• 我们开车父母华盛顿州阿纳科斯。

    We drove up to Anacortes, Washington, where my parents live.


  • 大家好!阿纳科特区公立图书馆大家发表。在这里,我刚刚会见大有前途中学生

    Hi everybody. I'm speaking with you from the DC Public Library in Anacostia, where I just met with a group of promising middle school students.


  • 波托马克河一个世界级皮划艇场地,也可作为赛艇项目的主场,纳科斯蒂亚河准备好了。

    The Potomac River is a world-class kayaking venue and a possible host for rowing, and the Anacostia is well on its way.


  • 栖息马达加斯加诺西阿纳科沙滩漂流木上雌性乌斯塔莱变色龙Furciferoustaleti)。

    Female Oustalet's chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti) perched on a piece of driftwood at a beach on Nosy Anako, Madagascar.


  • 沃尔玛通过建造更多来解决食物荒漠”这问题——诸如阿纳科斯蒂亚这类基础设施不足的城市广大乡村缺少便利店销售新鲜产品

    The company says it will also address the problem offood deserts” — a dearth of grocery stores selling fresh produce in rural and underserved urban areas like Anacostiaby building more stores.


  • 研究表明除了农业萨奇人还以他们种植松子他们地区捕猎动物为食。

    Kohler's research indicates that in addition to agriculture, the Anasazi lived on the pinon nuts they grew and the animals they hunted in the area.


  • 周三对阵奥林匹亚比赛之前面临防线危机。 在周一训练中受伤的斯切尔尼能否出战存在很大疑问,目前他不被期望及时恢复出现在酋长球场的首发名单中。

    Arsenal is facing a defensive crisis ahead of its Champions League tie against Olympiakos on Wednesday night, Goal.com has learned.


  • 这个已被授予专利的新的类型辐射光谱仪设备首次生产很快开始,提前也导致了瓦利斯的分拆公司创造维森仪器的进步,研究者,这些成千上万设备的建成最终可能成为全球性市场

    The market for these instruments may ultimately be global, and thousands of them could be built, researchers say.


  • 不管今天早上医疗检测结果如何,对于沃尔特加入第一次首发而言都一次不愉快结局

    Whatever the outcome of the medical assessment this morning, it was an unhappy ending to Walcott's first start of the season for Arsenal.


  • 随后新婚妻子卡拉·布吕尼陪伴下,英国首相格登•布朗足球俱乐部训练基地的酋长球场举行首脑会谈

    Mr Sarkozy, who was accompanied by his new wife, Carla, later held summit talks with Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown, at the Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal football club.


  • 他们至今支付公司坚持BP对油井运作存在严重疏忽因而单独承担责任。

    They have not paid up so far: Anadarko insists that BP was grossly negligent in its operation of the well, and thus it alone is liable.


  • 张大白鲨照片潜水专家莫斯·纳科拍摄指导那些勇敢潜水大型动物接触

    The great white image was captured by Amos Nachoum, an underwater expert who guides courageous scuba divers to encounters with the large creatures.


  • 访问的第二俱乐部的酋长体育场一个足球踢了满脸尴尬的戈登布朗,以此种方式庆祝这种新型谅解精神

    To celebrate the new spirit of entente amicale, Mr Sarkozy went on the next day to kick a football towards an awkward-looking Gordon Brown at Arsenal's Emirates stadium.


  • BP认为三井应该承担各自份额

    BP thinks both Anadarko and Mitsui should pay their share.


  • 2007年英国足球俱乐部对阵雷丁正式比赛海报上打出的人物是西奥.沃尔一个速度闻名的年轻边锋

    WHEN Arsenal, an English football club, took on Reading in 2007, the cover of the official programme featured Theo Walcott, a stripling winger known for his speed.


  • 夏威夷海滨椰林成行,它们细长躯干的分支处总是垂着几只硕大沉重椰果。

    Coconut palms line the shore in Kailua, along Hawaii's Kona Coast. The palms' lanky trunks support the heavy fruits dangling from their branches.


  • 色奥上升12为男孩名排名58位可能是受到英格兰少年足球英雄沃尔特的影响。

    Theo jumped 12 places up the boy's list to 58, probably inspired by England and Arsenal teenage football hero Theo Walcott.


  • 持有油井25%股份阿纳石油公司周五时严厉批评他的竞争对手轻率行为尽力拉开与英国石油公司(BP)之间的距离

    Anadarko Petroleum, which owns 25% of the well, has been trying to distance itself from BP, blasting its rival for "reckless" behavior on Friday.


  • 俄罗斯木斯克市的阿纳托利·克最新的杰出创作

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia.


  • 弗拉基米尔·,《》、《佩宁》、《微暗的引人犯罪的超级畅销书《莉塔》的广受赞誉作者他的富于想像力的写作技巧持续折磨着又一代的读者。

    Vladimir Nabokov, the acclaimed author of Ada, Pnin, Pale Fire and that transgressive bestseller Lolita, is a writer whose imaginative mastery continues to torment successive generations.


  • 官网报道,英格兰边锋沃尔承认周二晚上马赛酋长球场表现印象深刻。

    Theo Walcott admits he was impressed with Marseille’s performance at Emirates Stadium on Tuesday night.


  • 位于北卡罗来艾西·维尔市的国家气象数据中心·恩特指出,20091880年以来气温最高的年之一。

    Deke Arndt of the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., noted that 2009 will rank among the 10 warmest years for Earth since 1880.


  • 在接受荷兰电视节目StudioVoetbal采访时这位射手透露:“飞往巴尔干半岛一位医生会面。”她曾帮埃因霍温(PS v Eindhoven)的中卫丹·拉佐维奇(Danko Lazovic)治疗过。

    Speaking to Dutch television programme Studio Voetbal, the Arsenal striker revealed: "I will fly to the Balkans to meet with a female doctor who helped [PSV Eindhoven midfielder] Danko Lazovic."


  • 如果说现在沃尔没有应有的提高实际上你在主帅温格培养前锋时工作不够出色

    If you're going to argue that Walcott isn't improving as he should, you're really suggesting that the Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, isn't doing a good enough job of developing the forward.


  • 之后,这位绝地大师回到洛桑,阿纳送到绝地委员会

    The Jedi Master then traveled to Coruscant to present Anakin to the Jedi Council.


  • 特人他们杰作样本送给欧比-万阿纳金给这艘光亮的飞船命名为“贾比撒”,向塞特博学者的女儿致敬。

    The Sekotans gave Anakin and Obi-Wan a beautiful specimen of their handiwork, a sleek craft that Anakin would come to name the Jabitha, in honor of the Sekotan Magister's daughter.


  • 金被哥哥说服了,但是雷利亚人在没有绝地帮助情况下仍然强行出击。

    Anakin gave in to his brother's arguments, but the Corellians fired anyway, without the help of the Jedi.


  • 金被哥哥说服了,但是雷利亚人在没有绝地帮助情况下仍然强行出击。

    Anakin gave in to his brother's arguments, but the Corellians fired anyway, without the help of the Jedi.


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