• 伊瓜苏瀑布美洲瀑布

    Iguazu is the widest waterfall on the American continent.


  • 观察海豚可以跃出水面高达16英尺(4.9),它们后背部侧面飞溅

    Bottlenose dolphins have been observed to breach up to 16 feet (4.9 meters) out of the water, landing with a splash on their back or side.


  • 知道吗?观察海豚可以跃出水面高达16英尺(4.9),它们后背部侧面飞溅

    Did you know? Bottlenose dolphins have been observed to breach up to 16 feet (4.9 meters) out of the water, landing with a splash on their back or side.


  • 此外, 留下来植根于非洲创作文化之大部,包括文学期刊》在内,西方捐款者金钱扶持, 而这些金援者却正是非洲作家们号称斥责的人。

    Separately, much of the African writing culture that remains on the continent, including Kwani?, is propped up with cash from the Western donors that African writers purport to excoriate.


  • 平均来说,70公里,在部分太平洋海岸只有几十公里

    On the average the continental shelf is about 70 km wide. One much of the Pacific Coast it is relatively narrows, only a few tens of kilometers across.


  • 这种植物北美洲亲缘关系,它们可以长成参天大树2015

    It is related to the pokeweed plant found in North America but can grow to a gigantic size: up to 20nbsp; metres tall and 15 metres wide.


  • 叙利亚戈兰高地全部愿意以色列留下一小狭长10在沿湖边界处;以色列嫌太,想再些。

    Syria wanted all of the Golan back but was willing to leave the Israelis a small strip of land, 10 meters (33 feet) wide, along the border of the lake; Israel wanted a wider strip of land.


  • 这位37的冒险家吊舱上捆绑了54个工业强度氦气飞越了22英里(约35公里)水道抵达欧洲

    The adventurer, aged 37, strapped 54 industrial strength helium balloons to his gondola and crossed the 22-mile waterway to the continent


  • 那里苔原地带,低矮灌木,和810公里Malygina海峡,那里几乎全年冰冻

    It is covered tundra but some dwarf shrubs also grow on the island. It is separated from the mainland by the Malygina Strait, an eight to ten kilometre wide sound which is frozen most of the year.


  • 157英尺(48)低于海平面干谷地球最低火山

    At 157 feet (48 meters) below sea level, Dallol is Earth's lowest land volcano.


  • 尽管那里海峡有100多公里,但是开阔沿海地形非常有利于大兵团登作战

    Although the strait here was over 100 kilometers wide, the topography of coastal areas was open, favorable for large forces to expand their actions.


  • 最后开阔自己视野,扩自己的人脉,感受一下与大不同的文化

    Finally, I want to broad my horizon, make more friends and feel the different culture.


  • 蜗牛:众多水生软体动物中的一种,通常带有螺旋似的厚,足且向内旋,脑袋清晰

    Any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial mollusks of the class Gastropoda, typically having a spirally coiled shell, broad retractile foot, and distinct head.


  • 达1千5百公里连接着亚洲北美洲

    A land bridge as much as 1,500 kilometers wide connected Asia and North America.


  • 所谓岛屿,就是一块四面地球上无数岛屿最大格陵兰只有地不等。

    An island is land completely surrounded by water; earth has countless islands, ranging from Greenland, the biggest one, to tiny spots of land are only a few meters wide.


  • 大约英里英里可以说它的形状一条着的肥壮两个几乎全为地包围的良港小山位于中央名为“望远镜”。

    It was about nine miles long and five across, shaped, you might say, like a fat dragon standing up, and had two fine land-locked harbours, and a hill in the centre part marked "The Spy-glass."


  • 大约英里英里可以说它的形状一条着的肥壮两个几乎全为地包围的良港小山位于中央名为“望远镜”。

    It was about nine miles long and five across, shaped, you might say, like a fat dragon standing up, and had two fine land-locked harbours, and a hill in the centre part marked "The Spy-glass."


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