• 特雷·斯科特·于周上午拘留,此前美国运输安全管理局特工发现件被他们描述可疑物品东西

    Trey Scott Atwater was taken into custody Saturday morning after Transportation Security Administration agents spotted what they described as a suspicious item.


  • 努力克顿建立一所新的中等学校。他对四个不到孩子将要面临选择而不满。

    He is trying to set up a new secondary school in Acton because he is not satisfied with the choice facing his four children under six.


  • 尔内勒狄克骑兵队长他用马刀砍翻了哥萨克人,并且救了不是将军而是他的班长

    At Arnay-Le-Duc, being then a captain, he put ten Cossacks to the sword, and saved, not his general, but his corporal.


  • 詹姆斯·卡梅隆导演的《达》上映票房已经超过同样由其导演的《泰坦尼克号》,但是考虑到通货膨胀有所落后。

    "Avatar" has already earned more than "Titanic", also directed by James Cameron, after six weeks on the big screen. But adjusted for inflation it lags some way behind.


  • 但是斯朗尼亚离开里约热内卢飞往巴黎之前没有迹象显示飞机任何问题

    But Arslanian said there was no indication of problems with the plane before it left Rio DE Janeiro on Sunday night en route to Paris.


  • 瑟·温格目前处于角逐英超联赛冠军行列,过去的时间里,他们把切尔西的积分差距11缩小只有三分

    Arsene Wenger's side are in the hunt for the Premier League crown after cutting the gap between themselves and Chelsea from 11 points to just three in the space of six weeks.


  • 烟囱木桩都运送进屋之后,奥奇古打开了低矮的木门,跟着进屋的是妻子乌,小儿子乌拉卡,和岁的女儿卡。

    Once his stovepipe was raised and the stakes driven in, he opened the low wooden door for his wife, Norvoo; their baby boy, Ulaka; and their six-year-old daughter, Anuka.


  • 一个叫做苏的部落现在只剩下个人了。

    One tribe, the Akuntsu, had been reduced to just six members.


  • 1415年,亨利让库尔攻打法国,取得出其不意决定性胜利,刺激了获得法国王冠的愿望。

    His unexpectedly decisive victory over the French at Agincourt in 1415 whetted his appetite for the crown of France as well.


  • 尔迪的父亲一支个月这个男孩每天烟,如果烟瘾得不到满足,他还会大发脾气

    Six months after his father gave him his first cigarette, the overweight boy was smoking two packs a day and threw violent tantrums if his addiction was not satisfied.


  • 听着就算艾拉·普佳切娃尔卡季·赖金每个星期晚上到他们那里去表演,帮他们连演一个那些白痴还是方法亏本

    Listen, Alla Pugacheva and Arkady Raikin could perform every Saturday night for a month and those idiots would still find a way to lose money.


  • 主场比赛中,森纳主场以3 -0的比分战胜西布朗。赛后教授温格接受了采访

    Arsene Wenger spoke exclusively to Arsenal Player after his side's 3-0 victory over West Brom at Emirates Stadium on Saturday.


  • 所幸“·戈尔”号船员均得以获救,一场悲剧险些上演。

    While the six-person crew aboard the Ady Gil was rescued, tragedy wasonly narrowly averted.


  • 没有选择这个岁大的孩子只有自己做饭自己衣服自己家禽所有的事都得自己

    A Long does not have much choice. This six-year-old has to prepare his own meals, wash his clothes, feed poultry - he basically has to do everything by himself.


  • 没有选择这个岁大的孩子只有自己做饭自己衣服,自己家禽所有的事都他自己

    A Long does not have much choice. This six-year-old has to prepare his own meals, wash his clothes, feed poultry -he basically has to do everything by himself.


  • 纳斯上周接受记者采访时说:“巴马胜选那天,同事们了个恶作剧——他们穿上西装上领带,扮成奥巴马拍照。”

    "When Obama won, my colleagues played a practical joke on me -- they made me wear a suit, a tie, and took pictures of me posing as Obama," Anas told reporters on Saturday.


  • 菲尔德比西尔诗人,不过是同性恋因此绝不会是西尔情人但是显然他们之间的关系不论是私交还是在专业领域都非常亲密

    Mr Field, a poet six years her junior, is gay, so he was never one of her many lovers, but the relationship is clearly very close, both personally and professionally.


  • 上周斯托克城一役中,森纳拉姆齐主队的肖克罗斯踢断腿事后这些争论更是达到了白热化的程度。

    The issue has been brought into uncomfortably stark focus by the broken leg suffered by Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey last Saturday following a tackle from Stoke City's Ryan Shawcross.


  • 森纳晚上特拉福德球场对阵曼联,这是一个引人关注的足总杯四分之一决赛。留给森纳疗伤的时间并不多。

    Arsenal have little time to lick their wounds with a mouth-watering FA Cup quarter final clash with Manchester United at Old Trafford on Saturday evening.


  • 在这里输入译文森纳中场由于脚踝伤势错过了败给菲卡的比赛。尽管卡佩罗紧急召唤,但小威胁仍缺席周三对阵荷兰友谊赛

    The Arsenal midfielder missed Saturday’s defeat in Benfica with an ankle injury and, despite an initial call-up from Fabio Capello, will miss Wednesday’s friendly against Holland.


  • 乳母耶和华的殿里。亚他利了国位。

    He remained hidden with his nurse at the temple of the Lord for six years while Athaliah ruled the land.


  • 孩子)痛哭着:“利克斯说,读熟了法国史

    The child (aged six). I told Alix that I knew my French history.


  • 甚至读过其中一些普鲁斯特陀思妥耶夫斯基弗洛伊德再到卡尔·桑德堡所著共卷的林肯传(丈夫瑟·米勒她的),她还拥有400本藏书

    What's more, she read some of them, from Proust to Dostoyevsky to Freud to Carl Sandburg's six-volume biography of Lincoln (given to her by husband Arthur Miller), collecting a library of 400 books.


  • 据尼日利亚西南部奥贡州医院院长费密·扎依母亲顺利产下三女,但不幸逝世

    The woman died early Sunday, a day after the three boys and three girls were born in the southwestern town of Sagamu, hospital official Femi Ajayi said.


  • 大卫-奎特柯特妮-考克斯共同抚养一个女儿相信分居对于女方更好

    The Hollywood star, who has a six-year-old daughter Coco with Courteney, believes he and his estranged wife will become better people because of the split.


  • 然而自从他们捧杯以来赛季森纳都长期暴露在镁光灯下。

    However it has been a much-publicised six seasons since they won a trophy.


  • 在“维多利亚秘密”公司做过模特德瑞娜•利名列詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特妮可·基德曼并列第七

    Former Victoria's Secret model Adriana Lima came in sixth, followed by Jennifer Love-Hewitt and Nicole Kidman, who tied for seventh.


  • 根据这位故友称,最小的只有个月

    The youngest little Assange is a mere six months old, according to the former friend.


  • 根据这位故友称,最小的只有个月

    The youngest little Assange is a mere six months old, according to the former friend.


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