• 哥伦布发现美之前大洋无可争议地存在着种在新大驯化红薯有时用来支持Heyerdahl太平洋上的印第安人理论

    The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support Heyerdahl's "American Indians in the Pacific" theories.


  • 事实上塔斯马尼亚岛上看到一些几何图形镌刻遗址,该岛大约一万年前分离出来

    Indeed, sites with engravings of geometric shapes are also to be found on the island of Tasmania, which was separated from the mainland of the continent some 10,000 years ago.


  • 近代探险队已经绿色冰山中带回了一些冰块样本,这些样本呈垂直圆柱状,是沿着南极冰川冰架从极的位置中取出的。

    Recent expeditions have taken ice samples from green icebergs and ice coresvertical, cylindrical ice samples reaching down to great depths—from the glacial ice shelves along the Antarctic continent.


  • 这种物质覆盖区域十分巨大,因此使其沉积下来的冰一定格陵兰岛南极更大冰川

    The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica.


  • 驻扎南极需要适应地球上干燥、风最大最冷生活

    Being stationed in Antarctica involves adapting to life on the planet's driest, windiest and coldest continent.


  • 布罗三角位于地中海,距巴塞罗那南部小时车程,当地稻米年产量是1.2亿公斤重要稻米产区之一。

    Located on the Mediterranean just two hours south of Barcelona, the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year, making it one of the continent's most important rice-growing areas.


  • 除了南极在世界上所有地上

    I live on all the continents except Antarctica.


  • 我们正在寻找各种方法推后我们知道各种限制一些最近发现阿根廷现在传播到了一个除了南极有一个自我导向的机器人科学家搞出了一个发明。

    We're finding all kinds of ways to push back the limits of what we know. Some recent discoveries: There's an ant colony from Argentina that has now spread to every continent but Antarctica.


  • 南极遗产信托摩根表示,这间小屋其他处一起都是南极首个人类定居点

    The hut and three others nearby were the first human dwellings on the continent, according to Antarctic Heritage Trust's Morgan.


  • 因此,该集团的上海业务一个混合体,既服务于毗邻的内地区,又通过卡车铁路驳船集装箱运至长江三角其它地区。

    As a result, Shanghai's business is a mix between serving its immediate hinterland and trans-shipping containers to travel by truck, rail or barge elsewhere in the Yangtze Delta.


  • 为了和合并后的三角西北竞争打造一个强大稳定美国航空业联合航空和航空,或者美国航空和全美航空,可能不得不采取同样的策略

    To compete with a merged Delta and Northwest, and forge a strong and stable American airline industry, United and Continental or American and us Airways may be urged to make a similar move.


  • 南极不是国家而是一个人类从未接触过地方

    It's not a country, but it is a continent - and Antarctica is a truly untouched place.


  • 远征科学家发现南极并不总是一个冰天雪地

    Expedition scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent.


  • 首先南极地下一定能与其它几个主要媲美矿产资源

    First, Antarctica is bound to have mineral resources comparable to those of other great continents.


  • 原本密西西比河冲刷三角一端松土同时一端沉积着,现在因为预防洪水改道了,因此会有被河水冲走

    The Mississippi River, which used to sweep up dirt in one stretch of the delta only to deposit it in another, has now been channelled, for flood-prevention, to wash the land into the sea.


  • 澳大利亚联邦位于南半球包含了位于世界最小大洋澳大利亚大南部印度洋太平洋一些岛屿

    The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world"s smallest continent and a number of islands in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans.


  • 马拉维是非一个小国,也是贫穷的国家之一,为了有效帮助当地农民提高粮食产量,他们新道路,引进新的农业技术

    Malawi, a small landlocked country in Africa and one of the continent's poorest nations, has helped its farmers become more productive by building roads and introducing new farming techniques.


  • 故事本身简单,讲的是哈佛毕业生了解到卡拉因(南极附近)一个叫艾兰迪尔小国文化后发生的故事。

    The story itself is simple, following a Harvard graduates as he learns about the culture of Islandia, a small nation on the Karain continent (near Antarctica).


  • 南极地球上最干燥也是有最多冰这里进行着一些可以说是这个星球上最为重要最为野心勃勃的科学计划

    The coldest, driest, and iciest of Earth's continents, Antarctica is home to some of the most important and ambitious science projects on the planet.


  • 登上这片土地220之后世界第二干旱(排南极后面)正在耗尽它的地表水

    After 220 years of European settlement, the world's second-dryest continent (after Antarctica) is running out of surface water.


  • 依附南极生存只有很少的一些昆虫地衣苔藓

    On the continent itself are a few insects, some lichens and mosses, but nothing else that is land supported.


  • 科勒曼说,除了南极以外所有都能相当容易地找到大量橄榄岩。

    Peridotite occurs in sizable and accessible quantities on every continent except Antarctica, according to Kelemen.


  • 由于我们地处长江三角,因此我们依托内运输码头,”陈戌表示

    "We are a kind of hinterland-based trans-shipment port because we're based on the Yangtze River Delta," Mr Chen says.


  • 除了南极片大都能发现害虫烟粉的踪迹。

    Whiteflies are pests in every continent that they are found in-and they are found in every continent except Antarctica.


  • 在这里,生长着南极本地植物地衣藻类以及苔藓

    Here Antarctica's endemic plants dwell: lichens, terrestrial algae, and mosses.


  • 如今,世界剩下南极部分不受任何国家的主权管辖。 因此,当代建国者的思维必须更加富有创造性

    With only a portion of Antarctica now lying unclaimed, recent nation-builders have had to think more creatively.


  • 10月31日学术杂志自然地理科学》文章称有证据证明唯一保持气候稳定南极进入变暖期。

    On October 31st a paper in Nature Geoscience, an academic journal, announced evidence of warming in Antarctica, until now the only continent where temperatures had stayed constant.


  • 许多国家已经承受着水资源不足压力人均水资源占有率低于全球南极以外的任何一个大(2)。

    Many Asian nations are already under water stress, and the Asian continent has the lowest per-capita water allocation of any continent save Antarctica. [2].


  • 一份以24000科学论文为基础报告称,拓荒以及森林的过度砍伐已经成为大洋地区动植物最大威胁

    Land clearing and overlogging of forests have been highlighted as the greatest threats to land-based flora and fauna in the Oceania region, according to a review of 24, 000 scientific papers.


  • 一份以24000科学论文为基础报告称,拓荒以及森林的过度砍伐已经成为大洋地区动植物最大威胁

    Land clearing and overlogging of forests have been highlighted as the greatest threats to land-based flora and fauna in the Oceania region, according to a review of 24, 000 scientific papers.


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