• 会谈结束后布拉德肖起身离开赛尔过去给了一个大大的拥抱观众也鼓起了赞赏掌声

    When the conversation ended and Bradshaw stood to leave, Axelson walked over and gave him a big hug, to appreciative applause from the audience.


  • 扎·赛尔出现电影造成什么影响呢

    With the appearance of Azazel, what does this mean for the movie?


  • 扎·赛尔形容一个瞬移者而且我们清楚魔鬼的爸爸

    Azazel has been described as a "teleporter" and of course we all know he is also Nightcrawler's father.


  • 上一次对阵格尔·格斯失败告终上个月的斯图加特赛21岁的扎伦卡下首盘之后不得不因为退赛。

    Her last meeting with Gorges ended in disappointment in Stuttgart last month when the 21-year-old Azarenka had to retire hurt with a shoulder injury after winning the first set.


  • 最有亨利·普赛尔(1658- 1695),戏剧《珀赛尔埃涅是个经典

    The most famous is Henry Purcell (1658-1695), whose opera "Dido and Aeneas" is a classic.


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷德·佩里-巴奇罗德·拉沃尔、罗伊·埃莫森以及加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • 尔赛纳·温格对巴里卡·萨尼亚最近比赛中没有得到应有保护而感到关切

    Arsène Wenger is concerned that Bacary Sagna has not had the protection he deserves in recent matches.


  • 此次鲍文一同升空的还有指挥官史蒂芬·林赛首席宇航员飞行员埃里克·鲍伊,以及宇航员尔文·德鲁,迈克尔·巴拉妮可·斯托特

    With Bowen aboard the shuttle are commander Steven Lindsey, the former chief astronaut, pilot Eric Boe, and astronauts Alvin Drew, Michael Barratt and Nicole Stott.


  • 迈尔·卡扎菲儿子,赛义夫不久可能剥夺博士头衔就当下的局势而言,不会成为挂心的事。

    Muammar Qaddafi's son, Saif, could soon be stripped of his PhD, too. But that is hardly his biggest worry.


  • Superherohype网站报道杰森弗莱明会在影片中扮演一个角色赛尔

    Superherohype has reported that Jason Flemyng will be playing a small role as Azazel.


  • 随着这些设备系统扩展世界平稳靠近普适计算模式一模式帕洛·尔托研究中心(Xerox PARC)马克赛(Mark Weiser)所构想。

    As these ecosystems expand, the world will move steadily closer to the ubiquitous-computing model envisaged by Xerox PARC's Mark Weiser.


  • 2011年510日,加拿大大使章均赛访问加拿大尔伯塔大学

    On May 10, His Excellency Zhang Junsai, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Canada, visited the University of Alberta.


  • 伦·哈桑今年62岁,是一商店老板。2011年8月23日,也就是周二晚些时候反对派占领城镇利比亚加西,赛伦·哈桑•迈尔·卡扎菲时代的国歌之后留下了泪水飞快地摆出了胜利的手势。

    Salem Hasam Ali, 62, a shop owner, cries and flashes v-sign after singing the pre-Moammar Gadhafi Libyan national anthem at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya, late Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011.


  • 尔伯托之前效力宝马甲骨文队,那时参加过极限帆船系列赛

    Alberto previously raced on BMW Oracle Racing where he had a taste of the Extreme Sailing Series.


  • 取得2010极限帆船系列赛胜利之后尼克•哈卡哈米斯•尔•安莫瑞重返浪潮-马斯喀特队。

    This year will see Kamis AI Anbouri and Nick Hutton return to crew the The Wave, Muscat after their 2010 Extreme Sailing Series victory.


  • 现在尔多安达乌特奥卢暗示赛德,如果停止杀害人民,他们将采取军事干预

    Nowadays, Mr Erdogan and Mr Davutoglu hint at military intervention against Mr Assad if he doesn't stop murdering his own people.


  • 三届环法自行车冠军得主、西班牙车手尔贝托康塔德在今年期间药检结果成阳性。

    Spains Alberto Contador, who won the Tour de France this year for a third time, has failed the test for a banned substance.


  • 带领的队员曼努埃尔·摩德纳唯一获得极限帆船系列赛冠军的利斯特·理查森

    Joining him is Manuel Modena, and Alister Richardson the only sailor to have won the Extreme Sailing Series twice.


  • 英格兰周日进行·加夫锦标赛的下一场比赛迎战乌克兰

    England's next game in the Algarve Tournament is against Ukraine on Sunday.


  • 好莱坞年轻明星麦莉塞勒斯、丽提斯代尔林赛罗韩今年跻身该榜,而去年榜海蒂蒙塔格和杰西卡奥尔芭则跌榜单

    Young Hollywood stars Miley Cyrus, Ashley Tisdale and Lindsay Lohan all edged out Heidi Montag and Jessica Alba who appeared on last year's list.


  • 法国戏剧家莫里埃的喜剧《恨世者》塑造了一个嘲笑讥讽优秀青年尔赛斯特。

    Molière's comedy Le Misanthrope created a derisive young character who, like Hamlet, was a brilliant young man in contrast with the ugly and hypercritic society of his time.


  • 他们的目标则完赛并获得积分,怀有相同目标的还有哈立德·尔·卡西米,后者布扎比旅游局赞助作为一个半厂商的车手。

    They will be in contention for a points finish, as will Khalid Al Qassimi, who is entered in a semi-works example with backing from the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority.


  • 切尔没有儿子凡尔赛

    Archer did not accompany his son to Versailles.


  • 小组赛阶段,森纳拿到1816分,在淘汰赛阶段他们又先后击败了皇家马德里、尤文图斯异军突起的维拉利尔队。

    In the group, Arsenal got 16 out of 18 points, in the knockout stages they beat real Madrid, Juventus and an emerging Villarreal side.


  • 伦克先生表示全力支持主教练尔赛纳·温格,并认可温格一名非常出色的主教练。

    Mr Kroenke is also fully supportive of manager arsene Wenger whom he has stated is a wonderful manager.


  • 一场青年足总杯上“特别表现足以说服尔赛纳·温格相信西奥·沃尔科特森纳要签下的球员

    Wenger - The day I knew I wanted Walcott By Declan TaylorOne "special" performance in the FA Youth Cup Final was enough to convince Arsène Wenger that Theo Walcott was an Arsenal player in the making.


  • 丹麦主帅奥尔森透露不会特纳参加尔堡进行塞内加尔热身赛,因为他不会森纳前锋健康冒险

    Denmark coach Morten Olsen has revealed he will not be taking a risk on the fitness of Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner for the game against Senegal in Aalborg.


  • 如果森纳赛中击败卡迪夫城,那么尔沙文资格参加与伯恩利足总杯第五比赛。

    Arshavin WILL be eligible to face Burnley in the Fifth Round of the fa Cup should Arsenal beat Cardiff in their Fourth-Round replay.


  • 如果森纳赛中击败卡迪夫城,那么尔沙文资格参加与伯恩利足总杯第五比赛。

    Arshavin WILL be eligible to face Burnley in the Fifth Round of the fa Cup should Arsenal beat Cardiff in their Fourth-Round replay.


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