• 便于对学生用人单位不同群体进行调查设计了网上问卷调查系统,并且能够自动统计问卷结果方便地进行后台管理

    In order to have a research on different groups such as students and employers, a network questionnaire system is designed to automatically supervise the result and carry on the backstage management.


  • 系列文章的学习过程中,构建一个简单问卷调查系统系统提供一系列问题,并收集这些问题的回答然后这些回答的基础上提供统计分析

    Throughout the series, you'll build a simple survey system that provides a series of questions, collects the answers, and then provides statistical analysis on the answers.


  • 一对夫妇第一次来向咨询他们填完个人历史问卷调查”,系统审视过去许多重大事件

    When a couple first see me for counseling, I have them complete my Personal History Questionnaire, which systematically reviews many of the significant events of their past.


  • 皮尔斯教授测试她们这些医生进行了一项问卷调查发现他们中绝大多数人都没有系统地研究孤独症

    Professor Pierce said surveys of the doctors before the program showed that most had not been screening infants in any systematic way for autism.


  • 系统改进评估选择过程先进问卷调查和选择标准使得远距离选择合适轮椅成为现实。

    His system improves the selection and evaluation processes by enabling remote assessment of appropriate wheelchair alternatives with advanced queries and selection criteria.


  • 方法采用系统抽样方法,对社区4 107位居民实施问卷调查相关指标检测

    METHODS The systematic sampling methods were used. 4 107 residents were investigated by questionnaires and some blood indexes were examined.


  • 本文运用研究方法主要系统科学方法、文献资料比较分析法访问调查法、问卷调查法。

    This article USES research methods are: the system of scientific methods, literature and data, comparative analysis, interviews, questionnaire survey method.


  • 方法对我院70例接受手术的尿毒症患者心理状态进行问卷调查评估系统进行心理干预

    Methods The psychology was investigated and evaluated in the 70 uremia patients who received A-V fistula operation, and was intervened systematically before operation.


  • 方法建立主动被动监测系统监测SARS疫情,对SARS病例进行现场流行病学问卷调查分析其分布规律和特征

    Method Active and passive surveillance systems were used. Questionnaire surveys were conducted among SARS patients to study the characteristics of SARS epidemic.


  • 提出基于ACCESS问卷调查统计系统设计方案给出数据库的设计主要功能模块

    This paper advances the design scheme of questionnaire statistical system based on ACCESS, and puts forward the design of the database and the main functional modules.


  • 论文采用问卷调查访谈方式深入挖掘企业需求并结合中亚公司轮胎生产管理系统全面分析

    Papers used a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews of mining enterprises demand and the Central Asian companies combined tire production management systems do a comprehensive analysis.


  • 查阅文献问卷调查实地考察等方法,对云南民族村环境解译系统进行调查系统现状进行评价。

    The environmental interpretation system of Yunnan Ethnic Minorities, Village has been investigated and evaluated with the methods of questionnaires, documentation and field work.


  • 方法系统采用文献评阅问卷调查、现场调查焦点组访谈、专家咨询定性定量研究方法构建评价指标体系。

    MethodsCompositive quantitative and qualitative research methods, such as literature review, focus-group discussion, questionnaire survey, specialist consultation were carried in the study.


  • 研究中采用课堂观察开放式问卷调查研究方法系统获得研究的数据信息

    This study adopts the researching methods of class observation and questionnaires to obtain data concerned systematically.


  • 问卷调查显示健身锻炼资源整合可行有效,有助于大学生掌握实用健身锻炼方法系统学习体育健身知识

    Questionnaires revealed that the integration of the fitness exercise resources was good for the students to master practical exercise methods and to (acquire) systematic knowledge of bodybuilding.


  • 方法整群抽取成都市妇幼保健系统儿童保健人员共157名进行问卷调查

    Methods: The questionnaires was tested among 157 staff chosen by cluster sampling from maternal and child health care system in Chengdu.


  • 雇主品牌理论基础,以在校博士生研究对象,通过问卷调查和访谈系统研究了高校作为雇主时雇主品牌结构问题。

    This article discussed the employer brand structure of universities by questionnaire investigation from the needs of applicants that are students reading for doctors degree.


  • 方法采用系统抽样方法,以填写调查的形式进行问卷调查

    Methods The study was performed by systematic and cluster sampling and questionnaire.


  • 研究中文综合运用了文献法、访谈法、问卷调查法、个案研究方法系统观点方法、数理统计等研究方法

    The main study methods of this thesis are as follow, Literature, Discussion, Questionnaire, Case study and Statistics ways.


  • 系统分为个人健康日志问卷调查科普知识案例、健康论坛3大部分每个模块分别承担不同功能

    This system could be divided into 3 parts: personal health log and questionnaire, scientific knowledge and cases, health forum, each module assumes different function.


  • 精选了某个国家级园林城市绿地系统规划前期针对市民意愿的问卷调查作为案例。

    This paper selects a questionnaire survey for green space master planning to citizens' thinking of a national garden city.


  • 运用问卷调查取得的数据资料游客基本特征旅游特征以及旅游感知进行全面系统分析

    Based on the systematic analysis in basic information and travel characteristics of the tourists, this part elaborated the actual tourists 'perceptions.


  • 方法采用GIQLI消化系统疾病生存质量量表35例行ERCP总管结石取患者手术、手术第26的生存质量变化进行问卷调查

    Methods the life quality of 35 patients, who underwent ERCP because of common bile duct stones, were assessed by GIQLI questionnaires before, 2 and 6 weeks after the procedure.


  • 借助查阅文献问卷调查现场访谈等形式,本文试图对其进行一个比较系统全面分析

    This thesis intends to conduct a comprehensive and systematic study of this subject by means of literature review, survey and field interview.


  • 借助查阅文献问卷调查现场访谈等形式,本文试图对其进行一个比较系统全面分析

    This thesis intends to conduct a comprehensive and systematic study of this subject by means of literature review, survey and field interview.


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