• 飞机陆角速度太快。

    The plane's angle and speed of approach were too great.


  • 新大蝰,空心毒牙对热敏感的凹槽。

    New World vipers with hollow fangs and a heat-sensitive pit on each side of the head.


  • 生存机会跟着是成反比例的。大的着陆角度,小的生存机会…

    The robability of survival is inversely roportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small robability of survival and vice versa.


  • 生存机会跟着成反比例的。度,的生存机会,反之亦然

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the Angle of arrival. Large Angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa.


  • 现在即使是计划最大的支持者也在谈论面临债务人口减少增长百慕大的话题。

    Now even the project's greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a "Bermuda triangle" of debt, population decline and lower growth.


  • 所有品种上部形成一个紧密;所有的龟都聚集的下方。

    All the land tortoise species formed a tight cluster of points in the upper part of the triangle; all the water turtles cluster in the lower part of the triangular graph.


  • 羚与羚羊亲缘关系,但却形似羚羊,它新大速度最快哺乳动物

    The pronghorn, which resembles an antelope, though they are unrelated, is the fastest land mammal of the New World.


  • 可以肯定的是,这些两栖物种数据出现接近坐标中间的位置,位于水栖海龟乌龟的坐标点之间。

    Sure enough, these amphibious species show up on the triangular graph approximately half way between the "wet cluster" of sea turtles and the "dry cluster" of land tortoises.


  • 布罗位于地中海,距巴塞罗那南部小时车程,当地稻米年产量是1.2亿公斤欧洲重要稻米产区之一。

    Located on the Mediterranean just two hours south of Barcelona, the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year, making it one of the continent's most important rice-growing areas.


  • 泰瓦罗瓦世界上唯一处信天翁繁殖基地,据称,过去70年里该地发生过雌鸟共同筑巢的先例。

    Taiaroa Head - the only mainland albatross breeding colony in the world - has recorded only two previous instances of females setting up a nest together in the past 70 years.


  • 按照大楼要求,夜间任务包括广泛地面作战起飞以及黑暗笼罩下目标视觉辨认

    According to the Pentagon, night missions include extensive ground operations, takeoffs and landings, and the visual identification of targets, all of which occur in the cover of darkness.


  • 因此,该集团的上海业务一个混合体,既服务于毗邻的内地区,又通过卡车铁路驳船集装箱运至长江其它地区。

    As a result, Shanghai's business is a mix between serving its immediate hinterland and trans-shipping containers to travel by truck, rail or barge elsewhere in the Yangtze Delta.


  • 为了和合并后的西北竞争打造一个强大稳定美国航空业联合航空和航空,或者美国航空和全美航空,可能不得不采取同样的策略

    To compete with a merged Delta and Northwest, and forge a strong and stable American airline industry, United and Continental or American and us Airways may be urged to make a similar move.


  • 开始时拥有吉姆·雷诺战队,处于地图西南(位置1),回水基地市郊

    You start with Jim Raynor and five Marines in the southwest corner of the map (1) on the outskirts of the Backwater Station mining operation.


  • 美洲羚羊称叉典型草原动物。

    Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.


  • 海军战队上校大楼发言人之一戴夫·拉潘星期一说这次未经授权文件泄露事件曼宁被列为嫌疑犯

    Marine Col. Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said Monday that Manning has "neither been ruled in or ruled out" as a suspect in the new unauthorized disclosure of documents.


  • 一个障碍,则制成品出口成本复杂度——相比于重庆这样城市珠三地区拥有靠近港口的优势。

    A further obstacle is the cost and complexity of exporting finished products - the delta provides quicker access to ports than cities such as Chongqing.


  • 原本密西西比河冲刷一端松土同时一端沉积着,现在因为预防洪水改道了,因此会有被河水冲走

    The Mississippi River, which used to sweep up dirt in one stretch of the delta only to deposit it in another, has now been channelled, for flood-prevention, to wash the land into the sea.


  • 随着大楼未来10年面对5 ~ 10%的预算削减,就需要从其他地方划出经费用于扩充海军空军,这个地方就是美国军。

    But with Pentagon spending facing a 5 to 10 percent cut over the next decade, something else is going to have to pay for such an expensive expansion in naval and air power.That something is the U.S..


  • 而现在甚至事业优秀的支持者们也谈及一个已被债务人口下降经济增长偏低所组成的“百慕大”包围。

    Now even the project’s greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a “Bermuda triangle” of debt, demographic decline and lower growth.


  • 由于我们地处长江,因此我们依托内运输码头,”陈戌表示

    "We are a kind of hinterland-based trans-shipment port because we're based on the Yangtze River Delta," Mr Chen says.


  • 中的兽--独鲸只拥有实际上是一个巨型的),因此中世纪观点表示:既然有独兽生活海中,那么同样会生活地上

    The narwhal has a single horn (actually a giant protruding tooth) and if unicorns existed in the sea, went the argument in medieval times, surely they also existed on land.


  • 06年9月21日,佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔亚特兰蒂斯航天飞机被进OPF(OrbiterProcessingFacility对航天飞机进行维护的机库)

    The space shuttle Atlantis is towed to the Orbiter Processing Facility after landing at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida September 21, 2006.


  • 每个

    Every man is a piece of the continent.


  • 流入大海江河冲积形成

    There into the sea on the continental shelf of alluvial river delta formation.


  • 此刻我们踏足于广袤南极跋涉积雪之上,印出一排排新鲜的足迹——这里就是蕴藏世界丰富淡水资源的大

    As we trekked through the snow, ours were the only footprints, and we stood on the tip of a vast continent where most of the world's freshwater is stored.


  • 美国大楼明年日本一个美国海军战队基地派遣16隐形战斗机

    The Pentagon is sending a total of 16 stealth fighter jets next year to a Marine Corps base in Japan.


  • 美洲羚羊称叉羚,典型草原动物。

    The american antelope or prong horn is typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent.


  • 美洲羚羊称叉羚,典型草原动物。

    The american antelope or prong horn is typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent.


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