• 有一些停放着汽车形成阴影休息

    Some rest in the shade of a parked car.


  • 男士深夜路上,突然发现阴影有一位姑娘

    A man is walking late at night when he see's a woman in the shadows.


  • 实验表明这种方法对于阴影处人脸信息恢复不仅有效而且快速的。

    Experiments show that the method is not only efficient but also fast in restoring the shaded area on human face.


  • 那双闪光眼睛着前面漆黑的阴影处突然,眼神变得茫然而又恐惧

    She seemed to fix her flashing eyes upon the deep shadow before her. Then in a moment they acquired a vacant, terrified stare.


  • 塞纳留斯灌木丛阴影走出,正在开心交谈的三人被震慑住并且沉默了

    The laughing trio was shocked into silence when Cenarius stepped out of a shadowed thicket.


  • 上面这张照片主要闪灯提升阴影的亮度并且避免新娘眉毛形成的阴影

    The idea here is to just use the flash to lift the shadows, and avoid shadows under the subject's eyebrows.


  • :“他们说是因为眼睛里阴影我脸上不均匀的光照使得软件无法识别。”

    "They said it was the shadow in my eyes and the uneven lighting on the face makes it hard for the software to process," he said.


  • 个例子,到了阳光很强的时候把拍摄人物放到阴影来拍,但发现背景仍然有很强的阳光。

    Let’s take a situation. You learned from someone to place people in the shade on bright sunny days.


  • 不能珍贵而密排他阴影,而应该于博爱的阳光下以防心理暗箱作祟

    But you can't hide the repellent shadow secretly because its rarity, and you should open under the caritative sun to prevent the evil in the heart to haunt.


  • 这个例子中,刽子手头部软骨是从过渡白色然后直接粉色跟紫色水洗涂进阴影

    In the example below, the cartilage of the Carnifex head is blended up to pure white and then shaded pink directly into the recessed areas.


  • 四色视者具有某一种介于红色绿色锥体(橙色范围)和100个阴影处这能够女人清楚1亿颜色

    A tetrachromat has another type of cone in between the red and green (somewhere in the orange range) and its 100 shades, theoretically, would allow a woman to see 100 million different colors.


  • 我们的骑行速度很快,不久转为西的方向,但不知道那里正经受热浪的袭击——天气预报说阴影处温度高达102华氏度

    We made good progress, and were soon heading west where, unbeknown to us, there was a heatwavetemperatures were predicted to reach 102?F in the shade.


  • 我们湖边的阴影处现身出来,穿越片低矮灰色沙丘以后,首先迎接我们是一位阿法男孩一位阿法尔女孩以及他们放牧一群山

    We emerged from the shade of the lake fringe and crossed some low, gray sand dunes. Soon an Afar boy and girl came with their herd of goats to investigate.


  • 没有一阴影视作无色,连最深阴影染了绿

    No shadow was considered as being without color, and the deepest shadows are tinged with green and purple.


  • 如果挡泥板灯光合适,那么轮毂就会出现很深阴影,因此有必要轮胎进行单独曝光”,Ludes

    "When the lights sculpted the fender properly, they threw the wheel Wells into dark shadow, which necessitated a separate exposure for the tires," says Ludes.


  • 看过多次从没注意过阴影。”突然并指出画中手肘一块棕色焦痕

    "I've looked at this picture very often but I'd never really noticed this shadow before," he suddenly said, pointing to a patch of burnt umber near the elbow.


  • 法新社新闻报道说,当月亮阴影慢慢罩住太阳时,复活节岛上众多天文学家天文爱好者们爆发一阵欢呼。

    At first sight of the moon's shadow creeping across the sun, the crowd of astronomers and enthusiasts on the island burst into applause, according to the AFP news service.


  • 还有摄影师告诉他们需要鼻尖涂上阴影这样看起来鼻子够漂亮。

    Then I've had make-up artists who've told me they need to shade the top of my nose so it won't look so broken.


  • 布兰顿就坐阴影中,着身子。给了勇气,使他有胆量凝视那位坐在火光中的女孩

    Brantain sat in one of these shadows, partially hidden. This gave him courage to stare at the girl who sat in the firelight.


  • 叶子不易察觉地抖动一下然后似乎努力朝着阳光挺了挺身躯不过这个小小的动作能令摆脱科莱特阴影

    Leaves imperceptible shake a bit, and then it seems very hard to move the sun at a very pretty body, but did not make it this small action to get rid Klaette shadow.


  • 这些镜头取自白昼黑夜之间分界线,找了夸大地形阴影

    These shots were taken at the boundary between night and day, capturing shadows that exaggerate the terrain.


  • X线片仅见植入密度阻射阴影

    For the control group, shadow of low density was shown in X-rays.


  • 阳光必有一些阴影

    No sunshine but has some shadow.


  • 下来450px一条水平参考线,我们将要顶部添加阴影作为参考

    Draw a horizontal guide around 450px from the top border, we will use it as a reference guide to add a shade on top of the page.


  • G12内时候因为原装大鼻子镜头很大很长),挡住闪光灯,造成画面会出现部分丑陋阴影

    When I turned to using the camera's built-in flash as the main light source, the large nose of the housing (WP-DC34) blocked the flash, and cast ugly shadows that threatened even to cover my subjects.


  • 房间附近阴影等着。他要看看她的情人——他的情敌!

    He waited in the shadows near her room. He wanted to see her lover-his enemy!


  • 光照到某物体边缘时,光不再继续沿直线前进,而要边缘少许弯曲,致使物体阴影的边缘变得模糊

    When a Beam of light falls on the edge of an object, it is Bent slightly by the contact and causes a Blur at the edge of the shadow of the object.


  • 看上去没什么此外的位置需要一些轻微阴影

    It looks little bit useless, and besides that, its situated in the area which needs to be slightly Shadowed.


  • 看上去没什么此外的位置需要一些轻微阴影

    It looks little bit useless, and besides that, its situated in the area which needs to be slightly Shadowed.


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