• 利用计算机模拟粉末压制过程能有效地缩短设计周期,降低设计成本

    Computer simulation of powder compaction is helpful to speed up the process of designing and manufacturing powder metallurgy components, and saving cost.


  • 系统集成协同策略可以缩短产品开发周期降低设计成本提高企业市场竞争力。

    This collaborative strategy can shorten the period of development, reduce design cost and raise the competitive ability of enterprises in the market.


  • 提高轴流泵总体性能同时降低设计成本缩短设计周期轴流泵设计一个重要目标

    To improve the overall performance, reduce the cost, and shorten the design period is an important target of the design of axial flow pumps.


  • 重点描述定位结构规范化制定非标设计设计规范缩短汽车焊接夹具设计周期降低设计成本

    Especially for describing structure of orientation standardization, establish nonstandard of design into standardization, in order to shorten period of auto welding jigs design, reduce design cost.


  • 数字化管道设计按照管道设计流程引入工作流,较大提高管道设计工作效率设计质量降低设计成本

    The working efficiency and quality of pipeline design may be greatly improved and the design cost may be reduced by introducing workflow in the design of digitalized pipeline.


  • 利用有限元分析程序可以得到满足工程要求数值解,解决工程中的结构分析问题缩短设计周期降低设计成本

    We can get the numerical answer meeting the needs of engineering, solve problems with construction, shorten the period and reduce the cost of design .


  • 研究基于虚拟样机技术过山车安全性问题,旨在解决传统设计弊端有效降低设计成本提高过山车的安全性能。

    Virtual prototype technique was applied to study the safety of roller coaster for solving the defects in its traditional design, reducing its design cost, and improving its safety.


  • 说明了电子设计自动化仿真软件可使电子工程师从事电子产品设计减少设计周期降低设计成本提高产品开发进程等。

    It is proved from EDA that the design cycle and cost are reduced and that the process to develop the products is improved when the electronic engineers are engaged...


  • 因此实现螺杆造型设计工程制图参数化对于提高设计质量缩短设计周期、降低设计成本以及实现CAM项非常有现实意义的工作。

    Therefore, it is significant to implement parametric 3d solid modeling and engineering drawing for improving quality of design, shortening period of design, reducing cost and realizing CAM.


  • 设计用来显著地改善一个组织增加生产力质量降低成本和发布时间,以及增加客户满意度能力

    Designed for guiding dramatic improvements in an organization's ability to increase productivity and quality, reduce costs and time to market, and enhance customer satisfaction.


  • 基于上面概括所有原因消息传送设计模式能够极大地提高开发速度降低成本

    Because of all the reasons outlined above, the messaging design pattern is able to substantially improve the speed of development and reduce cost.


  • 规则架构师承担了通过设计构建简单化可重用组件降低创建维护业务规则总体成本的任务。

    The rules architect is tasked with reducing the overall cost of creating and maintaining business rules by designing and building simplistic and reusable components.


  • 首先要有一个重要应用研究开发项目改善设计降低成本制定灶产业的全球性标准

    First, a major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower costs, and develop global industry standards for cookstoves.


  • J - 10既采用高端航空技术采用了一些可靠的设计降低技术困难成本

    As well as adopting advanced aerospace technologies, the J-10 also USES proven reliable designs to lower the technical difficult and costs.


  • 这些模块设计思路降低分销成本利于分销商顾客根据高度差异化的市场环境调整产品

    These modular sets were explicitly designed to lower distribution costs and make it easy for distributors and customers to tailor the product for highly variable customer environments.


  • 承包商设计很自然地简化建造降低成本这不一定是您居住房屋最佳选择

    Contractors will naturally design for ease of construction and low cost, which are not necessarily the best choices for a building that you plan to live in.


  • CRVS设计显著减少目前装备的高分辨率投影机使用降低采购成本

    The CRVS design also uses significantly fewer projectors than currently fielded high-resolution displays, allowing for lower acquisition and support costs.


  • 图像化地抽象出复杂设计通过自动化软件开发过程进行持续性测试尽早找到缺陷帮助降低成本

    Abstracting complex designs graphically, by automating the software development process and assisting in finding defects early through continual testing - to aid in reducing costs.


  • 为了实现这个公司组织内部设计裁剪面料要求面料只有4种颜色降低成本

    To make this happen, the company designs and cuts its fabric in-house and it acquires fabrics in only four colors to keep costs low.


  • 欧洲举例来说,EasyJet设计一种商业模式通过在线直达客户的方式降低成本

    In Europe, for example, EasyJet designed a business model that allowed them to offer low-cost flights directly online to their customers.


  • 除非索尼增加销量改进设计从而降低成本,否则几年里,索尼一台PS3都会亏本

    Sony will lose money on each PS3 sold for the first couple of years until higher volumes and design improvements reduce costs.


  • 如果预期成本很高他们会调整语句数据库物理设计(常常会添加索引),从而降低预期成本

    If the anticipated cost is high, they tune the statement and the physical design of the database to reduce its anticipated cost, often by adding an index.


  • 需求业务需要发生更改或者需要进行更新时经过良好设计结构合理的系统有助于降低成本

    A well-designed and architected system helps to reduce costs when requirements or business needs change or upgrades need to occur.


  • 有几个款式已经设计中了,为了降低成本还需作进一步努力

    Work is going on on several new designs, and further work will be required to get the costs down.


  • 养成良好编程习惯能够提高设计质量(比如模块化),从而使代码更加容易理解,因此维护就更加容易,同时也降低维护成本

    Establishing good coding habits will enhance design factors like modularity, and your code will be easier to understand and, thus, easier and cheaper to maintain.


  • 汤普金斯说:“梯度折射光学器件根据系统设计不是系统符合光学器件,因此降低了系统体积重量组装成本。”

    GRIN optics can be shaped to fit a system, rather than making the system conform to the optics, resulting in reduced size, weight and assembly cost.


  • 开发过程早期阶段找到设计错误可以显著地降低产品开发的总体成本

    Finding design errors early in the development process reduces the total cost of product development.


  • 开发过程早期阶段找到设计错误可以显著地降低产品开发的总体成本

    Finding design errors early in the development process reduces the total cost of product development.


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