• 随着子源间线D增大射电光度下降

    The radio luminosity decreases with the increase of D.


  • 随着子源间线d增大指数q下降

    The colour index difference Q decreases with the increase of d.


  • 原装进口极间线原厂品质国产价格试用满意再付款

    Original cables, original quality, but low prices, you can pay it after trial use and satisfy.


  • 一点你们是否注意到,《启示录》没有严格单一时间线

    One of the things is,if you notice, the Book Revelation doesn't give one strict timeline.


  • 自从本书完成以来,发生了许多宇宙星际重大事件这些情况导致异邦者》书籍列出线事件的进程加速。

    Many monumental Intergalactic and Universal events have occurred since these two books were written, which have expedited the sequence of Time line events as outlined in the Voyager books.


  • 乐谱C大音阶而构思这个音阶中的线代表一个音符

    Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.


  • 如果梦幻客机在今年年底开始投入生产线就像波音承诺的那样,超过预算数十亿美元而且比计划完成。

    If the Dreamliner starts rolling off the production line towards the end of this year, as Boeing promises, it will be billions over budget and three years behind schedule.


  • 虽然形状主要通过元素对比定义但它们可以借助轮廓线来定义。

    While shapes are mostly defined by a contrast between elements, they're also defined by their contour, or edge.


  • 麦凯BBC一个录音室里第一次看到这个效果的:那位正在播音职员平行线线空白上下跳动的阴影错觉得很不耐烦

    MacKay first observed this effect on the wallboard of a BBC studio: the broadcasting staff had been annoyed by illusory shadows running up and down blank strips between columns of parallel lines.


  • 类似一条恒星生产线星际分子瓦解产生恒星然后新的恒星逐渐剩下气体尘埃推走

    In a kind of star assembly line, interstellar molecular clouds collapse, producing new stars, which then gradually push back the remaining gas and dust.


  • 球状的圆圈代表状态,圆圈箭头线代表转移事件动作

    Balloons represent states, and arrows between them represent transitions, which are labeled with events and actions.


  • 工作那些业务业务线交付软件负责经理人员设计的。

    The workshop is for executives who are responsible for delivering software to their business and executives from lines of business.


  • 着让眼睛在读过3-4文字再进行休息,或者任意觉得效果更好的行数,保持眼睛多行文字顺畅移动大脑沿着线不断地获取知识

    Try to reduce your eye rests to 3-4 per line, maybe evenless as you get betterkeep the eye moving smoothly line after line, lettingyour mind drink in the knowledge on the line.


  • 我们重要的,还是塞琉西王朝和托勒密王朝,因为如果叙利亚埃及划一条线,就会穿过巴勒斯坦

    What's important for us though is really the Seleucids and the Ptolemies because if you draw a line separating Syria from Egypt, the line goes right through Palestine.


  • 事实上根据心理健康专业人员表示,绝大多数有忧郁倾向一时的往往不是心理学家,而是第一线的心理医生

    In fact, according to mental-health professionals, the majority of depressed people who seek professional help turn first not to a psychologist but to their primary-care physician.


  • 实事证明,他们常常只是提前通知,便可以对产品进行颜色式样修改,而这些程序在以往如果没有提前年时预留生产线的情况下,是根本不可能做到的。

    And it does. It often changes colors or cuts with just a few weeks’ warning — something it couldn’t do if it didn’t reserve a manufacturing plant for a year in advance.


  • 如果细看两种颜色边界,你就会注意有些线似乎非常刚硬而刻板一些线柔软模糊

    If you follow the boundary between two colors, you'll notice that some lines appear to be very hard and rigid, while other lines are soft and fuzzy.


  • 但是像某人走进屋子了解电灯泡线总比仅仅只是盯着要好,科学家这么做意义也是相同的。

    Then again isn’t it a good thing for science to understand the wiring behind a light bulb, instead of just observing that it goes on when someone walks into a room?


  • 突然工作家庭生活融为一体,悬线

    Suddenly, work and family life combine, with perilous consequences.


  • 调查显示,1993-1994年,全国半数人口生活贫困线以下,而2007年这一比例下降三分之一以下

    Surveys have shown that, in 1993/1994, close to half of the population was living under the poverty line. In 2007, that portion fell to under a third.


  • 根据北美自由贸易协定美国允许墨西哥卡车穿越边境线此举结束了两国长久争端

    The United States agreed to let trucks from Mexico operate across their border in accordance with the North American Free-Trade Agreement, ending a lengthy dispute.


  • 20062008年大多数线治疗药物费用降低10- 40%。

    The cost of most first-line regimens decreased by 10-40% between 2006 and 2008.


  • 应该在句号或者逗号与空格划一线

    Instead, you can draw a line from the period or comma, to the space bar.


  • 本来一切平静如水,灾难却不期然猝然杀到:干扰细胞繁殖病毒感染了用于生产药物的一整罐细胞,整条生产线被迫关闭。

    But that week, a virus that disrupts cell reproduction infected one of the bioreactors. The entire plant had to be shut down.


  • 因为一方面而言,UT P线要求已经再次升级CAT- 5e版了,另一方面100BASE - T使用线——同一,两个走向。

    For one thing, the UTP cabling requirements were upped again to category 5e, and 1000base-t USES all four twisted pairs-in both directions at the same time.


  • 一个很明显争论热点就是长达4000公里边境线

    One obvious bone of contention is the 4,000km border that runs between the two countries.


  • 上次市场跨200移动平均线以上正好年前,于是市场从9月12呈现了牛市

    The last time we moved off the 200-day moving average was just under a year ago, when we had a great September to December bull run.


  • 上次市场跨200移动平均线以上正好年前,于是市场从9月12呈现了牛市

    The last time we moved off the 200-day moving average was just under a year ago, when we had a great September to December bull run.


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