• 两人红道:“这里敢不敢说给阿发听呀?”

    They amused Xia Hong "It's great for you dare to talk about him in here what about go and talk to him?"


  • 阿发着气,她:“陋室铭》共有多少个字?”

    Afa endure to wait her finished the reciting then asked her “ how many words amount to ?”


  • 阿发凑近一点:“说得好。”真的不是很漂亮但是又真的很聪明

    Afa get close to her a little bit, said, "Right, you are really not pretty but smart."


  • 拉拉经理出去电话,拉拉坐下份传真忽然感觉在摩挲她的脚背

    When her manager went out for a phone call, she sited down watching a fax when suddenly felt that Afa scraped her instep by his foot.


  • 阿发说要中酒间房,虽然肯定不会,小脑袋里还是不禁神往了一下

    After hear that, firstly come to her mind was the idea that she definitely won't go, but she expected to it for a while anyway.


  • 但满足于现状缺乏任何抱负理想。不料,阿发突如其来的重病成的生活颠覆了。

    Contented with spending his days at his father's famous, albeit small, restaurant and lacking true ambition, his life is turned around when his father, Huat, falls sick.


  • 阿发撒娇扮嗲十分受用,高兴:“你明天广州业务部上班去吧,一个空间好好想想,别整天坐在办公室门口了。”

    Her act coquettishly made sense, so Mr. Hu happily speaks to her, ” Go back to Guangzhou office tomorrow. I will give you space to think about that and don’t sit out of my office’s door anymore.


  • 最早模拟稳定性研究一篇加德纳什比1970年论文

    Among the earliest studies of simulated stability was a paper published in 1970 by Gardner and Ashby.


  • 如果了解更多细节我们列出姆里电子邮件的一些要点。

    If you want more details, we've included some notes Amri sent us by email below.


  • 给我们带来了希望避免.戈尔影片《难以忽视的真相》滔天洪水这类全球变暖带来坏灾难,还是有可能的。

    The finding gives hope that the worst impacts of global warming, such as the devastating floods depicted in Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, could yet be avoided.


  • 人子你要预言耶和华如此说,哀哉这你们应当哭号。

    Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Woe worth the day!


  • 1991年,美国召集该地区各国领导人马德里参加中东和会,以解决中东地区棘手的问题,冲突时,虽然有人牢骚,纷至沓来。

    When America summoned leaders to Madrid in 1991 to sort out the most intractable Middle Eastern mess, the Arab-Israeli struggle, some grumbled, but all fell into line.


  • 科学家们希望利用制造出抗炎药物预防茨海默氏

    Scientists hope to use the findings to create an anti-inflammatory drug to protect against Alzheimer's - while not getting patients high.


  • 吉尼斯世界纪录言人说:“亨利·厄姆正式成为全世界最长寿的男性。”吉尼斯世界纪录是公认的世界纪录权威组织

    "Henry Allingham is now officially the oldest man in the world," said a spokeswoman for the organization widely recognized as the authority on record-breakers.


  • 苹果唱片公司言人斯皮纳表的声明进行了证实她说公司准备提供披头士乐队专辑歌曲在线音乐服务

    A spokeswoman for Apple Corps confirmed Aspinall's statement, and said that the company is preparing to make the Beatles catalog available through online music services.


  • 人子,你要向以色列牧人预言攻击他们耶和华如此说,祸哉。以色列的牧人只知牧养自己。

    Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves!


  • 巴西空军上校豪尔赫·马拉尔周三很长的金属物体搜救队员迄今为止最大的物体。他说这可能是机身或飞机尾部的一部分。

    Jorge Amaral, a Brazilian air force colonel, said the long strip of metal found on Wednesday was the biggest piece that search crews had seen so far.


  • 雅各你的斥责一坐车骑马的,沉睡了

    At thy rebuke, o God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep.


  • 西顿居民的。 推罗,你中间的智慧掌舵的。

    The inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad were thy mariners: thy wise men, O Tyrus, that were in thee, were thy pilots.


  • 兹·海学会(Alzheimers Society)言人:“项令人关注研究可能能够改变成千上万存在痴呆风险命运。”

    A spokesman for the Alzheimer's Society said: "This is an interesting study which could change the lives of thousands of people at risk of dementia."


  • 特金斯报纸已于9月道歉声明,澄清温丝莱特并没有谎报其锻炼强度同意支付损害赔偿诉讼费

    The newspaper published an apology in September, accepting that Winslet had not lied about how much she exercised, and agreed to pay the damages and costs, Atkins said.


  • 另一项技术进步——系统著名明家托马斯·瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison, 1847- 1931)1874年明,可以使四条信息同一条电报线上同时传送

    Another improvement, by the famed inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) in 1874, was the Quadruplex system, which allowed for four messages to be transmitted simultaneously using the same wire.


  • 另一项技术进步——系统著名明家托马斯·瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison, 1847- 1931)1874年明,可以使四条信息同一条电报线上同时传送

    Another improvement, by the famed inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) in 1874, was the Quadruplex system, which allowed for four messages to be transmitted simultaneously using the same wire.


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