• 熬夜越发成为一种普遍现象,但它导致一系列健康问题

    Staying up late, an increasingly common phenomenon, can result in a series of health problems.


  • 他们好心我们送来了这个可以电脑解决一系列问题

    They were kind enough to send us this magnetic tank which we'll call forth from the computer solutions to a series of problems.


  • 已经不再坚持自己一系列问题上的立场。

    He has reversed himself on a dozen issues.


  • 成立了一个工作组任务是研究一系列有关妇女问题

    He created a task force charged with looking at a range of women's issues.


  • 组织一系列问题教堂提供切实有用的建议

    The organization provides churches with solid advice on a wide range of subjects.


  • 再婚家庭会面临正常家庭所有问题,另外还有一系列其他问题

    A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top.


  • 我们终于意识问题严重性,并通过支持改进一系列工具应用程序和方法防止骗子得逞。

    We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.


  • 仍然相对较新的交流方式——一种巨大潜力方式——其他发明一样,带来一系列新的问题

    This is still a relatively new way of communication—something that has a huge amount of potentialbut also, as with any invention, it brings with it a new set of problems.


  • 杜克大学特里·莫菲特研究同事们发现自我控制问题孩子长大成人后往往会面临一系列棘手问题

    Terry Moffitt of Duke University and her research colleagues found that kids with self-control issues tended to grow up to become adults with a far more troubling set of issues to deal with.


  • 杜克大学特里·莫菲特研究同事们发现自制力问题孩子长大成人往往会面临一系列棘手问题

    Terry Moffitt of Duke University and her research colleagues found that kids with self-control issues tended to grow up to become adults with far more troubling set of issues to deal with.


  • 这些问题一系列答案,这些答案经验物理要求可用空间限制提供的,不仅仅形式

    Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience, by physical requirements, by limitations of available space, and not least by a sense of form.


  • 苹果公司这些问题立场斯诺登事件出现形成,在之后,公司开始采用一系列技术,这些技术在默认情况下使用者的数据加密限制他人访问

    Apple's stance on these issues emerged post-Snowden, when the company started putting in place a series of technologies that, by default, make use of encryption to limit access to people's data.


  • 他们开始努力解决一系列新的问题这些问题课程项目内容有关限于此

    They began to grapple with a new set of questions related, but not restricted, to the content of courses and programs.


  • 第一问题要求一系列大胆改革促进就业经济增长

    The first question requires a swathe of bold structural reforms to boost jobs and growth.


  • 应该成为解决英国铁路长期存在问题一系列措施一部分

    This should form part of a wider package of measures to address the long-running problems on Britain's railways.


  • 自主质疑对于一系列不同问题观点所做的一般性调查

    An independent question is a general inquiry into your opinion on an array of various issues.


  • 珀开始问自己一系列自主的问题,并得出结论:用户可能搞错了。

    Pepper started asking itself a series of self-directed questions and concluded that the user might be mistaken.


  • 年来,压力被认为是一系列健康问题的原因,从高血压到精神疾病都有涉及。

    In recent years, stress has been regarded as a cause of a whole range of medical problems, from high blood pressure to mental illness.


  • 大收音机的音量可能会对其他一系列健康问题有益处,这就是音乐如此有价值的原因。

    There is a whole range of other health issues that turning up the radio could be beneficial for, which is what makes music so valuable.


  • 高等教育发展至少表现三个截然不同方面这些反过来引发一系列不同的问题

    The growth of higher education manifests itself in at least three quite different ways, and these in turn have given rise to different sets of problems.


  • 只需要回答一系列问题就可以完成了

    Simply answer a series of questions, and you're done.


  • 如果孩子没有参与活动中,他们没完没了地一系列问题

    When kids are not involved in an activity, they are asking an endless series of questions.


  • 已经在这里讨论了一系列问题类型大小调整可以帮助发现代码内存问题工具

    I've covered a range of issues here, from the sizing of types to tools that can help you discover memory issues in your code.


  • 上面列出需求25通过询问应用程序拥有者一系列的问题来定义

    Requirements 2 through 5 listed above are essentially defined by asking questions of the business owners of applications.


  • 面试引导面试整个过程,通过问候选人一系列问题看看他是不是适合这个工作

    The interviewer takes the lead role and asks candidates a series of questions mainly about qualifications to perform the job.


  • 还是忘了还要工作我们到时会有其他一系列问题解决特别是冬天来临,家里开始

    Forget even trying to get to work anymore; we now have another set of problems to solve, especially if it's winter and our houses are getting cold.


  • 但是个人化彩旦也会带来一系列问题

    Yet personal diets bring another set of problems.


  • 因为已经很多问过有关这个技术的细节一系列问题有时我不知道如何回答比较恰当

    Since I have been frequently been asked about details on this, a frequently asked questions format somehow seemed appropriate;.


  • 因为已经很多问过有关这个技术的细节一系列问题有时我不知道如何回答比较恰当

    Since I have been frequently been asked about details on this, a frequently asked questions format somehow seemed appropriate;.


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进来说说原因吧 确定