• 火箭队内线防守严密, 奋力封堵对方的每次投篮, 逼得网队的投篮命中仅有 30%.

    The Nets shot 30 percent as the Rockets defended the paint and contested every shot.


  • 我们提升防守密度他们带来了麻烦,”里佛斯这样谈他们下半场防守,下半场尼克斯的命中只有32.6%(43投14中),安东尼只有11投1中的惨淡表现。

    "We upped our intensity and it created problems," said Rivers of their second-half defense, which held the Knicks to 32.6 percent (14-of-43) and Anthony to 1-of-11 over the final two quarters.


  • 如果防守罚球命中能够有所提高的话,绝对成为NBA最好球员

    Should his defense and free throw shooting improve to anywhere north of average, he'll have an argument to be the best player in the NBA.


  • 骑士第一防守更加完美,首节结束之后勇士只得11投篮只有22.7%,创下勇士本赛季首节得分最低记录。

    The Cavaliers' defense in the first was even better: Cleveland held the Warriors to 11 points — a season low for a quarter — on 22.7 percent shooting.


  • 里昂一直偏重防守没有向前压我们保有控球充分利用我们机会得分

    Lyonnais waited for us in defence and we kept possession and made good use of our chances to score.


  • 火箭队了一些重要,球的转移不错中距离投篮命中下降防守很高超。唯一不足内线威胁

    THE Rockets are playing some great ball. THE ball movement is good. Perimeter shots are falling. THE defense is great. Only thing missing is THE threat inside.


  • 他们第三高的投篮命中(48.11)第二低的防守投篮命中(42.07)。

    They have the third-highest shooting percentage (48.11), and the second-lowest defensive field goal percentage (42.07).


  • 萨博尼斯目前在雷霆的表现还不错,虽然防守是个问题但是一直在进步。他三分球命中好像达到了44%,是个不错的新秀

    Sabonis has been good for us. Defense was an issue, but it's gotten better. He's shooting 44% from three I think. He's a good rookie.


  • 命中只有可怜33.3%,火箭队最低自从投篮开始下降,防守篮板也一落千丈

    He is making just 33.3 percent of his shots, the worst of any Rockets regular, and since he started missing layups, he also stopped defending and rebounding.


  • 在女排运动运动员的运动素质指标防守有着直接关系

    Indexes of womens volleyball players fitness directly relate to defensive play ball rate.


  • 韦斯·利马修斯进攻完全翔一样的表现,仍然具备出色防守他的投射命中只有29%,三分球只有24%。

    Wesley Matthews has been utter shit on offense, he is still good on defense, but he is shooting 29% from the field and 24% from three.


  • 通过第14届第17届世界杯足球赛角球进攻战术比较分析研究发现角球的得分提高防守破坏有所下降。

    From a comparative analysis of offensive tactics of corners in the 14th and the 17th World Cup, we found that the rate of score of comers has risen and the rate of defensive has fallen down.


  • 防守任务对于拉德·马诺·维奇来说可能艰巨过去16场比赛三分球命中为41.5%,场均拿下11.1。确定了他在球队中的地位

    The harder defensive assignment might belong to Radmanovic, who earned his place in the starting lineup by making 41.5% of his three-point attempts while averaging 11.1 points over his last 16 games.


  • 火箭队正常比赛都显示出了顽强防守迫使爵士队出现18个失误仅仅36.5%投篮命中

    Houston played tenacious defense throughout, forcing 18 turnovers and holding the Jazz to 36.5 percent shooting from the field.


  • 得分排名中湖人排第一,在防守限制对手得分排名中排第二

    They're tops in opponents' scoring and second in defensive field goal percentage.


  • 季后赛防守队员科比夏天的训练买单。在10季后赛中,科比场均33.3命中50%。

    In the playoffs, defenders have paid a price for Bryant's diligent off-season work. In 10 postseason games, Bryant has averaged 33.3 points while shooting nearly 50%.


  • 我们训练场边,贴着许多海报,上面写着降低失误提高命中,强调整体防守、注意抢篮板

    We even have giant posters in our practice facility that talk about things like having low turnovers, taking high percentage shots, playing team defense, and rebounding the basketball.


  • 作为一名助理教练,2004- 2005赛季休斯顿火箭队度过,他打造出的一支防守很好的球队,限制对手得分命中在联盟里从未跌出前五名

    As an assistant coach with Houston from 2004-2007 the Rockets never finished worse than fifth in both opponents' scoring and field-goal percentage.


  • 认为2001年支球队我们我们防守赢得比赛,我们靠“丑陋”赢得比赛,我指的是我的命中可能40%或者42%,但是依然可以取胜

    I think the team of 2001 was, we won the games by our defense, and we won a lot of games playing ugly, I might been shooting 40%, 42% from the field, and still pull a game out.


  • 认为2001年支球队我们我们防守赢得比赛,我们靠“丑陋”赢得比赛,我指的是我的命中可能40%或者42%,但是依然可以取胜

    I think the team of 2001 was, we won the games by our defense, and we won a lot of games playing ugly, I might been shooting 40%, 42% from the field, and still pull a game out.


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