• 黄玉雪在其自传体小说《华女》中采用了第三人称叙述视角。

    The third-person narrative is adopted in Jade Snow Wong's first autobiographic novel Fifth Chinese Daughter.


  • ,39岁的教师玛格丽特·特金斯准备骑自行车去学校时,她震惊地发现自行车被偷了。

    When teacher Margret Atkins, 39, went to ride her bike to school last Friday, she was shocked to discover it was stolen.


  • 发射之前彩缤纷胶带冲天炉个窗玻璃包裹意大利都灵莱尼亚航天的洁净室中。

    Multicolored tape enshrouds the Cupola's seven window panes in a cleanroom at Alenia Spazio in Turin, Italy, before launch.


  • 为了确保顿国家公墓看到华盛顿纪念碑全景,决定大楼建造林顿的一小块土地上,也就是目前的所在地。

    He decided that to preserve the view of monumental Washington from Arlington cemetery the Pentagon would be constructed in the part of Arlington where it stands now.


  • 加西问道:“如果他们不用电动汽车知道年后石油价格是多少吗?”

    "Do you know what the price of oil will be in five years if they're not using electric cars?" Agassi asks.


  • 福布斯杂志进行分析发现金斯饮食抽样菜单《福布斯杂志》分析十个饮食计划费用最高的名之一。

    An analysis conducted by Forbes magazine found that the sample menu from the Atkins Nutritional Approach is one of the top five in the expense category of ten plans Forbesanalyzed.


  • 女士周前健康方面的原因前往阳光海岸,她认为朱利安出于保护家人的考虑刻意与他们保持距离。

    Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.


  • 莫斯10大楼必须听从那些意见”。

    "I have to listen to that." Amos said at the Pentagon appearance 10 days ago.


  • 木牙刷公司总裁正在收拾文件报纸,满脑子周下午的高尔夫球,突然他桌上的内线响了

    The President of Acme Toothbrushes is packing up his files and papers in anticipation of his Friday afternoon round of golf, when suddenly his desk intercom buzzes.


  • 来自国际危机组织智囊团纳嘎尼拉康坦慷慨激扬地说道:“我们一刻。”

    We've been waiting for this moment for five years”, enthuses Anagha Neelakantan of the International Crisis Group, a think-tank.


  • 经过照片扫描数据库查对幅画认定雷诺一幅作品《年轻巴黎女子》,大约年前瑞典被盗

    After photographs are scanned and databases checked, the painting is identified as the other Renoir, Jeune Parisienne, stolen nearly five years ago in Sweden.


  • 走进堡,没有引起任何人注意这时大家目光都集中在选出个人套制服上

    At the moment when jean Valjean entered the redoubt, no one had noticed him, all eyes being fixed on the five chosen men and the four uniforms.


  • 年后,捧着马蹄莲百合花花香,给了伯纳德·申利一个食品杂货商儿子

    Five years later, carrying a bouquet of calla lilies, she was married to Bernard Ashley, a grocer's son.


  • 没有听说有什么曾经类似的工作,但是觉得是个主意吉尔茨夫人,她月前又怀孕了,数年前的那个月,克里斯蒂夭折了。

    "I had never heard of anyone doing anything like this, and I just thought it was a great idea," said Ms. Akyildiz, who was five months pregnant when Cristy was stillborn.


  • 前不久离婚的克里斯汀娜·奎莱拉现身艾伦星期节目中宣传影片滑稽戏”,谈到生活中的男人

    Newly single Christina Aguilera appears on "Ellen" Friday to promote her new film, "Burlesque," and she talks about the man in her life.


  • 弗吉尼亚州林顿角大楼盥洗室其所需两倍

    The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many bathrooms as is necessary.


  • 格·丽对此表示认同1961年让她年级的同学

    Jane Angelich, who told her fifth-grade crush to drop dead in 1961, agrees.


  • 去年诺夫人的去世而卷起怀旧情绪不起眼的参议员儿子大选获得了胜利

    Mrs Aquino’s death last year let loose a wave of nostalgic popular sentiment which swept her son (an otherwise unremarkable senator) to victory in the presidential election held in May.


  • 年前即位不久卜杜拉国王宣布把每年的923日定为法定假日沙特1932年9月23日完成统一

    SHORTLY after assuming the throne five years ago, King Abdullah declared that henceforth September 23rd, the anniversary of Saudi Arabia's unification in 1932, would be an official holiday.


  • 去年诺夫去世而卷起怀旧情绪不起眼的参议员儿子大选获得了胜利

    Mrs Aquino's death last year let loose a wave of nostalgic popular sentiment which swept her son (an otherwise unremarkable senator) to victory in the presidential election held in May.


  • 持有油井25%股份纳达科石油公司时严厉批评他的竞争对手轻率行为尽力拉开与英国石油公司(BP)之间的距离

    Anadarko Petroleum, which owns 25% of the well, has been trying to distance itself from BP, blasting its rival for "reckless" behavior on Friday.


  • 就读于幼儿园的岁的亚得列·罗查不必把自己的长发衬衫领子里了

    Five-year-old Adriel Arocha doesn’t have to stuff his hair into his shirt collar.


  • 奎莱拉于今年十月马克斯父亲提出离婚,结束了婚姻

    Aguilera filed for divorce in October from Max's dad Jordan Bratman, who she was married to for five years.


  • 在周日令人麻木地又一次1 - 3败给曼联森纳落后曼联距离切尔西——而且还他们场。

    Sunday's numbing 3-1 defeat against Manchester United has left Arsenal four points behind their conquerors and five adrift of Chelsea - having played a game more than the leaders.


  • 森纳本月在这里拿到进球以及目前联赛统计数据上可怜大片空白就是明证。

    The runaround Arsenal administered here this month in plundering five proved as much, as does the sorry tally of two clean sheets in the Premier League to date all term.


  • 但是巴塞洛缪只要想到罗伊修斯的阅读速度只不过害怕的速度分之一,就可以心安理得了。

    But Bartholomew can comfort himself by remembering that Aloysius is just one-fifth the speed reader he once feared.


  • 听说他们条路的前方建造星级酒店。” 透露自己全名

    I hear that they are building a five-star hotel down the road, ” says Ah Man, a roommate of Mr Tang who did not want to give his full name.


  • 听说他们条路的前方建造星级酒店。” 透露自己全名

    I hear that they are building a five-star hotel down the road, ” says Ah Man, a roommate of Mr Tang who did not want to give his full name.


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