• 间隔探针(指定的时间间隔触发)。

    Interval probes (fire at specific time intervals).


  • 可以设置令牌之间时间间隔或者使用缺省分钟间隔

    You can set the time interval between tokens, or use the default of one minute.


  • 可以它们那些初次运行之后需要按照常规间隔发生事件进行调度使用周期参数指定时间间隔

    You can use them to schedule events that should occur at regular intervals after the initial run, with the period specifying the interval.


  • 表示时间间隔平均指标相反,聚合它们的保留时间间隔中。

    This means that in contrast with interval averaged metrics, the aggregates retain their values across intervals.


  • 泄漏可能非常令人难以置信地所以我们将分析时间间隔时间间隔内存趋势

    Leaks can be very fast or incredibly slow, so we analyze memory trends of both short and long intervals.


  • 客户机根据预定的时间间隔(轮询间隔)依次发送请求继续这个过程,直至服务器一个更新

    The client in turn sends another request after a predetermined interval (poll interval) and this process continues until there is an update from the server.


  • 完成这项任务,我们取得一个时间间隔中使用总体CPU时间,然后用该时间间隔15分钟活动用户总数除以

    To do this, we will take the total CPU used in an interval and divide it by the total active 15-minutes users in that interval.


  • 因此,可以标记那些在表单加载立即发生的提交,这可以通过使用这样一个时间间隔实现,在这个时间间隔普通人根本无法如此快速地完成表单输入的。

    You might want to flag submissions that were made immediately after the form was loaded, with an interval that makes it improbable that a human was able to fill out the form inputs so quickly.


  • 只是列出运行时间间隔内所获得节拍数量总和;它不会列出这些节拍发生时间间隔的一时刻。

    It just lists the total amount of ticks received over the interval that it ran; it does not list at what points during the interval these ticks occurred.


  • 循环时间必须时间间隔偶数倍,所以如果间隔为100,那么循环时间应该是200、500或者1000——不能是750。

    The cycle time must be an even multiple of the repaint interval, so if the interval is 100, then the cycle time could be 200, 500, or 1000 — but not 750.


  • 如果要求时间间隔1那么获得时间间隔可能是1秒、1.2、9秒任何其他时间

    If you ask for a second, you might get the callback at 1 second or 1.2 seconds or 9 seconds or any other time.


  • 对于每一次运行测试用户都会正常设置间隔内引入一个系统这个时间间隔叫做间歇阶段

    For each test run, users are introduced to the system at a normal set interval; this is called the "ramping" phase.


  • 为了收集短期历史数据DB2PE用户指定时间间隔即记录时间间隔制作系统活动定期快照。

    To collect short-term history data, DB2 PE makes periodic snapshots of system activity at an interval you specify, the recording interval.


  • 就是某个时间间隔活动用户总数除以时间间隔的事务总数。

    This is the total number of transactions for some interval divided by the total number of active users for that interval.


  • 所有其他参数都可以配置检测间隔长的音调事件——在一个时间阈值内发生多个并行音调事件,或者音调事件之间时间间隔不同

    All of the other parameters can be configured to detect more widely spaced tonal eventsmultiple simultaneous tonal events across a time threshold, or different timings between the tonal events.


  • 服务的唯一功能只是三个小写字符串输入强制10间隔转化大写的字符串,一强制时间间隔用来模拟一较时间处理过程

    All the service does is transform three lowercase String input values to upper case after forcing a 10 second pause in the execution to simulate a long running process.


  • 因此如果时间间隔到期没有活动发生,则该时间间隔的聚合为零,而与之前时间间隔中的活动无关

    Accordingly, if an interval expires with no activity, the aggregate values for that interval will be zero regardless of the activity in the prior interval. Figure 6 illustrates this pattern.


  • 例如5分钟时间间隔收集短期历史数据,并15分钟时间间隔进行汇总看到以下结果。

    For example, if you collect short-term history data in 5-minute intervals and have an aggregation in 15-minute intervals, you would see the following.


  • 计时器时间间隔设置 1,随着时间流逝请求完全超过了时间间隔

    With the timer set to a one-second interval, by the time it goes off, the request is well past complete.


  • 具有某个计时间隔新的计时器ti(时间间隔),添加这个计时器时,将计算出这个计时器的ts(计时器槽位),具体如下所示。

    When a new timer with a timer interval, such as ti (time interval), is to be added to this wheel, the slot for the new timer, ts (timer slot), is calculated, as follows.


  • Probe负载指定时间间隔打开站点一个页面(在这里间隔1分钟)。

    The Probe workload opens a page on our site every specified amount of time (in our case, approximately once per minute).


  • 第一飞机时间完成计划维护间隔PMI123,并在另一个计划维护间隔完成增加56服役时间

    The first aircraft took more than a year to complete the Planned Maintenance Intervals (PMI) 1, 2, and 3 that will add five to six years of service life to the aircraft before another PMI is due.


  • 平均时间间隔trace (longvalue,Stringname)trace (int value, String name)方法发出时间间隔平均值跟踪(请参阅时间间隔侧栏)。

    Interval averaged: the trace (long value, String name) and trace (int value, String name) methods issue traces for interval averaged values (see the Intervals sidebar).


  • 服务t1t2间隔里以按方式占用这些资源 t1 到 t2 的间隔客户端方面的事务持续时间

    The server requires these resources on an on-demand basis for a much shorter period than the time span between t1 and t2, which is the total duration of the transaction from the client's perspective.


  • 运行时间平均值但是计数(每个时间间隔内的响应阻塞等待)每个时间间隔内的总数。

    The elapsed times are averaged, but the counts (responses per interval, blocks, and waits) are totaled per interval.


  • 确定这个百分比的方法规定时间间隔内将电容器充电某一额定电压然后在第二个时间间隔内使电容器放电

    This percentage is determined by first charging the capacitor to the rated voltage for a specified time interval, then discharging it for a second time interval.


  • 间隔触发:这种类型搜寻两个相同极性指定时间间隔分离连续边界

    Interval: This type lets you search for two successive edges of the same polarity that are separated by a specified interval of time.


  • 层面间隔时间控制在直接铺筑允许间隔时间内将有利于层面效应系数提高

    The effect factor can be raised up by spreading and placing the RCC directly over the existing layers under the allowed or specified time intervals.


  • 你可以开始90分钟间隔工作,每两段间隔之间休息个1520分钟最好是这些时间用来看看可爱动物

    Start doing work in chunks of 90 minutes, and try to take a 15- to 20-minute break after each interval, preferably spending the time looking at cute animals.


  • 一种计时器指控制时间间隔指示间隔结束的那种计时器,炉子上的计时器。

    A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.


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