• 如果没有这种附加信息需要重新传送大量数据这样会降低传送,从而适应高丢包网络

    Without this extra information, it would need to retransmit much more data and slow down its sending rate to accommodate what looks like a high-loss network.


  • 同时,大小形状颜色分辨插件支持高科技,加之一大堆纷繁那些推销商声称我们必需”的附加功能”,都是考虑的内容。

    Size, shape, color, resolution, plug-ins available, technology and whole bunch of additionalfeaturesthe advertisers try to convince us that we need.


  • 附加层面较高学历人们失业较低薪水较多

    Aside: People with higher degrees have even lower unemployment rates, and earn even more money.


  • 更多访客意味着更多的广告点击、更多的产品销售、更多的附加销售额、更多的捐款、更多的咨询业务,以及更多的能够增加的收入的东西

    More visitors means more ad clicks, more product sales, more affiliate sales, more donations, more consulting leads, and more of whatever else that generates income for you.


  • 然而Khosrowshahi表示此举刺激了人们航空旅行需求,令Expedia机会销售利润更高产品附加服务

    However, Khosrowshahi said the move had increased demand for air travel and given Expedia the chance to sell higher-margin products and add-ons.


  • 意味着附加预期通胀10年期债权的实际收益1.05% 减至0.5%。

    This means that real yields on ten-year, inflation-indexed Treasury bonds has fallen from 1.05% to 0.5%.


  • 由于采用附加动量项适应等措施,克服BP规则局限性加快训练速度增强了网络泛化能力

    The application of additional momentum and adaptive learning rate overcomes the limitation effect of BP rule, accelerates the training speed and strengthens the generalization ability of network.


  • 最大银行来说,法定存款准备金是18.5% .排除没有公开宣布个人贷款任何附加限制

    The requirement now stands at 18.5 percent for the biggest Banks, excluding any additional restrictions on individual lenders not publicly announced.


  • 研究结果表明:轧后带钢局部高点高度附加张应力大小与来料高点高度成正比轧制压下增大而减小。

    Results indicate the local high point height and additional tension stress of rolled strip are proportional to local high point initial height of strip, decrease as rolling reduction ratio increases.


  • 实验结果表明附加超声振动改善放电间隙状态,减少短路、拉弧现象,提高了材料去除

    Experimental results show that the discharging gap is improved and the frequency of short circuit is reduced when ultrasonic vibration is added.


  • 可以想象,附加静脉镇静增加发生

    As might be anticipated, the addition of intravenous sedation to a local anesthetic increases the complication rate.


  • 由于优秀特征成本性,金属罐现在成为食品包装方式重要存在,不过市场占有正逐渐被附加功能性其他包装形态夺

    The can's excellent performance and low cost means that it will remain a key pack type, but will continue to lose out to other formats that offer added functionality.


  • 方法沙吖啶溶液外观性状透光含量为指标,考察贮存条件强度附加稳定性影响

    METHODS:The storage condition, light intensity and additive affect to stability were studied according to the appearance description, transmittance and content of the solution.


  • 应用于空气折射梯度激光准直影响不均匀泵浦引起激光器附加衍射损耗

    As their applications we have studied the effect of air index gradient on laser alignment and the additional diffraction loss of laser caused by inhomogeneous pump.


  • 电离层电磁脉冲传播影响可以频域电流密度描述时域则等效附加的电流密度和电导

    Additional current density, which is a function of frequency, can be used to describe the effect of the ionosphere in the process of electromagnetic pulse propagation.


  • 对于一口确定原始地层压力有效渗透、总表皮系数附加压力损失流动试井的重要任务

    For a new well, it is an important work to determine initial reservoir pressure, effective permeability, summary skin coefficient, supplementary pressure loss and flow efficiency.


  • 着重分析了舰载飞机下滑过程中,雄鸡尾流对过载以及雄鸡尾流水平加速度铅垂加速度航迹下沉附加需用推力影响

    The effects of the cocktail on overload, the level and vertical acceleration on flight path Angle, sinking velocity and extra required propulsion were analyzed during the glide of the aircraft.


  • 考虑低混杂波电流驱动非线性效应波谱展宽附加电导以及电子离子温度变化。

    The nonlinear broadening of spectrum, the RF-induced-tail producing additional conductivity, and time evolution of average electron and ion temperatures are taken into account.


  • 涤棉混纺织物舒适性产品附加,但使用国产设备生产经纱断头高,生产难度大

    Polyester Cotton Blended Fabric has good comfortability and high product added value, produce difficulty is existing for high broken ends percentage by using domestic equipment.


  • 因此引入具有很大附加而且预期回报

    Hence, its introduction will be of great added value and it is expected to have rate of return.


  • 为了限制逆变臂直通短路故障电流上升可以装置的直流侧安装称为“环流保护电路”的附加电路。

    In order to restrict the rising rate of fault current caused by short circuit on one arm of bridge of inverter, a kind of device named current loop protection circuit can be adopted.


  • 意味着不必担心附加通货膨胀波动

    This will mean that you will not have to worry about additional charges due to the inflation rate fluctuations.


  • RYP系统不用附加试验情况下鉴定的准确达到92%,采用附加试验后鉴定的准确达到98%。

    The accuracy of RYP system was calculated as 92% without additional tests and 98% with additional tests.


  • 湍动能和耗散方程附加封闭可以归结相关联耗散的封闭。

    Modeling these extra terms can come down to the fluid-particle correlated dissipation rate closure.


  • 更高会籍费用促使会员更多地来俱乐部锻炼降低流失会费的会员来俱乐部的频次更,更少购买附加服务并且相对的流失

    Higher Membership Rates Encourage Higher Member Usage and Lower Attrition. Members Paying Lower Rates Use the Clubs Less Frequently, Buy Fewer Ancillary Services and Have Higher Attrition Rates.


  • 以往通过手工主轴获取晶轴应力主轴的,把手工操作变为计算机运算和成图,一个重要附加课题。

    The crystal axes and the principal stress axes are obtained from the optical indicatrix axes manually by turning the projection diagram as usual.


  • 货币市场中有两大收益的衡量:贴现附加

    Discount rates or add-on rates are used for quoted money market rates.


  • 此外通过引入附加轮廓增强机制较大屏幕投影误差较高模型简化情况下,系统仍然能够保证好的绘制视觉质量

    Moreover, an additional silhouette enhancement mechanism is introduced to ensure a well rendering vision quality in spite of a larger screen projection error and higher model reduction rates.


  • 车辆重置全价新车价、车辆购置附加其他费用组成,成新以年限法为主进行修正。

    Replacement total price of the key machines & equipments was composed of equipment fee, installation fee, other fee and capital cost;


  • 车辆重置全价新车价、车辆购置附加其他费用组成,成新以年限法为主进行修正。

    Replacement total price of the key machines & equipments was composed of equipment fee, installation fee, other fee and capital cost;


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