• 滤波,函数用来图像进行阈值变换

    Median filter, the function is used to transform the image threshold.


  • 说明:MF C实现灰度图像各种运算图像反色,窗口变换线性变换阈值变换灰度均衡

    MFC to achieve a variety of gray-scale image point operations, such as anti-color images, the window transform, linear transformation, threshold transform, gray balance, etc.


  • 系统采用最优阈值变换提取目标物体轮廓,完成了一能够实现对气泡偏移进行检测图像的状态进行模式识别图像处理和识别系统。

    The calibration system utilizes the combination of advantages of optimal thresholding and contour tracking to analyze the image of air bubble and recognize its features.


  • 特别是阈值方法,提出了一种基于正交小波变换自适应学习算法的噪声抑制方法。

    Especially to threshold de-noising, a method based on orthogonal wavelet analysis and self-adaptive learning algorithm was proposed here.


  • 研究结果表明:基于EWC阈值小波变换能够有效地抑制GIS特高频PD信号中的周期性窄带干扰

    The results show that the EWC threshold method of complex wavelet transform can effectively suppress the periodic narrowband interference from GIS UHF PD signals.


  • 文章提出基于离散平稳小波变换最佳阈值分割算法的织物疵点边缘检测方法

    This paper proposed a method for fabric defects edge detection based on discrete stationary wavelet transform (DSWT) and optimal threshold segmentation algorithm (OTSA).


  • 讨论利用联合变换相关器对复杂背景目标进行相关识别选取问题

    The problem of choosing the threshold value of binary joint transform correlator to recognize target under complicated background is discussed in this paper.


  • 为了实现移动装备发动机缸盖振动信号在线处理提出一种基于提升小波变换渐变阈值降噪方法

    In order to on-line process engine cylinder head vibration signals of mobile equipment, a de-noising method with gradual changing threshold based on lifting wavelet package transform was proposed.


  • 以小变换为基础提出能量阈值结合适应算术编码方法扰动数据进行压缩获得了好的压缩效果

    This paper proposes an energy threshold method based on wavelet transform and has achieved fairly good compression performance by referring to adaptive arithmetic encoding.


  • 本文基于小波变换多尺度适应阈值图像边缘检测方法应用交通图像边缘检测

    In this paper, a new method of multi-scale and adaptive thresholds edge detection for image based on wavelet transform was adopted to detect edge of traffic vehicle.


  • 传统信号方法采用门限噪声信号小波或小波变换处理达到去噪的目的。

    In traditional denoising methods for signals, we usually use the method of threshold to achieve denoising by the threshold disposing of wavelet packet transform.


  • 介绍了基于细分第二小波变换基本原理变换过程给出了小波降噪的阈值选取方法。

    The principle and process of the second generation transform based on interpolating subdivision is described, and then the selection of wavelet shrinkage is provided.


  • 成像过程引入噪声经可变阈值小波变换处理有显著降低提高了造影血管影像清晰度

    By using WT with a changeable threshold, most of the noise introduced in the imaging procedure was decreased, and the definition of images was improved markedly.


  • 快速傅里叶变换数字信号处理常用数学工具,以运算速度信噪比特点。

    FFT is a mathematical tool commonly used in digital signal processing, and is characterized by fast operational speed and low SNR threshold value.


  • 算法性能指标视觉质量上均优于基于离散正交变换方法和传统的中滤波

    In performance and visual quality, the algorithm is better than the wavelet denoising based on discrete orthogonal wavelet transform and the conditional median value filtering method.


  • 通过计算机模拟,确定该最佳位于联合变换功率平均灰度附近。

    That is, there exists an optimal threshold, which lies in the average gray of the joint transform power spectrum by computer simulation.


  • 提高CT图像清晰度降低影对医生诊断不利影响文章提出了一种基于小波变换和软阈值的CT图像伪影消除方法。

    To improve the clarity of CT image, and reduce the disadvantageous affect of the artifact, the article proposes a method of reducing CT image artifact based on wavelet soft threshold.


  • 传统联合变换相关器结果比较自适应对于输出的相关、信比等主要参数明显提高。

    The performance of the adaptive binarization thresholding method has been compared with that classical optical correlator in the areas of correlation peak to and SNR (signal to noise ratio).


  • 目前绝大多数都基于决策方法选择往往都是建立对信号小波变换系数的方差估计上。

    The present method for noise reduction with wavelet transform is based on the thresholding method and threshold selection will depend on the estimation of the noise standard deviation.


  • 提升NQR信号信噪比,根据NQR信号特点,提出基于改进阈值函数小波变换的NQR信号去噪方法

    In this work, a signal process method for NQR signals is presented, which is based on wavelet transform and specially designed for the detection of pentaerythritol tetranitrate with NQR.


  • 针对小波变换多分辨率边缘检测中单一难以区分边缘噪声问题,本文提出自适应阈值方法,并改进了边缘链接方法。

    To discern edge and noise in multiresolution edge detection used single threshold, we put forward a kind of adaptive threshold and improve the method of edge linking.


  • 试验结果表明选择了适当基函数和的情况下,采用小波变换消噪方法对舰船辐射噪声信号进行消噪处理,可以取得良好的效果。

    The results prove that we can get a very effective outcome by the method of wavelet transformation if the adaptive wavelet base and threshold value are chosen.


  • 基于小变换对信号去进行了深入地分析研究,结合去噪原理讨论和比较实际应用小波规则合理选取问题

    Combining with the denoising principle, the rational selection issue concerning more suitable wavelet base and the best threshold rule in actual application is discussed and compared.


  • 针对强混沌背景频带信号难以提取这一问题,提出了基于正交小波变换小波软阈值滤波相结合的方法。

    The extraction of signal embedded in frequency band of chaotic background is always an important and difficult problem in chaotic signal processing field.


  • 研究了基于小波变换语音问题,传统去噪语音特性分析基础上,提出改进的多阈值法语音信号去噪方法。

    By Analysing speech signal and conventional denoising method of threshold, a new mult-threshold based on wavelet transform method of speech signal denoising is proposed.


  • 结合地震图像噪声特点利用尺度变换的优点,提出一种新的自适应小波阈值去噪算法

    Combined with the characteristics of seismic image noise, using multi-scale wavelet transform, presents a new adaptive wavelet threshold denoising algorithm.


  • 算法依赖噪声方差进行估计,直接利用DCT变换对高频各个子带进行局部特征提取,从而估计噪声能量的估计阈值

    Instead of many algorithms rely on accurate estimation of noise variance, this algorithm estimates noise energy through DCT which extracts local feature.


  • 结果表明算法优于传统实小波包变换阈值算法尤其周期噪声语音信号,双树复小波包变换算法的优势更为明显。

    The results show the proposed algorithm is better than common RWPT and node threshold method, especially for the speech contained periodic noise.


  • 降噪技术利用小波变换表示信号稀疏性质使用对角形式的阈值滤波器达到信号降噪的目的,这个方法很多信号空间近似最优的。

    Wavelet thresholding technology is using the sparse property of wavelet representation and diagonal filter for signal denoising . This method is nearly optimal in many signal spaces.


  • 降噪技术利用小波变换表示信号稀疏性质使用对角形式的阈值滤波器达到信号降噪的目的,这个方法很多信号空间近似最优的。

    Wavelet thresholding technology is using the sparse property of wavelet representation and diagonal filter for signal denoising . This method is nearly optimal in many signal spaces.


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