• 位于准噶尔盆地腹部陆西地区有大面积的火山岩分布显示出良好油气勘探前景

    Volcanic rocks are widely distributed in the Luxi area in the central Junggar Basin and show great potential of petroleum exploration.


  • 独自一人西横越整个非洲

    He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west.


  • 这份计划一位心理战部门服役的吐尔逊·西塞克上校签署,它要求潜伏于AK党内特务用语言和行动在该党内部挑拨离间。

    Signed by Dursun Cicek, a colonel serving in the army's psychological warfare unit, the plan calls for “mobilising agentswithin AK to discredit the party through their actions and words.


  • 从轻方面来看,至少让卡扎菲的军会受到西以及其他叛变地区回击,当然这是以平民保护下免受攻击为前提的。

    At the very least, his ground forces will need to be pushed back from Benghazi and other rebel areas, if civilians are to be protected from attack.


  • 离开亚洲年之后买了价格不贵自行车借了筐,就开始了由西穿越美洲的自行车之旅。

    One year away from Asia, I bought an inexpensive bicycle, borrowed some panniers, and rode across the American continent, west to east.


  • 图像归美国宇航局所有,西·艾伦创建使用过程分布式数据档案中心(LPDAAC)所提供的数据。

    NASA images created by Jesse Allen, using data obtained from the using data provided by the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC).


  • 慕拉诺的含碱玻璃不同,波西米亚英国的玻璃制品冷却可以进行雕刻切割,由此,风靡欧洲大

    Unlike Venice’s soda glass, potassium and lead glass lent themselves well to engraving and cutting when cold, and became fashionable throughout Europe.


  • 硕士论文是写弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉

    Mr. Lu wrote his master's thesis on Francis Ford Coppola.


  • 直升机制造商西科斯基尚未承认这架直升机是否是他们的,美国特种作战司令部同样未予确认

    The helicopter's producer, Sikorsky, hasn't acknowledged that the helicopter is one of theirs, and the U.S. Army's Special Operations Command hasn't confirmed it either (and won't).


  • 太平洋温暖的洋流使得西吹过海风变得温暖

    Sea winds that blow inland from the west are warmed by a current of warm water that flows through the Pacific Ocean.


  • 1809年9月21日英国大臣外交大臣伦敦附近普特西斯相逢,展开决斗

    On SEPTEMBER 21st 1809, the British secretary of state for war and the secretary of state for foreign affairs met on Putney Heath near London to fight a duel.


  • 白俄罗斯一个国家,位于东欧平原,东、北与俄罗斯联邦为邻,南与乌克兰接壤西波兰立陶宛拉脱维亚毗邻

    Belarus is a landlocked nation-state in Eastern Europe that borders Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia.


  • 1862年2月上尉托马斯·弗朗西斯·米格尔(ThomasFrancis Meagher)成为爱尔兰(初期)准将

    In February 1862, an Army captain named Thomas Francis Meagher became the Brigadier General of the nascent Irish Brigade.


  • 福克斯生于田纳西佛罗里达西(Port StLucie)长大。她一位成功模特,后来荧屏,在2006年的电视剧希望忠诚》(Hopeand Faith)获得了固定戏份后。

    Born in Tennessee and brought up in Port st Lucie, Florida, Fox was a successful model before landing a regular stint in the television series Hope and Faith in 2006.


  • NASA地球大观图片西·艾伦罗伯特·西NASA 对地观测卫星小组高级地成像仪提供文字说明由米琼·斯科特编篡。

    NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, using EO-1 ALI data provided courtesy of the NASA EO-1 team. Caption by Michon Scott.


  • Breivik注册地址西奥斯四层的公寓楼,星期六一大早,就一辆警车在了这栋砖墙建筑门口,并有一名警员把住了出口。

    Breivik's registered address is at a four-storey apartment building in western Oslo. A police car was parked outside the brick building early Saturday, with officers protecting the entrance.


  • “这个仪式让人印象非常深刻,”参加了仪式的安德鲁·费斯汀(AndrewFesting)。他父亲弗朗西斯·费斯汀(Francis Festing)是元帅,曾担任同盟国缅甸战役中的指挥官。

    "It was a very impressive performance," said Andrew Festing, son of Field Marshal Sir Francis Festing, a commander in the Allies' Burma campaign, who attended the ceremony.


  • 美国航太总署地球大观,制图:杰西·艾伦(Jesse Allen)罗伯特·西蒙(RobertSimmon),使用了由美国航太总署地球观测1号小组提供地球观测1号卫星的高级地成像仪的数据

    NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, using EO-1 ALI data provided courtesy of the NASA EO-1 team.


  • 这些庞大动物走出水面后,他们确实要损毁庄稼晚上它们地上西走,植物

    These large animals do destroy crops when they come out of the water. At night they walk about and eat vegetation on land.


  • 地质学家声称,在澳洲以东发现新大西兰洲

    Geologists claim to have discovered a new continent to the east of Australia: Zealandia.


  • 研究西昆仑山前寒武纪增生构造演化提供了重要地质资料

    This study supplies new geological data for research of the early Precambrian crust growth and tectonic evolution of Western Kunlun.


  • 关于中国浙江省丽水市缙云新建镇笕川西源庵”邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Xin Jian Zhen Jian Chuan Cun Xi Yuan An , Jinyun County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 近日运用卫星技术海底重力地图后发现,西兰洲一整块大,具备了所有四个要素

    A recent discovery using satellite technology and gravity maps of the sea floor have revealed that Zealandia is a large unified area, fulfilling all four requirements.


  • 说明西金乌兰构造混杂羌塘块上裂解形成的。

    Suggests that the Xijir Ulan structure belt is splitting from Qiangtang massif.


  • 罗素对英西这些国家来说,殖民开发新大首要政策。

    JR: The colonization of the New World is a major priority for nations such as Britain, France, and Spain.


  • 混乱西没有共同君主群雄混战武力生存下去唯一本钱,制霸天下,是一代代强者梦想

    The chaos XiChuan mainland have no common monarch, challenge and up and scuffle, force is the only capital survive, the world is made of the strong, generation dream.


  • 麦克西将军最初接到的命令纳尔维克后,应该迅速耶利·瓦勒铁矿区推进

    General Mackesy's original orders had been that, after landing at Narvik, he should push rapidly on to Gellivare orefield.


  • 麦克西将军最初接到的命令纳尔维克后,应该迅速耶利·瓦勒铁矿区推进

    General Mackesy's original orders had been that, after landing at Narvik, he should push rapidly on to Gellivare orefield.


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