• 甚至年轻时候阿近技术局一个眼镜女孩

    There is even the young version of Akon and the girl with glasses.


  • 印度我国敦煌石室日本法隆寺金堂壁画,均系类似手法。

    India A near his cave, China's Dunhuang sarcophagus, Japan Horyuji Jintang, such as the murals, are in a similar way.


  • 2016年5月1日加拿大尔伯塔省场野火烧毁700平方英里区域

    On May 1st, 2016, in Alberta, Canada, a wildfire destroyed an area of nearly 700 square miles.


  • 世界上第一电脑——30吨埃涅克(1947年),使用了18000个电子管,另加1500个继电器以及其它器件,其总体积约90立方米,重达30吨,占地170平方米,需要用一间30多米长的大房间才能存放,是个地地道道的庞然大物。

    The first general-purpose computer, the nearly 30-ton ENIAC (1947), contains 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors and 10,000 capacitors.


  • 能够卡,我一直没有真正能够超越机会隆索在几个地方都离非常,我犯为数不多的错误很多那个时候

    I was able to close on Kubica but I never had a real chance of passing him, while behind me Fernando got very close on more than one occasion, making the most of a few errors.


  • 先生表示几十年中,这些分散发电系统成本至以往的一半而且它们安装速度几乎柴油发电机不相上下

    The cost of such distributed generation systems, Mr Shah says, has fallen by half in the past decade, and they can be set up almost as fast as diesel generators.


  • 我们默尔特萨尔呆了一个左右四月中旬时,就向达尔西山进发。

    We stayed about a month in Amritsar, and, towards the middle of April, started for the Dalhousie Hills.


  • 尽管几十年大多数修道院修道士数量大大减少,但索斯过去25里仍经历了复兴

    Although the number of monks in most monasteries has declined over the decades, Mount Athos has enjoyed a revival in the last 25 years.


  • 报告特别批评了其中警察,当时膝盖横过安尼的背部,离他的颈部非常,并这样持续了很长一时间

    The report was particularly cricital of an officer who placed his leg and knee across Al-Ani's back, very close to his neck, for a prolonged period of time.


  • 如果国际云图图例,那么斯帕拉图斯云50年来首次新增云种。

    If it makes the cut, asperatus will be the first new addition in more than 50 years.


  • 格力德给人印象冷静,在平静的外表之下,韧劲十足:费劲周折说服一千名在校女生家长老师签名同一研究计划

    Aksglaede has a calm exterior, and behind it, plenty of tenacity: she managed to persuade the parents and teachers of almost a thousand schoolgirls to sign up to her project.


  • 沃尔表示,“考虑到二十年来既没有服装价格上涨方面数据,也没有消费者涨价反应的数据”,许多零售商制造商对现在的局面感到很陌生。

    Ms Aggarwal said many were in uncharted territory “given a lack of data on apparel inflation for nearly two decades and a lack of data on how consumers respond to a rise in prices”.


  • 第二女儿出生了,尔玛留在镇上诊所一点因为孩子得了哮喘。

    The second girl was born and Alma wanted to stay in town near the clinic because the child had an asthmatic wheeze.


  • 斯对亲属:“摩押回来拿俄米,现在要我们兄以利米勒地。”

    Then he said to the kinsman-redeemer, "Naomi, who has come back from Moab, is selling the piece of land that belonged to our brother Elimelech."


  • 叙利亚,哈马是饱受萨德家族四十统治之苦最为严重的一个城市。

    No Syrian city bears more scars from four decades of rule by the Assad family than Hama.


  • 兰·谢巴德第一美国宇航员一个之后进入了太空,相比之下只进行了短暂的不满一整圈轨道飞行

    Alan Shepard, the first US astronaut, would not be launched until almost a month later and then on a comparatively short suborbital flight.


  • 克吕核电站建成1985年,现在每年支撑着全法国5%的电力供应。

    The Cruas Nuclear Power Station on the Rhone river was competed in 1985 and today provides France with nearly 5% of its electric energy annually.


  • 岸海域首次发现褐藻、海葵海螺海星之间留申黄金藻(Aureophycus aleuticus)格外显眼。

    Aureophycus aleuticus is among several kinds of kelp, sea anemones, snails, and sea stars uncovered for the first time near shore.


  • 整个体育场看到亨利速度前插门柱,冲6码区维斯看到了前方空位的佩德罗。

    The whole stadium could see Henry racing towards the near post into the middle of the six-yard box but Alves could see Pedro all alone beyond him.


  • 这个时间表意味着美军投入10万兵力富汗任务,不会像驻最高指挥官麦克里斯特尔将军所要求的那样无限升级。

    That timetable suggests the troop commitment, which will take U.S. forces to nearly 100,000, will not be the sort of open-ended increase requested by top U.S. commander Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal.


  • 占科·已经这个医院渐渐死癌症妻子已经到了致命疾病看作差不多生命普通部分

    Genco Abbandando had been in this hospital for nearly a year dying of his cancer and the wife had come to consider his fatal illness almost an ordinary part of life.


  • 住房型安装执行机构,甚至直接驱动器本身

    A housing-type valve can be installed close to the actuator or even directly into the actuator itself.


  • 今年夏天刚刚开业尔塔格拉西亚精品酒店,位于哥斯达黎加郁郁葱葱南部山区,占地900英亩,由50间小屋构成,冒险放纵之间找到了一平衡

    On nearly 900 acres in the lush southern mountains of Costa Rica, the new 50-casita Hacienda AltaGracia, which opened this summer, balances adventure and indulgence.


  • 叙利亚人权了望台的观察人员自从摇摇欲坠的停火协议本月瓦解以来偏远地区250死亡

    Monitors from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights say nearly 250 people have been killed in Aleppo and outlying areas since a shaky cease-fire disintegrated earlier this month.


  • 午后太阳淫威所到之处水泥足了热气,黄昏时更火添油,西方火辣辣地照过来。

    The late afternoon sun in Iowa piled itself on top of its earlier damage, which had been absorbed by cement and brick and earth. It fairly blistered down out of the west.


  • 军团加斯的消息传到自由乡的时候,凯德利用手中充足补给尽可能帮助那些希望逃离此地的

    When news reached Freeside that Legion forces were approaching new Vegas, Arcade did his best to help people escape with adequate supplies.


  • 介绍了俄罗斯尔贡矿山化工联合体的组成,天然铀生产基本情况,铀矿井通风技术辐射防护状况。

    Russia Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union is introduced. Its production and ventilation and radiation protection conditions are also described.


  • 那天姆国会中心迪斯尼乐园),位刚刚投入房地产投资者做完演讲之后驱车回家

    On that day I was driving home after giving a speech to about a thousand beginning real estate investors at the Anaheim Convention Center (near Disneyland).


  • 那天姆国会中心迪斯尼乐园),位刚刚投入房地产投资者做完演讲之后驱车回家

    On that day I was driving home after giving a speech to about a thousand beginning real estate investors at the Anaheim Convention Center (near Disneyland).


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