• 总的来说,结果1.6%的增长建议因为对于除了中脂奶粉外的所有产品提供量增加了

    Overall the result is better than a 1.6% increase suggests because for all products other than BMP, offer volumes increased.


  • 7比赛除了2场之外,欧洲代表参加。

    Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races.


  • 男性女性工作成见以往任何时候变化更快——也许除了自己的婚姻没有这种情况。

    The old stereotypes of men's and women's work have been changing more quickly than ever before, except perhaps in my own marriage.


  • 除了黑暗时代之外旅游业一直持续发展壮大,并且贯穿有记录以来历史,始终在文明及其经济发展扮演至关重要角色

    Travel, except during the Dark Ages, has continued to grow and, throughout recorded history, has played a vital role in the development of civilisations and their economies.


  • 忘记时间生活除了牛角面包什么都没有

    You lose track of time and there is nothing but the croissant in your life.


  • 除了传统星系宇宙还有一些非常暗淡的星系,直到最近天文学家发现

    In addition to conventional galaxies, the universe contains very dim galaxies that until recently went unnoticed by astronomers.


  • 除了其他艺术品旧石器时代晚期遗址发现了夸张形式表示人类女性雕像

    In addition to other artworks, figurines representing the human female in exaggerated form have also been found at Upper Paleolithic sites.


  • 除了粒石子

    He removed a stone from his shoe.


  • 除了科林看来他们也不适合这个工作

    Colin apart, not one of them seems suitable for the job.


  • 计算机系统除了文件

    He also deleted files from the computer system.


  • 公司补偿金除了这笔款项

    The company deducted this payment from his compensation.


  • 一名入侵者闯入作战指挥部设法电脑文件的17000个名字

    An intruder broke into the campaign headquarters and managed to erase 17,000 names from computer files.


  • 这个过程,你除了一直水槽直到满了以外,你什么做不了。

    There is absolutely nothing you can do while this is going on but keep both eyes fixed on the sink until it's full.


  • 记忆从不除了一次例外。

    In my memory, he never hits me except once.


  • 科技已经除了我们生活许多苦力工作,我们以往任何时候都自由:我们可以穿自己喜欢衣服,点击一下鼠标就可以数百朋友交流

    Technology has cut out much of life's donkeywork, and we have more freedoms than ever: we can wear what we like and communicate with hundreds of friends at once at the click of a mouse.


  • 除了单纯美的标准之外,设计师运动装必须通过其他标准来验证;在名牌运动服设计师生活效仿就是这种关系的简略版本

    Designer sportswear would have to be verified by a standard other than that of pure beauty; the emulation of a designer's life in designer sportswear was a crude version of this relationship.


  • 俄勒冈州波特兰市公立学校大约10%学生经过抽签分配双语课堂除了接受英语教学,还有西班牙语日语教学。

    About 10 percent of students in the Portland, Oregon public schools are assigned by lottery to dual-language classrooms that offer instruction in Spanish, Japanese or Mandarin, alongside English.


  • 也许时候体育术语除了

    Perhaps the time has come to delete it from sports terms.


  • 除了作品包含一些自我参照的暗示之外,历史没有关于荷马记载,也没有该人的可靠传记

    There were no historical records of Homer, and no trustworthy biography of the man exists beyond a few self-referential hints embedded in the texts themselves.


  • 时候这些机构透明化了,也是时候动物园我们文化

    It's past time for transparency with these institutions, and it's past time to eliminate zoos from our culture.


  • 显然找到方法教室管理学硕士认识除了金钱权力名誉私利生活还有更多这些重要的东西。

    I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAs see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self-interest.


  • 造成一种认知盲目性——除了驱动力选择所有的外部因素变得不可见视野淡出

    It creates a kind of cognitive blindnessall of the factors external to a person's drive and choices that they've made become invisible and fade from view.


  • 芭拉·哈格蒂新书《重新设想生活写道:“事实上除了几十年前进行些小规模试点研究外几乎没有确凿证据证明危机存在。”

    "In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago," Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, Life Reimagined.


  • 桑迪·威尔上世纪90年代整合了花旗集团在此过程帮助格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》。

    Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the GlassSteagall act.


  • 桑迪·威尔20世纪90年代整合了花旗集团在此过程帮助格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》。

    Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the Glass-Steagall act.


  • 除了纽约风景之外,景观裸体肖像也是费廷作品反复出现的主题

    Alongside views of New York, landscapes, nudes and portraits are recurring themes in Fetting's work.


  • 除了纽约风景之外,景观裸体肖像也是费廷作品反复出现的主题

    Alongside views of New York, landscapes, nudes and portraits are recurring themes in Fetting's work.


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