• 把手臂伸过来时,兹拉克便将皮下注射器刺左臂

    As he reached over, Azrak slid a hypodermic syringe into his left arm.


  • 一仪式客厅的同时,在哥特式图书室里,切尔正让杰克逊先生火炉近处扶手椅,递给一支雪茄。

    While this rite was in progress in the drawing-room, Archer settled Mr. Jackson in an armchair near the fire in the Gothic library and handed him a cigar.


  • (沉思)可能是森纳的那个,那些诡异的球皮让太不爽了!

    Probably my one against Arsenal, which the dubious goals’ panel might try and take off me!


  • 亨利创造了森纳上空前的的纪录2007年夏天转会巴萨代表森纳出战380场比赛226个

    Henry, Arsenal's all-time record scorer with 226 goals in 380 games before he left for Barcelona in the summer of 2007, said: "Whenever there is a draw for the Champions League I am in pain."


  • 当年传教士蒂乌岛上禁止饮酒,一些男人无视禁令,躲丛林参加一个叫做tumunu小团体,互相传递壳,里面乘着的酿的酒,喝得开开心心。

    When the missionaries banned drinking on Atiu, the men ignored them and moved into the jungle, where, at an institution called the tumunu, they passed around a coconut cup of fermented orange juice.


  • 儿子,提亚戈·尔坎·塔拉(Thiago Al cantara),最近已被巴塞罗那线

    His son, Thiago Alcantara, has recently been called up to Barcelona's first team.


  • 尔西屁股坐摇椅卡利克斯塔开始紧张收拾起地板刚才缝制一节节棉布床单

    Alcée flung himself into a rocker and Calixta nervously began to gather up from the floor the lengths of a cotton sheet which she had been sewing.


  • 西部决赛对阵太阳比赛中,科比投失的球补篮筐绝杀太阳的时候,谁会第一个去拥抱

    In the Western Conference Finals against Phoenix, after Ron Artest had just hit the game-winning shot off of a missed jumper by Kobe, who was the first person he wound up hugging?


  • 森纳对阵从来都不能期望这么

    When you play Arsenal, you don't expect to have scored so many goals.


  • 德涅关紧,躲云层围绕堤岸

    Ariadne will shut its door and be hidden within its enclosing cloud Banks.


  • 对于德巴约了那么不会觉得很惊奇不过我却没有预计罗纳尔多可以那么因为是踢侧翼的。

    I am not surprised too much that Adebayor scores more goals, but I did not expect Ronaldo to score as many as he has because he plays on the wing.


  • 黛勒车子,便开始吻起来,表示说情感激

    Adele, when lifted in, commenced kissing me, by way of expressing her gratitude for my intercession: she was instantly stowed away into a corner on the other side of him.


  • 森纳皇家马德里同样这位意大利球员

    Arsenal and Real Madrid have also set eyes on the Italian international.


  • 法比奥·卡佩罗考虑把森纳门将曼努埃尔·穆尼亚英格兰国家队如果后者打算成为英国公民的话

    Fabio Capello will consider picking Arsenal goalkeeper Manuel Almunia for England if he presses ahead with plans to become a British citizen.


  • 但是眼睛有了泪花因为如果不是助攻德,那么没有弗雷德第二个球

    It brought tears to my eyes because if he did no provide Adriano with the pass the only goal of the game would be the one that Fred Scored.


  • 全部都是那么富有想象力,相当喜欢促成他第一个彭南特的配合。

    All of his goals were fantastic and I really liked the move between Pennant and Arbeloa for his first goal.


  • 酿酒葡萄中混合少量小希哈利坎特以丰富其层次与色泽

    Small amounts of Petite Syrah and Alicante Bouschet are added to the blend to add texture and color.


  • 年,年轻的乔布斯座车库创立了苹果公司。 而现在的看起来异常虚弱准备等候北加州帕罗·尔托的一辆汽车中时,他虚弱无法站稳。

    Jobs, who founded Apple in his garage in 1976, seemed almost too weak to hold himself up as he prepared to get into a waiting car in Palo Alto, northern California.


  • 年,年轻的乔布斯座车库创立了苹果公司。 而现在的看起来异常虚弱准备等候北加州帕罗·尔托的一辆汽车中时,他虚弱无法站稳。

    Jobs, who founded Apple in his garage in 1976, seemed almost too weak to hold himself up as he prepared to get into a waiting car in Palo Alto, northern California.


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