 实际上上(投票)取消数千例对罪行较为严厉判决认为这些判决基于法官找到证据,不是按照权利法案要求基于陪审团决定。

    He has voted to strike down literally thousands of harsher criminal sentences because they were based on facts found by judges rather than juries, as required by the Bill of Rights.


  • 但是对于死刑判决必须组织一个法官军事陪审团组成的完整的特别法庭,然后才能对被告进行宣判

    But for capital offences, a full commission composed of judge and military jury must still be convened to convict and sentence the defendant.


  • 因为着装虽然不会决定案子判决但是法官陪审团决定命运。而杰克逊着装却使他显得依然是个艳光四射的明星。

    Wardrobes do not make or break cases, they said, but Mr. Jackson's choices are an important piece of the image projected to the judge and jury who will decide his fate.


  • 供应商过去客户可能过成功实施不过鉴于陪审团尚未做出判决当前正在实施的客户能提供有价值的反馈

    Past customers that the vendor provides were likely successful implementations, but currently implementing customers represent more valuable feedback, since the jury is still out.


  • 去年审判时候类似指控大相径庭,当时只有一项指控(联邦调查局撒谎)成立,其他23项指控陪审团内部意见分歧而宣布判决无效。

    This was a far cry from his trial last year on similar charges, which resulted in a single conviction (lying to the FBI) and a hung jury on 23 other counts.


  • 审判陪审团成员证词判决菲利普·莫里斯公司高额惩罚性赔偿帮助

    After the trial, members of the jury let it be known that her testimony had helped sway their massive punitive damages on Philip Morris.


  • 据公诉人透露美国的一家电子邮件服务商提供了爆炸策划者联络人之间的往来邮件记录,正是这些记录帮助陪审团迅速做出判决

    E-mails among the bombers and their contacts in Pakistan, recovered from servers in America, helped to persuade the jury to convict, say prosecutors.


  • 2007年菲尔案件一审中止陪审团无法取得一致判决意见时候蕾切尔已经斯佩克特夫人了。

    By the time Phil's first trial had been abandoned in 2007 (the jury was unable to reach the required unanimous verdict), Rachelle had become Mrs Spector.


  • 纽约进行审判可能使纽约面临911更为恐怖的袭击;还一些也许质疑一个由纽约人组成的陪审团能否作出公正判决

    Putting it in New York may make the city a bigger terrorist target; some may question whether a jury of New Yorkers can provide a fair trial.


  • 陪审团宣布判决时候,听到法庭上有人倒抽了一口气

    An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.


  • 法庭经常复杂案件中排出使用陪审团——大多数陪审团审判案件都是在天内作出判决的——并且多数被告都选择陪审团审判(bench trial)。

    Courts often exclude complicated cases - most jury trials conclude in a day - and most defendants choose bench trials.


  • 陪审团做出原告有利的判决获得大笔金钱回报。

    The jury finds for the plaintiff and was awarded a large amount of money.


  • 陪审团做出原告有利的判决获得大笔金钱回报。

    The jury finds for the plaintiff and was awarded a large amount of money.


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