• 液氢液氧燃料的火箭宇航月球提供尤其重要有利条件

    Using liquid hydrogen and oxygen in rockets will provide major advantages for landing astronauts on the moon.


  • 与此同时还命令太空总署2020年早些时候,研发新的火箭太空舱宇航送返月球舱。

    At the same time, he directed NASA to begin development of new rockets, capsules and landers to carry astronauts back to the moon by the early 2020s.


  • 所谓地球分离牵牛星月球核心级之上,被发射进入轨道后,与载有登月宇航猎户座太空船会合。

    A so-called Earth Departure stage and Altair lunar lander would sit atop the core stage and be launched into orbit to meet Orion spacecraft carrying moon-bound astronauts.


  • 罗宾宇航同伴走出座舱,惊叹月球景色凄凉之美同时看到地球美国大片轮廓

    Stepping out, Robin and his fellow astronauts marveled at the bleak beauty of the lunar landscape, all the while beholding the outline of the American landmass back on Earth.


  • 国家航空航天局宇航成为首次搭乘外国航天飞船外国的美国宇航员。

    And the two NASA astronauts would be the first to land in a foreign space craft and in a foreign country.


  • 图像归美国宇航所有,杰西·艾伦创建使用过程分布式数据档案中心(LPDAAC)所提供的数据。

    NASA images created by Jesse Allen, using data obtained from the using data provided by the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC).


  • 航天工具设计采用了运载火箭部件阿波罗”号类似太空舱能够搭载探月宇航舱。

    The new space vehicle design USES shuttle rocket parts, an Apollo-style capsule and a lander capable of carrying four people to the moon.


  • 登月40周年庆典已经结束了,但对NASA(美国宇航局)来说,人类火星仍是一个艰难的梦想。

    As the 40th anniversary celebrations of the first manned moon landing end, a human voyage to Mars remains a holy grail for NASA.


  • 毕业后,美国海军战队A - 6入侵者的飞行员成为一个试飞员上校第二尝试中,1985年精英宇航计划录取。

    After graduation, he flew A-6 Intruders in the U.S. Marine Corps, became a test pilot and colonel, and, on his second try, was accepted in 1985 into the elite astronaut program.


  • 美国宇航戈达德宇航中心研究人员绘制第一地植物荧光地图。微的荧光叶子释放因光合作用产生的一种副产物

    Researchers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center have produced the first global maps of land-plant fluorescence, a reddish glow that leaves emit as a byproduct of photosynthesis.


  • 美国宇航今天宣布卫星已经拍下除阿波罗12号以外,所有阿波罗系列,至于阿波罗12号,他接下来周里拍摄到。

    NASA today announced that the orbiter had photographed all the Apollo landing sites other than Apollo 12, a destination that should be imaged in the next few weeks.


  • 尽管如此新世界仍然件重要因为已经证实宇航现已掌握出现的、适宜生命存在、有如棒球场一样的区域内寻找植物。

    The new world is still a big deal, though, because it's confirmation that astronomers now have the technology to find planets in the life-friendly ballpark in droves.


  • 这位宇航承认需要我们熟悉一种产品帮助:他要胶带把脚板固定在飞毯上。

    The astronaut admitted that he had needed a little help from a familiar terrestrial product: he had stuck the soles of his feet to the carpet with adhesive tape.


  • 发现号”“亚特兰蒂斯号”奋进号”航天飞机即将退休为了让路新的空间计划,后者的目标是2025年宇航小行星最终火星。

    The shuttles (Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour) are being retired to make way for a new space plan aimed at sending astronauts to an asteroid by 2025 and ultimately onto Mars.


  • 去年搭载马拉西亚首位宇航员的“联盟号”返回舱螺栓问题来了弹道式

    Last year, a Soyuz capsule carrying Malaysia's first astronaut also made a so-called "ballistic" landing, similarly blamed on faulty bolts.


  • 环绕月球飞行10圈之后,宇航返回地球于1968年12月27日

    After 10 orbits of the moon, the three astronauts headed back to Earth and landed on Dec. 27, 1968.


  • 美国宇航地球观测一号卫星先进成像仪捕捉了障壁图像,它面对波弗特位于加拿大西北部的北岸。

    The Advanced land Imager on NASA's Earth Observing-1 satellite captured this image of a barrier island facing the Beaufort Sea, on the northern edge of Canada's Northwest Territories.


  • 巴马10月签署的这个法案指导美国宇航继续开发可能2025年前能在小行星新型航天器

    The legislation, which Obama signed in October, instructs NASA to move ahead with a new spacecraft that could land on an asteroid by 2025.


  • 然后这位海军试飞员宇航重申来看一次航天飞机最后发射邀请:“看起来真是太非凡了”

    Then the former Marine test pilot and astronaut reiterates his invitation to come back down for one of the last Shuttle launches: "It's just a phenomenal thing to see, " he says. "Phenomenal."


  • 据美国宇航最近的评估结果显示,载人火星的任务需要质量大约国际空间站两倍物资送入太空,即大约176万(800)。

    By current NASA estimates, a crewed mission to Mars needs to lift about twice the mass of the International space Station into space? Roughly 1.76 million LBS. (800 metric tons) of technology.


  • LRO拍摄阿波罗十一号点照片很清晰显示出留下(直径4),同时能看到宇航员的脚印放置的设备

    Images of the Apollo 11 landing site taken by LRO clearly show where the descent stage (about 12 feet in diameter) was left behind, as well as the astronauts' tracks and equipment deployed.


  • 这家公司为了搭载6宇航航天而单独依靠固体推进剂发动机决定,引发了严厉的批评

    The company's decision to rely exclusively on solid-propellant engines for landing of a capsule with six cosmonauts onboard attracted particular criticism.


  • 美国宇航526日提供图片显示甲板带有美国国旗迷你dvd凤凰号登大约离火星地面3英尺

    In this image provided by NASA, shows the Phoenix Lander with the American flag and a mini-DVD on deck, about 3 feet above the surface of Mars on May 26, 2008.


  • 首次月球40年后的今天,美国宇航再次注意力转向月球探索,一次他们计划月球逗留更长的时间

    Now forty years after the first moon landing, NASA has turned its attention back to lunar missions, this time planning to stay longer.


  • NiliFossae美国宇航火星科学实验室列为漫游者探测器2011年的潜在点。

    Nili Fossae was put forward as a potential landing site for Nasa'a ambitious new rover, the Mars Science Laboratory, which will be launched in 2011.


  • 美国宇航局已经收集了一些陨石,是小行星坠落到地球碎片,陨石上的有机分子也许含有有价值的信息,但是通过地球大气层时的高温,可能破坏这些有机分子,陨石着,会地球环境中携带上有机物无机物

    But the intense heat of passing through the Earth's atmosphere likely damaged those molecules. After they land, meteorites can pick up small organisms and chemicals from Earth's environment.


  • 美国宇航局已经收集了一些陨石,是小行星坠落到地球碎片,陨石上的有机分子也许含有有价值的信息,但是通过地球大气层时的高温,可能破坏这些有机分子,陨石着,会地球环境中携带上有机物无机物

    But the intense heat of passing through the Earth's atmosphere likely damaged those molecules. After they land, meteorites can pick up small organisms and chemicals from Earth's environment.


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