• 除英国其他许多国家英语

    English is now spoken in many countries other than England.


  • 成员国去年秋天计划其工业加入温室气体排放津贴时,委员会英国外的所有国家进行了严厉批评。

    When member states put in their plans for emissions allowances for their industry last autumn, the Commission slashed them all except for Britain's.


  • 除英国广播公司(BBC以外广播电台在商业运作上是不可行的因此很可能最终成为业余爱好某种形式播客

    She said that outside the BBC, radio would not be commercially viable and was therefore likely to end up solely in the form of "hobbyist" models such as podcasts.


  • 拍卖本周三英国南部城市沃森举行。 列侬这缕头发外,歌迷还将机会竞拍披头式乐队的一些签名纪念品。

    On Wednesday, fans will have the chance to bid on the hair and Beatles autographed photos and memorabilia when they go up for auction in Worthing, in southern England.


  • 美国英国食品能源外的核心通胀仍旧是温和的。

    Core inflation, which strips out food and energy, remains tame in both Britain and America.


  • 全球学校排名榜上常青藤联盟牛津剑桥大学垄断前三以外英国美国大学占据大部分一百位大学,美国更为突出。

    Look at any of the global rankings and not only do the Ivy League and Oxbridge monopolise the top of the tree, British and (especially) American colleges dominate most of the leading 100 places.


  • 目前280个国家后缀域名.uk代表英国),共有21个通用域名。

    There are currently 21 generic ones in addition to the 280 country suffixes (such as .uk for Britain).


  • 两个地区的犯罪率西欧芬兰比利时法国以外的地区都要尽管包括了苏格兰北爱尔兰之后,英国犯罪率稍稍低于法国)。

    The homicide rate is higher than anywhere in western Europe except Finland, Belgium and indeed France (though Britain edges ahead of France when Scotland and Northern Ireland are included).


  • 英国面临能量短缺:截至2023年,英国一半火力发电站处外的核装置将倒闭北海页岩气耗尽,进口量随之增加。

    Britain faces an energy shortfall: half of its coal-fired power stations and all but one nuclear facility are due to shut by 2023; imports have increased as North Sea reserves run out.


  • 加上英国爱尔兰之外多个国家进口猪肉制品因此英国市场问题猪肉数量并不多。

    Plus the UK gets most of its pork products from countries other than Ireland. So, the amount of affected meat on the market here is minimal.


  • 2007年,中国已经超越日本成为英国美国欧盟之外最大货物输出国。

    China had overtaken Japan in 2007 to become Britain's largest market for goods outside the US and the EU.


  • 美国外,大幅度增长集中英国北欧国家德国mostofthe growthis in…的这层意思还是翻译出来比较准。

    Outside America, most of the growth is in Britain and other north European countries such as Germany.


  • 英国美国之外少数几个真正拥有航空母舰国家之一,可是了不起的。

    The UK's one of the few non-American countries that actually have aircraft carriers which is a pretty big deal.


  • 一些意外收获之外,比如阿德灵顿游泳项目上枚金牌英国其他的奖牌多集中三个坐姿项目上:自行车帆船划艇

    With some exceptions, such as Rebecca Adlington's two golds in the pool, Britain's medals were concentrated in three "sitting-down" sports: cycling, sailing and rowing.


  • 然而却出口大量武器超过英国法国以及美国俄罗斯之外的所有其他国家

    Butt it exports a lot of weapons: more than Britain, France or any other country besides America and Russia.


  • 这点之外,老人需要年青人照顾,尽管先进国家英国技术可对老人提供某些帮助。 20世纪之后,大多数发达国家人的平均寿命已经有了很大的提高(30年以上)。

    Beyond a certain point, the old will need younger people to look after them – although technology is likely to provide some help in advanced countries such as the UK.


  • 浪漫主义时期英国史诗创作极大地丰富了抒情诗以外诗歌类型

    The creation of English epic in Romantic Movement greatly enriched the types of poetry when lyrical poetry used to be the mainstream.


  • 相信对于英国同胞来说,西安北京上海外大家熟悉中国城市

    For my UK compatriots reading this I am sure Xi'an is the one city in China apart from Beijing and Shanghai that you will be most familiar with.


  • 阿屈酸盐来磷酸药物减缓骨质疏松外,用来增强骨密度英国有300万患有骨质疏松。

    The drugs, called alendronate and zoledronic acid, are taken to build bone density and as well as to slow down the progression of osteoporosis, which affects more than 3million people in Britain.


  • 我国贸易往来发达国家日本英国外,均是公约成员国

    The developed countries which have trade relations with our country are all the members of the CISG except Japan and UK.


  • 博德嘉曼纽斯为智利卡莎维迪庄旗下主力葡萄酒品牌之一,智利本土销售外,外销英国美国日本

    Bodega Manriquez is one of the main brands of Casaverdi, a wine company of Chile. Besides the distribution in Chile, the wines are exported to England, America and Japan.


  • 英国关闭紧急航班之外的整个领空,这是前所未有的。

    In an unprecedented move, Britain closes its entire airspace to all but emergency flights.


  • 其他因素外,这会使那些欧洲怀疑论者,尤其是英国加入单一货币可能性大为降低。

    Among other things, it will make Eurosceptic countries, notably Britain, far less likely ever to join the single currency.


  • 其他因素外,这会使那些欧洲怀疑论者,尤其是英国加入单一货币可能性大为降低。

    Among other things, it will make Eurosceptic countries, notably Britain, far less likely ever to join the single currency.


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