• 直到6个小时飞机,他们醒来。

    The didn't wake up until six hours later when the plane was landing.


  • 直到最近发现的化石显然是介于哺乳动物之间过渡物种。

    Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans.


  • 研究人员说,大麦一个意外发现这种作物生长欧亚大西部,直到大约两千成为中国中部地区的主食

    Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn't become a staple food in central China until about 2,000 years ago, according to the researchers.


  • 研究人员说,大麦一个意外的发现这种作物欧亚西部引进,直到大约2000年前成为中国中部地区的主食

    Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn't become a staple food in central China until about 2, 000 years ago, according to the researchers.


  • 沃尔特·里德医疗中心实习,那里工作多年今年胡德的达纳尔医疗中心。

    He did a residency at Walter Reed Medical Center and worked there for years before a transfer to the Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Hood this year.


  • 然而,在拉皮塔人后代驾船驶出视线之外举目四望是空荡荡地平线后,真正冒险刚刚开始

    The real adventure didn't begin, however, until their Lapita descendants sailed out of sight of land, with empty horizons on every side.


  • 直到夏令营即将结束一天朋友们的父母开始到达的时候,意识到自己多么想念爸爸妈妈

    It wasn't until the last day of summer camp, when my friends' parents began to arrive, that I realized how much I had missed Mom and Dad.


  • 我们奥斯机场等了好几个小时知道飞机找到了几个过去

    We were stranded at Heathrow Airport for hours until the airline found some ash hole to fly through.


  • 宣誓忠于在诺曼底时丧身泥泞杀场的战士,因为有他们得以自由

    I pledge allegiance to the boys who died in the mud at Normandy so I could be free.


  • 比较原始人到非洲要晚的多,我们祖先只是一千万年前欧亚来到这里。

    The hominids, in contrast, are only newly African, our ancestors having arrived on the continent from Eurasia a mere ten million years ago.


  • 如果红眼航班上,或者需要解决时区差问题,考虑飞机上适应时间改变而不是着需要你精神抖擞的时候调节。

    If you're on the red-eye or dealing with time-zone changes, consider handling the time change on the plane versus on the ground when you need to be productive.


  • 作为对比,五个西点军校毕业生只有一个认为今日在量使用方面

    In contrast, only one in five of the West Point graduates thinks the Army today does a good job matching talents with jobs.


  • 英国塞拉利昂的一支巡逻队犹豫是否该攻击一些不到15岁儿童 而沦为这些RUF儿童兵的俘虏之后正式认识到了这个问题

    The British Army only recognized the problem after one of its patrols was captured by child RUF soldiers in Sierra Leone, having been hesitant to attack the under-15-year-olds.


  • 也许是恐惧愤怒的影响,海军战队可能开了枪之后做出询问结果令一些妇女儿童丢了性命”。

    Influenced perhaps by fear or anger, the marines may have "shot first and asked questions later, and women and children died as a result," he says.


  • 对于水运保险目前索赔数据输入每月更新一次,从而导致保险数据不准确

    For the Inland Marine underwriting, currently the claims data feed is only updated monthly, which can lead to inaccurate underwriting data.


  • 因为信息技术,美国银行零售商得以巨大上全力推广信贷和杂货

    Thanks to IT, America's banks and retailers have taken fuller advantage of huge continental markets for mortgages and groceries.


  • 它们那些庞大的多引擎的客机,会继续滑行三、四十分钟只是在它们企图毁的。

    They glide on, the enormous multi-engined passenger jets, for thirty, forty-five minutes, only to smash themselves up when they attempt a landing.


  • 大家集体身着黄褐色军军装、深蓝色的海军空军军装,这次聚会酝酿出一种力量

    It was collectively, in its clumps of khaki, navy and air force blue, that the congregation had its force.


  • 只有第一个演讲者开始谈论压力它的毁灭性后果时,他们续将眼光集中演讲台上。

    As the opening speaker began speaking about stress and burnout, only gradually did they raise their eyes to the podium.


  • 五个星期几乎自己的船员抛弃,他们看到结束了他们漫长旅途

    Five weeks later, after almost being thrown overboard by his own crew, the long voyage would come to an end when land was sighted.


  • 不过保护快速奔驰的交通工具例如军用时,这种炫目伪装起到一定作用

    Dazzle camouflage might well, however, have a role in protecting faster-moving vehicles, such as military Land Rovers.


  • 救援团队抵达然而的旅程同样艰难直到四月底,那些最后幸存者真正安全

    Three more rescue parties arrived to help, but the return to Sutter's Fort proved equally harrowing, and the last survivors didn't reach safety until late April.


  • 没能通过桑德·霍斯特(英国军官校所在地)军事学院入学考试第三极为勉强地被接受

    He also failed the entrance test to Sandhurst Military College twice and scraped through on the third attempt.


  • 格兰特主力经过三个星期到达汽船点。

    It took three weeks for Grant's men to reach the steamboat landing. The roads were very rough.


  • 直到至少1千万以后我们发现了脊椎动物地上足迹这次原始两栖动物ichthyostegalians,我们都是由它最终进化而来。

    It wasn't until at least another 10 million years later that we got footprints from vertebrates on land again, this time from the ichthyostegalians, the proto-amphibians we're all descended from.


  • 还有一次事故也是发生上世纪八十年代当时英国航空公司的架波音747客机也是飞入之中,沙砾全都喷在挡风玻璃之上,飞行员只能面朝侧飞机安全

    In another incident in the 1980s, a British Airways 747 flew into a dust cloud and the grit sandblasted the windscreen. The pilot had to look out a side window to land safely.


  • 直到现在德国开始慢慢接受土耳其其他国家外来劳工概念上世纪50年代以后,外来劳工前来,并且准备此定居

    Only now are Germans getting used to the idea that “guest workers” from Turkey and elsewhere, who arrived from the 1950s onwards, are going to stay.


  • 直到现在德国开始慢慢接受土耳其其他国家外来劳工概念上世纪50年代以后,外来劳工前来,并且准备此定居

    Only now are Germans getting used to the idea that “guest workers” from Turkey and elsewhere, who arrived from the 1950s onwards, are going to stay.


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