• 2007年4月7,马丁·特雷尔完成了他的亚马逊河的全部行程,从塔拉亚(秘鲁)一直到贝伦(巴西)的大西洋。

    On April 7th, 2007, Martin Strel completed his Amazon River all the way from Atalaya (Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean at Belem (Brazil).


  • 莱拉·汀tguardian . co . uk 20110年929星期四16.19夏令时article history。

    Guardian.co.uk, Thursday 29 September 2011 16.19 BST.


  • 影子大臣乔治·2月2坚持表示如果保守党获胜接替泰尔·达林的职位,一些措施今年开始实施

    His shadow chancellor, George Osborne, insisted on February 2nd that some measures would start to take effect this year if the Tories win and he takes over from Alistair Darling.


  • 哈佛大学的理论化学家艾伦.阿斯普鲁.古济克正在开发一种方法期望能够在有朝一摆脱所有对于近似需求由此生产出更好的药物太阳能电池

    Alán Aspuru-Guzik, a theoretical chemist at Harvard, is developing methods that could one day do away with the need for approximations altogether--and lead to better drugs or solar cells.


  • 20106月25考古学家西班牙北部布尔戈(Burgos)埃卡(Atapuerca)山脉矿藏开采挖掘具5000年前人体骸。

    An archaeologist cleans a skeleton dating from about 5, 000 years ago during excavations in the deposits of Atapuerca's mountain range in Burgos, northern Spain, on June 25, 2010.


  • 经过将近两天的飞行,美国"特兰蒂"号航天飞机于当地时间1811时51分与国际空间站成功对接,当时它们正飞行在澳大利亚沿海上空。

    Space shuttle Atlantis ended its 2-day journey at 11:51 am Wednesday as the shuttle arrived at the International Space Station. The 2 ships were sailing above the coast of Australia when they met.


  • 一起绑架还有多哥人和一个马达加加人,他们9月16尔利特自己家的别墅睡觉时被绑架的。

    The French hostages, as well as a Togolese and a Madagascar national were kidnapped on Sept. 16 while they were sleeping in their villas in the uranium mining town of Arlit.


  • 1956年12月2马里奥·查内·发现自己身陷古巴东南海岸红林沼泽

    On DECEMBER 2nd 1956 Mario Chanes DE Armas found himself in a mangrove swamp on the south-east coast of Cuba.


  • 2011年7月8上午11:29(东部夏令时间),特兰蒂航天飞机点火发射怒吼着升入太空

    At 11:29 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on July 8, 2011, the space Shuttle Atlantis lit its rockets and roared into space.


  • 来自白沙瓦利物浦约翰莫尔大学就读MBA今年即将毕业。昨天一直在图书馆中作须在430提交学位论文

    Adil, from Peshawar, is in his final year of an MBA at Liverpool John Moores University and spent most of the yesterday in the library working on the dissertation he has to submit by 30 April.


  • 7月9尼克在与金州勇士队的交易块拼图——安东尼·兰多Anthony Randolph)、凯兰纳·祖布克(Kelenna Azubuike)罗尼·图里亚夫(Ronny Turiaf)。

    On July 9, the Knicks acquired three more piecesAnthony Randolph, Kelenna Azubuike and Ronny Turiaf — in a trade with the Golden State Warriors.


  • 今年1月西班牙《阿斯报》曾披露皇马同意8月8北京奥运会两周年之际,前往北京友谊赛。

    The AS revealed in January that Real had reached an agreement to play in Beijing on August 8, 2010 - the 2nd anniversary of the Olympic Games.


  • 最后一架现役航天飞机“特兰蒂”号78肯尼迪宇航中心进行其最后次飞行 ,届时,NASA巨大倒计时成为最为世人瞩目的计时工具。

    When the last space shuttle readies for launch from the Kennedy Space Center, scheduled for July 8, NASA's giant digital countdown clock will be one of the most watched time pieces in the world.


  • 2007年6月8特兰蒂航天飞机佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角肯尼迪航天中心的39a发射台等待发射

    The space shuttle Atlantis sits on launch pad 39a while awaiting its scheduled launch at Kennedy space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida June 8, 2007.


  • 布莱克本自从第一个比赛之后就没有手下他们31个客场比赛赢过5场,不过最近6个客场输过1场。

    Blackburn have not won in the league since the opening day of the season and have only won five of 31 Premier League away matches under Sam Allardyce, but have lost just one of the last six.


  • 18岁丽克西·妮()出庭受审对所犯罪行供认不讳,并于6月24开始服刑

    Alexis Neiers (see photo), 18, pleaded no contest to taking part in a burglary at the home of Orlando Bloom. She will begin serving her sentence on June 24.


  • 7月23加拿大伯·塔附近布里奇机场,F - 18战斗机飞行员飞机坠毁弹射逃生。

    On July 23, Brian Bews, a pilot of CF-18 fighter jet, miraculously had managed to eject to safety before his plane landed crash at the Lethbridge Country Airport near Alberta, Canada.


  • 马里奥·查内·菲德尔·卡特罗之,于2月24去世享年80岁。

    Mario Chanes DE Armas, prisoner of Fidel Castro, died on February 24th, aged 80.


  • 当地消防部门的发言人马丁尔根夫于4月24表示3个小时人们终于使用带有镇静剂的飞镖令乌奇束手就擒,腹中尚未出生的小牛此过程中则毫发无损。

    After more than three hours on the loose, Uschi was brought down by tranquilliser darts, without harming her unborn calf, fire services spokesman Martin Argendorf said on Tuesday.


  • 塔西亚·巴布罗娃俄罗记者1月19享年25岁。

    Anastasia Baburova, a Russian journalist, died on January 19th, aged 25.


  • 学生亲吻关于电影贝尔使间隙母亲所学校”,视为卡连特墨西哥星期五,2009年8月28成立电影使用

    A student kisses his mother on the sidelines of the making of the film "Abel" at a school being used as a movie set in Aguascalientes, Mexico, Friday, Aug. 28, 2009.


  • 涵盖BP石油墨西哥海湾石油泄漏,坐落于国际鸟类救援研究中心伯拉路易安那州,2010年6月6笼子里。

    A laughing gull, covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, sits in a cage at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana, June 6, 2010.


  • 1999年4月14足总杯半决赛,曼联森纳的比赛中,吉格中场得,连续过接连把维埃拉格里曼迪格逊亚当甩在身后打进了一个史诗般的进球。

    In the semi-final between United and Arsenal on April 14th, 1999, Giggs scored a epic-like goal when he picked up the ball in his own half, dribbling through Vieira, Grimandi, Dixon and Adams in turn.


  • 1982年8月8·普罗·雷尼尔努分别以第2和第3德国起跑

    August 8, 1982: Alain Prost and Ren Arnoux start from 2nd and3rd on the grid in Germany.


  • 1756年1月27沃尔夫冈·马德乌-莫扎特出生于奥地利萨尔一个宫廷乐师

    January 27, 1756, Wolfgang - Amadeus - Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria a home court musicians.


  • 国际货币基金组织13宣布法国财长克里蒂娜·拉加德墨西哥央行行长丁·成为该组织总裁最终候选人

    French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Mexican central bank governor Agustin Carstens have been shortlisted for the selection of the new head of the IMF, the fund announced Monday night.


  • 温格可能4月4英超曼城比赛上迎来法布雷加约的回归

    Arsene Wenger could have Cesc Fabregas and Emmanuel Adebayor back for the Premier League clash with Manchester City on April 4.


  • 温格可能4月4英超曼城比赛上迎来法布雷加约的回归

    Arsene Wenger could have Cesc Fabregas and Emmanuel Adebayor back for the Premier League clash with Manchester City on April 4.


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