• 结论牙髓-牙周综合征病变来源不同治疗方法效果明显差异。

    Conclusion: the effects of the process sources and different treatments have obvious distinctions.


  • 变化悄然发生的,1520不会产生明显效果

    The changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years.


  • 研究的目的评估固定技术如椎板内、狭部弓根的即时节固定效果

    The aims of this project were to evaluate the acute segmental fixation afforded by fixation techniques: intralaminar, pars, and pedicle.


  • 应该能够看到单一屏幕界面其中结帐过程每个步骤各自选项卡内进行,而百叶窗式的视觉效果标记步骤转换

    You should see a single-screen interface in which each step of the process is carried out inside its own tab and a window-shade visual effect marks the transitions between steps.


  • 麦凯BBC一个录音室里第一次看到这个效果的:那位正在播音职员平行线线条空白上下跳动的阴影错觉得很不耐烦

    MacKay first observed this effect on the wallboard of a BBC studio: the broadcasting staff had been annoyed by illusory shadows running up and down blank strips between columns of parallel lines.


  • 一发现一则科学家的共识发起了挑战病人接受针灸感受到任何好转纯属安慰剂效果

    The discovery challenges a widely held view among scientists that any benefit patients feel after having acupuncture is purely due to the placebo effect.


  • 散散步,如果能到外面更好了,如果能在台阶做阶梯运动能达到同样效果

    Go for a walk - outside is better, but up two flights of stairs and back down is good too.


  • 通过这样收紧滤纸可能会一点但是它们好用并且效果更好

    Straining through the filters may take a little longer, but they are easier to use and produce better results.


  • 如果送给约会对象当面鲜花效果是最好的,这样感受对方第一时回应

    If you are meeting for a date you could present the flowers personally, this will give you benefit of an immediate reaction.


  • 社会绩效金融业绩这些关系,可以通过解释回报代表性变量因子模型进行合理化难以通过产业效应起到同样效果

    These relationships between social and financial performance can be rationalized by multi-factor models for explaining the cross-sectional variation in returns, but not by industry effects.


  • 用户能力改变显示效果时,显示数据的关系比较容易的。

    Showing relationships between data is easier when the user has the power to change the visuals.


  • 1977年根岸博士使用化合物减轻原子粘连。之后铃木教授发现化合物的效果更好

    In 1977, Dr. Negishi used zinc compounds to ease the mingling of carbon atoms on palladium, and two years later, Dr. Suzuki found that boron compounds worked even better.


  • 下面请欣赏桌面——墙纸稍加修改两手添加了一个面板增加透视效果

    For this Desktop,I modified the wallpaper, and created that panel between the hands, which givessome perspective.


  • 着让眼睛在读过3-4文字再进行休息,或者任意觉得效果更好的行数,保持眼睛多行文字顺畅移动大脑沿着线不断地获取知识

    Try to reduce your eye rests to 3-4 per line, maybe evenless as you get betterkeep the eye moving smoothly line after line, lettingyour mind drink in the knowledge on the line.


  • 光子晶体成分做为绝缘体约束着两者的运动——允许某些波长通过同时阻止其它的波长,这样就产生反射效果

    Being insulators, the elements of a photonic crystal constrain this propagation, permitting some wavelengths to pass while denying passage to others, which are thus reflected.


  • 如果黑暗屋子(大厅)里进行演示那么暗色背景(深蓝灰色)白色浅色文本效果好。

    If you will be presenting in a dark room (such as a large hall), then a dark background (dark blue, grey, etc.) with white or light text will work fine.


  • 字符“北京2008”借汉字形态之神韵形成英文字母互动对比效果象征不同文化交流

    The letter Beijing 2008 wriiten in calligraphy creates an interesting interaction and contrast to the English letters, representing a dialogue between cultures.


  • 接下来发生的事情数十年有力地支持了上述规定反对者:行业游说活动效果显著,以至于国会尖锐地(尽管简要地)表示,不再批准机构预算

    What happened next emboldened opponents of regulation for decades: an industry lobbying campaign was so effective that Congress pointedly (though briefly) would not reauthorize the agency's budget.


  • 卫生玻璃使用者感受到室外环境效果

    The bathroom has large windows on either side which has the effect to make residents feel they are in an outdoor environment.


  • 而且因为它们存在交互——或者说没有星体物质在它们流动——我们提供处独特的星体实验室,在这个实验室里我们可以寻找广义相对论引发的效果并且探测极端重力

    And because there is no interaction-or star matter streaming between them-we may have a unique stellar laboratory here to look for effects of general relativity and probe for extreme gravity.


  • 页面元素紧密设计重力作用拖拽效果

    Design tension born of the gravitational pull between page elements.


  • 虽然克伦·特罗Adderall能够短期创造减肥效果,但是经过使用者体重突然失控性的增加。

    While Clenbuterol and Adderall create a slimming effect in the short-term, after a while, users report a sudden and uncontrollable weight gain.


  • 队列数目基本上取决于台主机带宽延迟效果(bandwidth delayproductBDP)。

    The number of packets in the retransmission queue is fundamentally driven by the bandwidth delay product (BDP) between the two hosts.


  • 建筑有着光线巧妙处理结实体块的关系整个效果实现建筑和自然和谐综合

    With skillful manipulation of illumination and the solid-void relationship, the overall effect achieved is a harmonious integration between architecture and nature.


  • 有一约会网站他们数据库里分析7000张相片(oktrends, 2010),为约会者用什么样的资料照片效果比较好提供了线索

    Clues to which types of profile photos work come from one online dating site which has analysed 7, 000 photographs in its database (oktrends, 2010)?


  • 提出了一种使多个物体再现有相互遮掩效果彩虹全息记录方法

    A method of recording rainbow hologram using hiding effect between the recorded object's images is proposed.


  • 大理石天然石材具有特殊感觉可以狭小卫生不同效果

    Natural stone like marble has special sense, but can be different in narrow toilet do effect.


  • 通过自体髂骨融合对照评估颈椎可吸收椎融合器的临床效果

    To evaluate the clinical effect of CADFC, compared with the cases in the CG treated by bone graft and interbody fusion with autogenous iliac crest.


  • 虽然以往援助取得效益,但我们太多资金数十年花在一些尚未取得长期理想效果努力上。

    While our past assistance has yielded gains, we have spent too many dollars and too many decades on efforts that have not delivered the desired long-term results.


  • 滤镜效果是针对像素关系来处理每个像素达到一种特殊效果

    Base on the relationship of adjacent pixels the filter effect can change each pixel to achieve a special effect.


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进来说说原因吧 确定