• —雅曼苏岛弧发生阶段的广阔海上

    The Aqishan-Yamansu island-arc belt occurred on a wide continental shelf sea in the Visean Stage.


  • 竞争工作加州美国海军战队地面战斗中心进行,该中心东部莫哈韦沙漠地区拥有数量众多的设备

    The competition will be at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif. — a vast installation in the Mojave Desert region east of Los Angeles.


  • 2004年子午平原,机器人机遇开始最长危险的游历目前它正意图在明年某个时候到达巨大奋进环形

    Landing in 2004 in Meridiani Planum, the robotic Opportunity has embarked on its longest and most dangerous trek yet, now aiming to reach large Endeavor Crater sometime next year.


  • 甲虫距离穿越北美又近了一步同时也使得东部松林呈现出与近些年来的西一样的满目疮痍的凄凉景象。

    The mountain pine beetle is one step closer to crossing North America and turning eastern pine forests into the same bleak landscapes that have scarred the Mountain West in recent years.


  • 因为土地继续被非法占用,加上公路通向了城市大部分村民续走出了太行

    Most villagers are leaving Mount Taihang as exploitation of the land continues and new roads connect them to cities.


  • 此外明星张一(18岁)今秋进入北京电影学院就读

    Also, mainland starlet Zhang Yishan, 18, is going to Beijing Film Academy this autumn.


  • 装满英国海军战队突击队员的救生船包围了“基督”号,另外还有辆直升机盘旋在上空。

    Rubber boats with British marine commandos on board circled the Montecristo, while a helicopter hovered above.


  • 史丹福和他的同事布鲁斯·布莱德利是这样认为的。而且最近弗吉尼亚的仙人掌——这里可能是那群流动欧洲最先地方——克洛维斯纪元下面发现的用具

    Moreover, tools recently found beneath Clovis-era layers at a dig in Cactus Hill, Va.--about where European itinerants could have first landed--also resemble Solutrean artifacts.


  • 徒步走过阳明小径阳明喷气一个非常受大游客欢迎的景点,这里景色迷人,观后久久萦绕于心,难以忘怀

    Or take a hike throughYangmingshan's many trails. The haunting landscape of steaming fumaroles is apopular spot for mainland tourists.


  • 但是我们那些古老的,它们表明所有过去一起形成其它超级大,”Loewy

    But "we see older mountain belts suggesting that all the continents came together in the past to make other supercontinents," Loewy said.


  • 那个特别一天那19岁弟弟正在溪KheSanh)正东南海军战队当兵。

    On that particular day, my brother was a 19-year-old Marine on a ridge just southeast of Khe Sanh.


  • 1775年6月17日距离波士顿不远不理智(也就是著名)上,击退英军两次进攻,然而撤退之际却遭遇困难

    On June 17, 1775, at Breed's Hill (known as Bunker Hill) near Boston, colonial militia were able to hold off British troops for two charges, but hard to retreat when they ran out of ammunition.


  • 在经过好几刻苦研究讨论以后NASA科学家已经将他们开始50多个点削减到了4个,它们分别是:埃伯斯·沃德环形霍尔登环形、马沃斯谷以及盖尔环形

    After several years of painstaking research and debate, NASA scientists whittled down their initial list of over 50 sites to four - Eberswalde Crater, Holden Crater, Mawrth Vallis, and Gale Crater.


  • 在经过好几刻苦研究讨论以后NASA科学家已经将他们开始50多个点削减到了4个,它们分别是:埃伯斯·沃德环形霍尔登环形、马沃斯谷以及盖尔环形

    After several years of painstaking research and debate, NASA scientists whittled down their initial list of over 50 sites to four — Eberswalde Crater, Holden Crater, Mawrth Vallis, and Gale Crater.


  • 上述理论阐明岩石圈、大组成结构演化当代的基础理论不尽吻合。

    This theory could not explain the composition, structure and evolution of continental lithosphere and continental orogenic belt, and also is not in line with modern scientific theory.


  • 今年第6号热带风暴狮子正在逐渐靠近粤东沿海,可能粤东闽南沿海地区登

    Tropical Storm Lionrock, the 6th this year, is forecast to approach eastern Guangdong and may make a landfall there or in southern Fujian.


  • 研究西昆仑前寒武纪增生构造演化提供了重要地质资料

    This study supplies new geological data for research of the early Precambrian crust growth and tectonic evolution of Western Kunlun.


  • 花岗岩演化序列表征了造花岗岩成分定向演化规律,是增生成熟度渐高的例证。

    The sequence shows the directionally compositional evolution of granitoids in a collisional orogen, which illustrates the vertical and lateral crust growth and the enhancement of crustal maturity.


  • 花岗岩演化序列表征了造花岗岩成分定向演化规律,是增生成熟度渐高的例证。

    The sequence shows the directional compositional evolution of granitoids in a collisional orogen, which illustrates the vertical and lateral crust growth and the enhancement of crustal maturity.


  • 受伤名士兵空运医院卡罗莱纳大学教堂被带到马克医学中心急诊室

    Two of the injured troops were flown to University of North Carolina hospitals in Chapel Hill, and eight were taken to the Womack Army Medical Center emergency room.


  • 阿尔泰中亚地区生宙大地壳增生明显地区之一蕴藏丰富矿产资源。

    The Altai orogeny, as one of notable crustal accretion areas, is famous for its abundant mineral deposits.


  • 东海盆地中生界主要分布于盆地中南部的福州凹陷闽江凹陷隆起地区

    In East China Sea shelf basin, the Mesozoic relict sediments are distributed in some central-south areas, such as Fuzhou sag, Minjiang sag and Yushan lower uplift.


  • 南海北部中生代晚期曾形成宏伟华夏

    There was an orogenic belt called the Cathaysian continental marginal orogenic belt in late Mesozoic along the present northern margin of the South China Sea.


  • 南海北部中生代晚期曾形成宏伟华夏

    There was an orogenic belt called the Cathaysian continental marginal orogenic belt in late Mesozoic along the present northern margin of the South China Sea.


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