• 盒马鲜生采购经理慧芳带领八人团队访问卢旺达期间,他们还帮慧芳行人研究是否可能生产出适合中国人口味的辣椒产品。

    They also helped Hema Xiansheng's purchasing manager, Chen Huifang, when she led a team of eight to visit Rwanda to research the possibilities of making hot pepper products that suit Chinese preferences.


  • 意想不到的是,这个古老游戏居然引起群人兴趣已经1000学生加入了这个社团

    To Chen's surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd more than 1,000 students have joined the club.


  • 有一件事无法否认,不管是桥上涂的黄油还是,都无法阻止自杀者到来:既是如此,待在这里到底又什么意义

    The irrefutable truth was that nothing-neither butter nor Mr. Chen-would dissuade the jumpers from coming: So what was the point of being here at all?


  • 灵芝刚几个每个月都要得疟疾感染上伤寒差点要命。

    There is no running water in the hospital. In the first couple of months since her arrival, she was infected with malaria almost every month.


  • 对待自杀倾向的女性办法哭出来因为这样往往就能打破紧张气氛,情感被宣泄出来就会抓住她的,拥着她离开桥边。

    If the potential jumper was a woman Mr. Chen's strategy was to try to bring her to tears for that often broke the tension and once emotion poured forth he might grab for her hand and huddle her away.


  • 架鱼食投放器正在给海平(音译)拥九个鱼塘中的个投放谷物饲料。 鱼塘广东省遂溪县,足球场般大小。

    The fish-feeder is tossing grain pellets into one of Chen Haiping's nine fish ponds, each as long as a football field, in the town of Shuixi, in China's Guangdong province.


  • 成功在金融寒冬下就业难大学生好的启示创业资本、社会经验少,但是,年轻人最大优点在于梦想激情想法

    Chen's success give those grads a hint: Without money and social experience, the most distinguish advantage of young grads is their ideas as well as dreams.


  • 其他责任心孕妇样,(化名)希望出生孩子最好条件。

    Like any responsible pregnant woman, Chen Lei (not her real name) wants the best for her unborn child.


  • 有一派出去的探子回来报告,说仓守将郝昭病重

    One day, a scout came back to report that Hao Zhao was seriously ill. Zhuge Liang thought that the chance had come at last.


  • 现在我们翻译苏珊——她南京长在美国——还有一突然出现加入我们老石,他寡言少语,看上去的好朋友

    Our party now included my translator -susan-who was born in Nanjing but raised in the u.s.-and a wordless man who had suddenly appeared ostensibly a close friend of Mr. Chen's called Mr. Shi.


  • 我们说说话你好新的书包真的它是什么颜色的。

    Let's talk Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. Really? What colour is.


  • 你好新的书包

    Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.


  • 我们说说话你好新的书包

    Let's talk Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.


  • 由于两位弟子得到上师菩萨的感应指点,出版书写篇短短的前言

    Due to inspirational guidances from Guru Chen and Wei Tuo Bodhisattva as received by two disciples, I had written a short foreword for this coming book.


  • 每个人都想要简要语言描述看到啤酒的脸感觉口袋上微笑不会选集而失望

    Anyone wanting a mystery with condensed descriptive language, equating faces with stale beer or smiles felt in pockets, won't be disappointed by the Omnibus.


  • 表示些能干学生可能礼貌地询问是否可能稍稍提高工资标准不能完全指望

    Chen says capable students may politely ask if it's possible to raise the bar a little, but they can't count on that.


  • 地理上构造倾斜而下感觉

    Chen Jia Pu Village North High South low geographical structure so that people have a feeling of tilt.


  • 房产中介全新厨房有一间十二英尺高的客厅可放两车的车库。(王青)。

    Realtor: it has a brand new kitchen. And a living room with a twelve-foot ceiling and a two-car garage.


  • 知道太太。我二十二楼单位,观景好得多了

    I See, Mrs. Chen. I have another unit on the twenty-second floor. The view is much better.


  • 志愿者负责人晓雷由于知名度很高代表参会今年他们的培训已经得到加强

    Chen Xiaolei, who is in charge of the volunteers, said their training has been stepped up this year due to the presence of several high-profile delegates.


  • 明白太太。我二十二楼的写字间,观景好多了。

    I see, Mrs. Chen. I have another unit on the twenty-second floor. The view is much better.


  • 前往世界最高峰途中,具具登山者遗骸似乎在提醒攀登珠峰多么艰难

    On Chen Chen's route to the highest peak of the world, corpses of mountaineers served as a reminder of how tough it is to climb Qomolangma.


  • 记得我们下乡劳动不幸被个县里参加劳动的干部不小心碰伤了左眼眶。

    She taught mathematics, and her name was Chen as I remember. One time she led us to the countryside to take part in labor training.


  • 认识那个男人吗?就是爸爸。他的名字张松。他看起来不是很高而且有一点点

    My father Do you know the man? He is my father. His name is Chen Zhangsong. He looks like is not very tall, and he is fat a little.


  • 认识那个男人吗?就是爸爸。他的名字张松。他看起来不是很高而且有一点点

    My father Do you know the man? He is my father. His name is Chen Zhangsong. He looks like is not very tall, and he is fat a little.


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