• 所以,相信深入防守线重要的?

    So you don't believe that depth on the defensive line is important?


  • 保证一小恶狼车队老家的中心待命,随时准备支援防守线

    Keep a small convoy of Hellions in your base center, ready to rush to reinforce any of the three chokepoints.


  • 卫列防守线外边,负责突击四分卫阻止进攻线外侧突破。

    The two defensive ends play on opposite outside edges of the defensive line. Their function is to attack the passer or stop offensive runs to the outer edges of the line of scrimmage.


  • 他们防守线第一DM CA避风港条款,如果法院认定他们有此资格,他们不受其他任何因素影响获得免责

    They have two lines of defense. The first is the DMCA safe harbor; if the courts decide they qualify, then they're likely to be immune from liability regardless of other factors.


  • 在争线积聚额外的防守队员阻挡

    The Bears stacked the line of scrimmage with extra defenders to stop the run.


  • 防守球员线区域联防使得詹姆斯韦德这种喜欢攻击篮筐的球员难以轻松得分

    By packing players into the lane, a zone can make driving to the basket more difficult for Wade and James.


  • 发现你给对手在后卫线于门将之间更多的空间的时候,可以设置后卫比赛心态为完全防守或者线后撤。

    If you find you're leaving too much space behind your defence, try setting your centre-backs mentality to 'Ultra defensive' or using a deeper defensive line.


  • 米兰一旦失去,就失去了连接中场攻击线桥梁,中场防守也显得更脆弱,控制节奏就只能是空想了。

    Milan are lost without him, finding no link between midfield and attack, no coverage for the defence and absolutely no ability to dictate the tempo.


  • 两个防守前卫之一,位置在争球线短距离之后相对来讲靠近边界线

    Either of two defensive halfbacks stationed a short distance behind the linebackers and relatively near the sidelines.


  • 更为糟糕,588夜袭使命主要是克利米亚地区防守坚固北部线进行夜间轰炸

    Worse still, this 588th Night Bomber Regiment was to make night bombing raids on the stoutly defended enemy line north of the Crimea.


  • 故事线目前设计中不能告诉细节女皇一场战斗的初期可以使用,而且防守基地的时候拥有很强的实力。

    The storyline is still under development. We can't give you any details on it yet. The Queen is usable from the beginning and is specialized towards defense. More to come later.


  • 除非球门线上,不然就必须要有至少防守队员进攻队员以及球门线之间

    Unless the ball has approached the goal line, there needs to be at least two players between the offensive player and the goal.


  • 中国防守队员荣昊球门线前六分钟韩国队的廉基勋受伤退场,错失罚球机会

    United star Park Ji-Sung, missed the chance of a consolation goal six minutes later when Chinese defender Rong Hao kicked out the ball on the goal line.


  • 记得弗里·约翰逊罚球线附近无人防守跳投总是帮助马刺成功地度过一一道难关

    I remember how the success fo the San Antonio Spurs getting over the next hump always seemed to ride on the coattails of Avery being able to hit that wide open jumper near the free throw line.


  • 记得弗里·约翰逊罚球线附近无人防守跳投总是帮助马刺成功地度过一一道难关

    I remember how the success fo the San Antonio Spurs getting over the next hump always seemed to ride on the coattails of Avery being able to hit that wide open jumper near the free throw line.


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