• 目的口腔正畸诊断牙列间隙分析提供理论依据

    Objective We provided the reference for diagnoses in Othodontics of total dental space analysis.


  • 叶尖间隙分析研究叶尖间隙控制方法改善发动机性能重要内容

    Tip clearance numerical analysis is an important content of studying tip clearance control and improving engine performance.


  • 前面阶段里间隙分析草案架构用作基线,由于初期架构指导原则达成一致。

    As in the preceding phases, gap analysis and draft architectures are used as a baseline, as are the architecture guiding principles agreed upon in the preliminary phase.


  • 目的比较传统模型三维数字化模型间隙分析中的差异,并且应用数字化模型准确计算平整弓所需间隙,验证传统模型分析中对平整牙弓所需间隙方法是否正确。

    Objective Aim of this study was to calculate the space for levelling the curve of Spee in digital models, and compare with the traditional method used in orthodontic practice.


  • 研究人员澳大利亚分析人员可能捕捉事实阿姆斯特朗拖长了“for”一的腔调,起来就像ferr”,轻声发音“rs”误认为单词间的一个间隙了。

    The researchers say the Australian analysis may not have picked up the fact that Armstrong drawled the word "for" so that it sounded like "ferr" and mistook the softly spoken "r's" for a gap.


  • 结论:采用柔约束、间隙作为下颌骨及髁突边界条件提高模型相似性下颌骨的受力分析奠定基础。

    Conclusion: Cable and gap elements are reasonable boundary conditions of the finite element model of mandible, which will improve the similarity of the model.


  • 首先分析间隙s元素接触状态接触条件,建立了含间隙s副的一般力学模型。

    The contact states and contact conditions of the pairing elements of the s pair with clearance are analyzed in detail.


  • 本文介绍研制弹道相机”时,一种新型结构设计、轴系晃动误差配合间隙分析计算

    This paper describes the structural design of a vertical shafting, analyses and calculates the wobble error and fit clearance in the developed ballistic camera.


  • 根据仿真模型分析间隙等非线性因素系统精确度影响提出改进性能措施

    According to simulation model the effect of backlash and dead zone nonlinear on system performances was analyzed, and the measures of improving the system performances were put forward.


  • 同时利用仿真模型分析间隙等非线性因素系统精确度影响提出提高传动系统性能的措施。

    Based on the simulation model, the effect of backlash and dead zone nonlinear factors on the system performances was analyzed, and the measures to improve the system performances were given.


  • 利用仿真模型分析间隙等非线性因素系统精度影响给出了提高传动系统性能措施

    According to simulation model, the effect of backlash and dead zone nonlinear factors on systematic performances was analyzed, and the measures of improving the systematic performances were given.


  • 本文阐述了如何应用间隙流动数值模拟分析解决贯流式水轮机的一些实际问题

    In this paper, it shows how the clearance flow numerical simulation is used to analysis and settle down the practical problem of tubular turbine.


  • 针对基于线电极展成加工放电间隙进行了理论分析提出一些新的研究观点

    In this paper, some new points were put forward based on theoretical analysis of the discharge gap of Electric discharge Generating machining based on wire electrode.


  • 目的间隙原发性肿块进行流行病学分析

    Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characters of the original mass in the parapharyngeal space.


  • 影像学分析则基于腓联合间隙,胫腓重叠以及内侧间隙

    Radiologic review included tibiofibular clear space, tibiofibular overlap, and medial clear space.


  • 分析间隙机理建立冲裁力学模型给出冲裁计算公式

    In this article, the mechanism of minus clearance punching is analyzed, the punching force model is established, and the calculation formula for punching force is given.


  • 运用间隙接受理论分析匝道车辆在高速公路合流区汇入主路运行状态。

    The merging behavior of on-ramp vehicle is analyzed with gap acceptance theory.


  • 分析调管输出回路电磁场分量入手,结合微波电路理论提出了计算调管输出回路间隙阻抗分析

    A new method (field analysis method) is presented to calculate gap-impedance in a klystron output circuit based on the analysis of the electromagnetic field components and microwave circuit theory.


  • 基于概率论方法可穿插间隙理论分析人行横道信号控制方式过渡信号控制方式设置条件

    Meanwhile, the set condition that pedestrian crossing transform from non-signal control mode to signal control mode was analyzed by using probability theory and gap acceptance theory.


  • 分析表明,载荷密封间隙、橡胶密封筒高度应力最大值影响摩擦系数影响很小

    The result shows that load, seal gap and seal height have influence on the maximum stress while friction coefficient has little influence on it.


  • 目的本研究石膏间隙预备间隙印模扫描后,通过计算分析测试比较情况适合度

    PurposeThis study is the gypsum generation of gap stamp and the preparation body gap stamp scanning, through the computation analysis, tests and compares two kind of situations the grades of fit.


  • 通过不同间隙条件冲裁件断面质量以及不同间隙条件下模具磨损情况,分析说明了冲模间隙与模具磨损和产品质量的关系。

    Based on the punching section quality and mould wear in different gap conditions this paper analyses the relation between die gap and mould wear and product quality.


  • 但如果这些其它紊乱存在的话,代酸间隙分析比较困难。

    In the presence of these other disorders, the assessment of a gap metabolic acidosis can be clouded.


  • 介绍了客车橡胶风挡间隙产生原因,通过我国客车结构分析,提出了解决客车橡胶风挡运用产生间隙措施

    Via the analysis of the end structure of passenger cars in our country, measures to avoid clearances in operation of rubber vestibule diaphragms for passenger cars are put forward.


  • 分析齿间隙不平衡量轴系振动影响

    Effect of sleeve clearance and unbalance on shaft vibration is analysed.


  • 通过实践分析讨论间隙最佳取值给出了冲裁模设计用参考性数据方法

    By experimenting, analyse the optimum value's choice of blanking clearance, and give some referred data and methods for die's design.


  • 目的分析间隙腰椎间盘突出症的漏诊、误诊原因预防对策,提高诊断水平

    Objective:To analyze of multiple level lumbar disc herniation misdiagnosis and improve diagnosis level.


  • 关节间隙变量采用二维矢量表示法,分析机器人关节间隙对机器人末端位置重复精度影响

    The effects of the joint clearance variables to the position repeatability of the robot end effector are analyzed using a two-dimensional vector method to define the joint clearance variables.


  • 通过轴流脱粒分离装置试验台进行因素试验分析凹板间隙谷物联合收割机作业性能影响

    The study was according to the single parameter on the axial threshing and separating unit test bed, and concave clearance had an effect on its work performance was analyzed.


  • 分析振动机械中应用混沌振动途径,基于间隙机构动力分析,提出了一种混沌振动机械的可行方案。

    According to the analysis on the dynamics of mechanism with clearance, a feasible way of chaotic vibration-utilizing machinery is worked out.


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