• 以6-4, 6-3, 6-2胜了同胞安德烈·加西

    He beat his fellow countryman, Andre Agassi, 6-4, 6-3, 6-2.


  • 鲁尼的进球将本赛季个人进球数提高到了22粒,教练弗格森称赞表现“令人难以置信”,并嘲笑森纳“就是没辙”。

    Ferguson described his performance as "unbelievable" and said Arsenal "just could not handle him".


  • 提到后腰森纳则没有久经阵的人选曼联切尔西正是利用一点,连续两个周末通过反击叩关成功。

    Where holding midfielders are concerned, Arsenal now have no experienced candidates. United and Chelsea have been permitted to notch goals on the break in successive weekends.


  • 当时号称北方飓风国王古斯夫斯。道尔弗正处在“三十”的军事鼎盛阶段,亲自规定了艘船的规模武器配备。

    King Gustavus Adolphus, 'the Northern Hurricane', then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years' War, had dictated her measurements and armament.


  • 此外,还是海军学院执行官科钦反潜学院教官

    He was also the Executive Officer at Naval Academy, Goa, and an Instructor at ASW School, Kochi.


  • 虽然需求增长很快但是容量却有限,里昂证券经纪人尼律陀·达特目前印度航空业竞争激烈,加上昂贵油价几乎所有的公司都在生存而

    Demand is growing fast but so is capacity, says Anirudha Dutta of CLSA, a broker. Fierce competition and pricey fuel mean almost everyone is struggling.


  • 为“紧缩开支计划”工作了没多久,就请了一个长长的周末开车马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德参加基特·什比婚礼,他是乔治敦室友,当时是海军陆中尉

    Shortly after I started at Pursestrings, I took a long weekend off and drove to Springfield, Massachusetts, for the wedding of my Georgetown roommate Marine Lieutenant Kit Ashby.


  • 英国媒体报道,厄姆英国位至今仍健在老兵之一,还是英国空军唯一一位健在的创办成员

    Allingham is one of only two surviving World War one veterans in the United Kingdom and the last surviving founder member of the Royal Air Force, according to British media.


  • 西布朗自从1983年12月以来就没有赢过森纳只有在04赛季他们做客布里1比1枪手捞过1

    Albion have not won at Arsenal since December 1983 and have taken only one Premier League point away to the Gunners from a 1-1 draw at Highbury in November 2004.


  • 去年12月一场天才争夺中,选择加盟位于帕洛·尔托以东10英里Facebook帮助设计社交广告

    In a master talent grab last December, Facebook lured him 10 miles east to Palo Alto to help design social advertisements.


  • 7月23日加拿大伯·塔莱斯附近布里奇机场,F - 18斗机飞行员飞机坠毁弹射逃生。

    On July 23, Brian Bews, a pilot of CF-18 fighter jet, miraculously had managed to eject to safety before his plane landed crash at the Lethbridge Country Airport near Alberta, Canada.


  • 11月森纳正是利用快速进攻酋长球场以2比1曼联。

    It was Arsenal's speed of movement that led to their 2-1 Premier League victory over United at the Emirates in November.


  • 根据詹姆斯统计,温格执教时期森纳一个赛季10月份中胜率最高的3,8857,胜率达到了64.8%,球队8月、9月、10月以及1月份的胜率也都超过了6成。

    The most successful month for Arsenal during the Wenger era has been March (64.8 per cent win rate) - one of five months when the team’s win rate is well above the overall average (57.9 per cent).


  • 带去了一个灵魂确认看睹,谁可时自佑拗章锋理。

    Yet it takes but a souls glimpse of recognition and ones TRUTH will set you free.


  • 就在黑暗收割器重现之后不久纳金便领导了一城市进攻,用TX-130坦克摧毁了收割器,这违背比万·努比下达的等待后援的命令。

    Shortly after the Dark Reaper was revived, Anakin led an attack on the city and destroyed the Reaper using his TX-130 fighter tank, disobeying an order from Obi-Wan Kenobi to wait for backup.


  • 他们以8-2森纳5-0狂扫博尔顿两场给人印象深刻的表演找回活力。

    They were fresh off an impressive display with a 8-2 victory over Arsenal and 5-0 over the Bolton Wanderers.


  • 他们两个都出现1950年足总杯决赛中,最终森纳2 - 0利物浦捧杯

    Both men appeared in the 1950 FA Cup final, Arsenal lifting the trophy after a 2-0 win over Liverpool.


  • 不包括莱士安切洛蒂后防线上也很多选择。安切洛蒂承认或许博辛不会再周一西伦敦德比中出场

    Barring Alex, Ancelotti has a full complement of defenders to pick from, though he admits Jose Bosingwa could be a doubt for Monday's west London Derby.


  • 丹尼·2:1布莱克本的比赛着拐杖离开了安菲尔德今天膝盖进行扫描

    Daniel Agger underwent a scan on an injured knee today after leaving Anfield on crutches following the 2-1 win over Blackburn.


  • 希望自己可以周三森纳庆祝这个时刻。

    I hope I can celebrate it further with a win against Arsenal on Wednesday night.


  • 巴卡拉指挥官及其向基-迪·芒迪开火

    Commander Bacara and his marines opened fire on Ki-Adi-Mundi.


  • 雷利亚人希望金·索洛激活他们星系内古老反重力系统使用“中端作为武器毁灭舰队

    The Corellians wanted Anakin Solo to again activate the ancient repulsors of their system and use Centerpoint Station as a weapon to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong fleet.


  • 来到4号卫星,威胁到当地绝地学员时,纳金为了营救他们投入了激烈的斗。

    When the Yuuzhan Vong came to Yavin 4, threatening the Jedi students studying there, Anakin impetuously rushed off to save them.


  • 那时已经到了一只手触到了联赛的时候,参加了联赛杯所有比赛,唯独缺席最终卡迪2比1森纳的决赛。

    By then he was already a Carling Cup winner, having played all but the closing seconds of a 2-1 win over Arsenal at Cardiff.


  • 曼诺内在森纳1比0富勒姆的比赛中表现令人震撼,主场对奥林匹亚科斯再次加深了人们的印象

    Mannone produced a stunning display as Arsenal beat Fulham 1-0 at Craven Cottage and impressed once more when Olympiacos visited Emirates Stadium in the Champions League.


  • 疯人杀死了年轻纳金杰娜为此触动黑暗面杰森维婕尔率领敌军俘虏。

    The Yuuzhan Vong killed young Anakin, Jaina reacted by touching the dark side of the Force, and Jacen was captured by enemy troops led by Vergere and Nom Anor.


  • 疯人杀死了年轻纳金杰娜为此触动黑暗面杰森维婕尔率领敌军俘虏。

    The Yuuzhan Vong killed young Anakin, Jaina reacted by touching the dark side of the Force, and Jacen was captured by enemy troops led by Vergere and Nom Anor.


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