• 虽然那些希望着跟达成期盼已久协议的人们达成经贸协议会有巨大收益,但其他人担心将减少大量就业机会。

    While those in favor of the much-anticipated deal with Taiwan’s giant neighbor say there will be massive gains, others fear it will wipe out jobs on a huge scale.


  • 奥斯协议不是个真正的协议达成一项协议的协议。” 布莱尔

    Oslo [the accords] was not an agreement, it was agreement to have an agreement, " he says.


  • 1993年以色列巴勒斯坦人达成奥斯协议,一般来说以阿关系还是令人愉快的。

    Relations with the Arabs at large brightened after the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestinians in 1993.


  • 一侧苏丹卫生官员内罗毕和平协定达成之后,正在着手合作北部南部儿童进行免疫接种。

    On the other side of the continent, Sudanese health officials in the wake of the Nairobi peace accord are cooperating to immunize children in both the north and south.


  • 2005年,高通竞争对手用户提出申诉,但那时起,申诉者就撤诉,因为他们中的一个高通达成和解方案

    In 2005 six of Qualcomm's rivals and customers lodged the complaints, which have since been withdrawn as each reached a favourable settlement with the company.


  • 协议双方奥斯举行秘密谈判达成,在就职前不久我们被告知了他们正在谈判的消息。

    It was achieved in secret talks the parties held in Oslo, which we were informed of shortly before I took office.


  • 为什么决定支持奥斯谈判赞同谈判达成协议

    I asked him why he had decided to support the Oslo talks and the agreement they produced.


  • 准备宣布自己胜利者时候,几乎整个非洲大,更不用说世界上其它国家都已经达成共识,决不允许他掌权。

    Just as he is poised to declare himself the winner, almost the entire continent—not to mention the rest of the worldhas come to believe that he cannot be allowed to stay in office (see article).


  • 准备宣布自己胜利者时候,几乎整个非洲,更不用说世界上的其它国家,都已经达成共识,决不允许他掌权。

    Just as he is poised to declare himself the winner, almost the entire continent-not to mention the rest of the world-has come to believe that he cannot be allowed to stay in office (see article).


  • 去年年底微软聘用雅虎搜索业务主管奇出任互联网业务主管视作微软为保证家公司任何可能达成交易的顺利完成而采取的行动。

    Microsoft hired Qi Lu, Yahoo's former search chief, late last year to head its online operations, a move that was seen as a way to smooth any potential deal between the companies.


  • 非洲大其它国家建造更多发电站需求很早以前就达成共识,十九世纪七十年代八十年代多次尝试都终告失败

    The need for more power stations in the rest of the continent has long been recognised, but most of the attempts at electrification in the 1970s and the 1980s failed.


  • 1993年奥斯协议达成之后的十几年间,(中东)已经发生了那么流血事件;作者坚称:“严峻的障碍双方存有不信任感。”

    So much blood has been shed in the years since the 1993 Oslo accords that, the authors insist, "the most formidable obstacle is the disbelief that exists on both sides".


  • 美国联合航空公司航空公司达成并购协议,组建世界上最大的航空公司。

    US-based United Airlines and Continental Airlines have a GREed a deal to merge, creating the world's biggest carrier.


  • 美国日本达成协议撤离数千驻扎在冲绳岛上海军战队。

    The United States and Japan have reached a deal to move thousands of us Marines from the island of Okinawa.


  • 美国联合航空公司航空公司达成并购协议组建世界上最大的航空公司。

    US-based United Airlines and Continental Airlines have agreed a deal to merge, creating the world's biggest carrier.


  • 本周,各投行开始续发布2011年展望,这可能让形势略微明朗一些——达成共识的可能性似乎不大。

    The major investment Banks start putting out their 2011 outlooks this week, which could provide a bit more clarity - but a consensus looks unlikely.


  • 本周,各投行开始续发布2011年展望,这可能让形势略微明朗一些——达成共识的可能性似乎不大。

    The major investment Banks start putting out their 2011 outlooks this week, which could provide a bit more clarity - but a consensus looks unlikely.


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