• 今天很多学者包括弗兰克林同事芬克尔斯坦质疑城门属于所罗门时代的说法,其他一些学者(例如哈伊·玛扎尔)认同这种看法。

    Today, many scholars (including Franklin and her colleague Finkelstein) doubt that all three gates are Solomonic, while others (Amihai Mazar, for example) think they could be.


  • 我们一度只把奇当做消息源而非合作伙伴或者同事我们忘了,本人也是自己安排的。

    We regarded Assange throughout as a source not as a partner or collaborator but he was a man who clearly had his own agenda.


  • 切尔太太腼腆女人畏避社交界其中的种种活动喜欢了解得一清二楚。

    Mrs. Archer was a shy woman and shrank from society; but she liked to be well-informed as to its doings.


  • 詹尼对博福特秘密了如指掌,不过公开场合切尔太太继续话题适合未婚女子的样子。

    She and Janey knew every fold of the Beaufort mystery, but in public Mrs. Archer continued to assume that the subject was not one for the unmarried.


  • 然而决定海珐公司震惊不已

    Nevertheless, the decision came as a shock to Areva.


  • 一起经营此项业务的于玲坚称:“瓶里只有空气顾客我们知道,但人们可以他们自己的问题放进里面。”

    But Ling Yu, who runs the business with a Mo, insisted: "We know there is nothing but air in the bottles, and so do our customers." People can put their own problems into them.


  • 没有知识了,虽然受了那么的痛苦,但这些事,迷迷糊糊的,有时甚至还知道感受的究竟是什么。

    There was too much ignorance in Jean Valjean, even after his misfortune, to prevent much vagueness from still lingering there. At times he did not rightly know himself what he felt.


  • 然而波罗知道奇里斯弱点告诉了帕里斯。

    The god Apollo, however, knew of Achilles' weak spot and told Paris about it.


  • 经过20分钟攀登花岗岩高地上浮现出两个人的身影。尔瓦雷斯又多次模仿嗥叫然而经常出没于的狼群此刻音讯杳然

    After 20 minutes of climbing, we emerge on the granite highland. álvares howls a few more times, but the wolves that den up here are nowhere to be seen or heard.


  • 电视连续镜头显示特警队毫无准备,本该只要几秒钟就巴士,结果花了将近一个小时

    Television footage showed that the team was unprepared and took about an hour to break into the bus instead of just seconds, Aquino said.


  • 萨德自动乱开始以来第三次演讲了无新意。

    The speech, Mr Assad's third since the unrest began, gave little new.


  • 奇怪的是,正当非法入境者似乎成群结队离开时•帕约似乎加大打击力度

    Oddly enough, Mr Arpaio seems to be stepping up his efforts just as illegal immigrants seem to be leaving in droves.


  • 他们应该获得一个点球当时弗莱彻明显踢倒尔沙文未触,但迪恩挥手示意比赛继续。

    They should have had a penalty when Darren Fletcher knocked Arshavin over like a skittle without reaching the ball, only for Dean to wave play on.


  • 而对导演陆川来说,《达》意味着所有中国影人的“一次”。

    For Chinese director Lu Chuan, Avatar also meant "a complete defeat" for all Chinese filmmakers.


  • 世人未曾认识认识你。这些知道来。

    O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.


  • 温格总是沿循自己的道路率领森纳走向平庸。

    Arsene Wenger has always followed his own path, but he is leading Arsenal into mediocrity.


  • 巴多为指挥细微的——眨眼间便会错失——但是极其精准菲欧娜-马多克斯在其观察者》所撰写的评论中,敏锐地指出了这种简约主义

    In the case of Abbado, his directions were slight - blink and you'd miss them - but exquisitely precise; Fiona Maddocks highlights this minimalism in her perceptive review for the Observer.


  • 博士发现虽然美国颁布禁令,但浓聚物含量依然升高。

    But Schecter found that they are increasing in the United States, despite the bans.


  • 但是成本升高,而行情回落了。吉先生引进合伙人,吉里·金斯,一名转手经验的炒房客。

    But costs rose, the market fell and Mr. Gittes brought in a partner, Jerry Atkins, a developer with more hands-on experience.


  • 曼联昨晚机会晋级人们本以为曼城晋级不成问题,然而森纳首先做到了。

    Manchester United could have qualified last night and of course everybody expected Man City to qualify but we are the first team.


  • 此时,那个犯了杀人罪洗脱了罪名外来客人德拉斯托斯,也向头野猪出了手里的标枪,但是没有击中刺中了克洛伊斯的儿子

    Then the guest, he who had been cleansed of manslaughter, whose name was Adrastos, hurling a spear at it missed the boar and struck the son of Croesus.


  • 什·肯纳斯表示,有可能的话,可以将这些价值纳入管理人员的绩效评估如果管理人员完成了业绩目标,未能实现企业文化预期,那么需要对进行公开地批评。

    When possible, build these values into managers' performance assessments and don't be afraid to make public firings when people hit their Numbers but fail to meet cultural expectations, Ashkenas says.


  • 森纳攻势凌厉,控制着局面,直到穆尼亚过于兴奋离开球门线,试图鲁尼放倒。

    Arsenal were in front and in control until Manuel Almunia left his line too enthusiastically and bundled Wayne Rooney over while trying to reach the ball.


  • 众人责备他们,不许他们作声他们越发大卫子孙可怜我们吧。

    And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, o Lord, thou son of David.


  • 费利佩·约拉妻子·安娜斯听从则通告。

    Felipe Oyola and his wife Adianes did listen to the announcement.


  • 第一那些家具让从来不曾掉换不过赛特住的那个小间的玻璃门换上了一扇木板门

    Jean Valjean had made no alterations in the furniture as it was the first day; he had merely had the glass door leading to Cosette's dressing-room replaced by a solid door.


  • 第一那些家具让从来不曾掉换不过赛特住的那个小间的玻璃门换上了一扇木板门

    Jean Valjean had made no alterations in the furniture as it was the first day; he had merely had the glass door leading to Cosette's dressing-room replaced by a solid door.


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