• 这个小小的糯米象征着阖家团圆家庭最美好的祝愿

    With sweet and soft rice outside and peanuts or sesame inside, this little rice ball stand for the happy reunion, and the best wish for the whole families.


  • 人们会吃一种糯米做成的传统美食——元宵,寓意阖家团圆

    Chinese people also eat yuan xiao, a traditional food made of glutinous rice flour which symbolizes family togetherness and reunion.


  • 春节中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆举国欢庆人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。

    The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration. And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.


  • 很享受北京寒冷干燥天气香喷喷的饺子阖家团圆的气氛,以及连绵不断的炮竹声

    As I enjoyed Beijing's cold, dry weather, delicious dumplings, family gatherings and around-the-clock fireworks, my conclusion was that our world seems to have turned a corner.


  • 日圆圆,阖家团圆财源泉源;人缘,福缘,缒情缘心愿甘心事事如愿!

    Yen, full moon, family reunion; Lu source, exchequer, is your source of popularity, and, constantly; love; wish, would rather, do everything!


  • 中国人农历八月十五日过中秋节一个家人团聚赏月节日,因为圆圆的月亮象征着阖家团圆

    On the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, the moon is full and it is time to mark the moon Festival, or the Mid-Autumn Festival. The round shape symbolizes family reunion.


  • 日圆圆,阖家团圆财源泉源;人缘,福缘,不断情缘;心愿甘心事事如愿! !

    Yen, full moon, family reunion; Lu source, exchequer, is your source of popularity, and, constantly; love; wish, would rather, do everything!


  • 不管怎么样春节最有意义就是阖家团圆我们家人一起度过,我们一起度过,就是春节的全部

    Anyway, the most meaningful thing of the Spring Festival is that we spend the time with the family, the people we love and we know that's all about.


  • 参展美国人非常不喜欢这种安排,因为感恩节他们一年一度阖家团圆大快朵颐的时候,展览的组织者却坚持说,他们无法避开这个节日。

    This was very unpopular with the American visitors, for whom this is a big annual family gathering and feast; but the organizers insisted it was unavoidable.


  • 春节阴历1月1公历2017年1月28日开始持续15,这阖家团圆温馨日子。 大部分人都会拼尽全力回家过年,也有些人选择外出旅游,就是为了避开絮絮叨叨的亲戚朋友同事的红包热(中国有过年包红包给钱习俗)。

    The Spring Festival, as it is known, usually lasts for 15 days from the first day of the lunar calendar (January 28 in 2017), and is the time when families get together to ring in the changes.


  • 春节阴历1月1公历2017年1月28日开始持续15,这阖家团圆温馨日子。 大部分人都会拼尽全力回家过年,也有些人选择外出旅游,就是为了避开絮絮叨叨的亲戚朋友同事的红包热(中国有过年包红包给钱习俗)。

    The Spring Festival, as it is known, usually lasts for 15 days from the first day of the lunar calendar (January 28 in 2017), and is the time when families get together to ring in the changes.


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