• 审计工作者应采取相应措施降低审计风险

    It is proposed for auditing personnel to adopt corresponding measures to reduce risking in auditing.


  • 因此如何降低审计风险成为一个不容忽视问题

    Therefore how to reduce audit risks has been an indispensable problem.


  • 只有降低审计风险计算机审计优势才能完全发挥出来。

    Only when we reduce the risk can we make full use of computer audit.


  • 因此注重财务报告表信息审计提高经济责任审计评价工作质量降低审计风险

    Accordingly, noticing the audit about financial report form outside information can improve the quality of economic responsibility audit evaluation and reduce the audit risk.


  • 风险导向型审计有效地应用当前人民银行内部审计可以提高审计质量,降低审计风险

    Provided it is effectively applied in the present internal audit of People's Bank of China, audit quality must be improved and audit risk will be definitely reduced.


  • 审计质量审计工作生命线,是有效完成审计任务降低审计风险提高审计效益保证

    Audit quality is life line of audit work, is guarantee for completing audit task effectively, decreasing audit risk, increasing audit efficiency.


  • 提高审计工作质量降低审计风险,需要建立严谨审计质量标准实行严格的同业制度

    Improving the quality of auditing and reducing its risk depend on setting a strict standard for the quality of auditing and carrying on an inter-checking system in the same trade.


  • 最初内部控制关注研究源于外部审计基于降低审计风险而进行的对被审计对象内部控制的评价

    The initially concern and research of the internal control from external audit that based on the targets of reducing the audit risk through evaluate its effectiveness.


  • 只有提高注册会计师职业判断能力才能从根本上降低审计风险从而实现审计目标提高审计质量

    Only improving CPA's professional judgment ability, the audit risk can be reduced fundamentally, thus realize audit goal and improve the quality of audit.


  • 因此我们应该加强审计风险研究探索审计风险管理控制方法不断提高审计质量降低审计风险

    Therefore, we should strengthen research on audit risk, explore ways of audit risk management and control, continue to improve audit quality, and reduce audit risk.


  • 改变审计模式,开展计算机审计提高审计效率,降低审计风险保证审计质量有着十分重要的现实意义

    So it has an important practical significance to change the old audit mode, use the computer technology to improve the audit efficiency and decrease its risk and guarantee its quality.


  • 近年全球爆发一系列财务丑闻事件,审计理论界实务直面如何进行审计风险管理降低审计风险提高审计质量的重大课题。

    A series of financial scandals broken into the world in recent years, which made both the audit theory circle and practice circle thinking about how to manage audit risk and improve the audit quality.


  • 文章审计风险概念模型入手,系统分析电子商务环境下审计风险特征基础上,就降低审计风险对策进行了探讨思考。

    Beginning with the concept of audit risk and model, this paper, on the basis of systematic analysis of characteristics in electronic business, goes into the way to deal with reducing audit risks.


  • 内部审计目的在于减少企业风险降低企业代理成本,使企业价值最大化

    The aims of internal audit are to reduce the risks of enterprises, lower the agent cost of enterprises, maximize the value of enterprises.


  • 通过审计理论研究提高审计质量风险降低接受的水平

    Theory through the audit, to improve audit quality, reduce the risk to an acceptable level.


  • 审计实施过程中,围绕内部控制研究评价,辨析风险使审计风险降低接受水平

    In the process of audit, in order to reduce audit risk to an acceptable level, risk analysis shall be made on the bases of the study and evaluation of internal control.


  • 对于审计者而言,必要采取措施防范降低并购交易阶段审计风险

    As for the auditors, it is necessary to take some measures to precaution and decrease the audit risks in each stage of merger transaction.


  • 通过审计理论研究提高审计质量,把风险降低接受水平

    The audit theory and research to improve the quality of auditing, and reduce the risk to an acceptable level.


  • 未雨绸缪”,预见风险规避风险才能有效降低审计行业潜在现实损失

    To take preventive measures by forecasting and preventing risks can effectively reduce the potential and actual losses of the auditing industry.


  • 增强内审人员风险防范意识,最大限度降低内部审计风险,提高内部审计工作质量内部审计工作当务之急

    To strengthen the risk prevention consciousness of internal audit staff and reduce internal audit risk at maximum extent, it is urgent for internal audit work to raise working quality.


  • 同时审计机关降低财政风险作为工作目标一部分,也有利于改善自身工作,实现对财政资金的高层次监督

    Meanwhile, incorporating the management of fiscal risks into audit goal will no doubt improve the supervision of the public fund.


  • 通过审计理论研究提高审计质量,把风险降低接受的水平会计公司依然可以焕发旺盛的生命力。

    To research audit theory, enhance audit quality and lower the risk to an acceptable lever, accounting company still call be rigorous.


  • 现代审计审计风险控制密不可分只有审计风险降低目标水平之下,才能支持审计单位会计报表意见

    Modern audit and audit risk control are closely related to each other. Auditors opinions to accounting statements cant be supported unless lowering audit risk to the level below target risk.


  • 注册会计师审计担负过滤会计信息风险确保会计信息质量降低会计信息识别成本重任。

    Auditing bears tasks of filtering the risk of accounting information, ensuring the quality of accounting information, reducing the cost of accounting information identification.


  • 审计委员会成员表示他们相信由于内控从紧从严,会计舞弊风险以及财务报表重大报有所降低

    Audit committee members indicate they believe the risk of fraud and materially inaccurate statements is low due to tightened internal controls and increased external auditor scrutiny.


  • 控制措施提高评估判断计算机审计固有风险控制风险正确性降低计算机审计检查风险

    One of the control measure is to increase the correctness of appraising and judging the regular risk and control risk of computer audit, and the other is to decrease the check risk of computer audit.


  • 控制措施提高评估判断计算机审计固有风险控制风险正确性降低计算机审计检查风险

    One of the control measure is to increase the correctness of appraising and judging the regular risk and control risk of computer audit, and the other is to decrease the check risk of computer audit.


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