• 295号州际公路条20英里绕过杰克逊尔的繁华市区的环路。

    Interstate 295 is a 20-mile beltway that bypasses Jacksonville's busy downtown area.


  • 杰-辛格这个虽然,但需要很多杆。

    Vijay Singh says the course will not play as long as the yardage indicates.


  • 扬·内奥拉尔特洛卡

    Jan Neoral is the mayor of Trokavec.


  • 蛋白质生命建造材料它们分子只有在这些分子被组合成最终形态时才可正常运作

    Proteins, which are the building blocks of life, come in long chains of molecules that work properly only once they have folded into their final, three-dimensional shape.


  • 氨基酸弯曲扭转折叠一个蛋白质它的形状决定了蛋白质的功能

    A lengthy necklace of amino acids bends, twists and folds into a three-dimensional protein, whose shape determines the protein's function.


  • 木质素高钎树木能够在既同时多产乙醇。

    Trees containing less lignin and more cellulose would both grow faster and also produce more ethanol.


  • 娅公司董事托马斯-R-威廉斯发现许多银行界工作年轻人知道什么时候停止研究方案,什么时候该着手结束工作。

    Thomas R. Williams, former chairman of Wachovia Corporation, discovered that many young people in banking don't know when to stop researching a project and start wrapping it up.


  • 三个女孩形影不离——齐布鲁玛金头发,雀斑,娴雅镇定,她们跟屁虫卡芮是个看起来不到的话子。

    The three girls were inseparableKivi and Blomma, blonde and freckled, quiet and assured, and their tagalong, Chavisory, a chatterbox who looked no more than five years old.


  • 新泽西州柏林约翰·曼公司熔融玻璃转化绝缘物。橙色的热流体压过片上小孔形成而细

    Molten glass is turned into insulation at the Johns-Manville Corporation in Berlin, New Jersey the orange-hot fluid is forced through holes in a palladium sheet to form long, thin fibers.


  • 如果属于一类型的话,辛顿建议说,不妨考虑刘海留一点,从视觉上看,前额下巴度会显得缩小一点。

    If you fall into this category, Worthington suggests adding long bangs, to visually shorten the distance from the forehead to the chin.


  • 忍不住猜想区区船里,那些京海盗在与暴怒大西洋奋战之后到达这里时他们会作感想。

    I could only wonder what the Vikings arriving here thought after battling the tempestuous Atlantic in nothing more than a longboat.


  • 亚康姆的董事是难得一见的萨默.雷石东公司运营公司律师打理

    Viacom is controlled by the rarely seen Sumner Redstone, but run by a former corporate lawyer.


  • 医生推测豌豆时,不慎将粒豌豆呛到了气管中,肺部发芽,现已英寸

    It seems Sveden had been eating peas, and one went down the wrong pipe, then sprouted in his lung. The plant was about half an inch in size.


  • 关键任何一特定乘客(假设其中有姑妈伊内兹,路易斯尔过来休假的)一定出现图表中的某处只要我们延伸出足够横向纵深

    The point is that any specific bus passenger (your Aunt Inez, say, on vacation from Louisville) is sure to appear on the diagram somewhere, as long as we include enough rows and columns.


  • 10互联网来说一个时间——存在时间还要

    Ten years is a long time on the Internet - longer than Wikipedia has even existed.


  • 但是不到24小时之内通过消息Facebook帖子数千穆萨支持者聚集在Vali - e a sr大道,一条德黑兰12英里的公路干线。

    But in less than 24 hours, using text messages and Facebook postings, thousands of Mousavi backers gathered along Vali-e Asr Avenue, Tehran's 12-mile-long arterial road.


  • 曾今也经历过烦躁入关手续(吉布提布隆迪索马里兰、马拉、瓦努阿图巴布亚新几内亚),没有次像这次这样花费如此时间进入一个国家

    Seriously. I’ve been off the beaten track before (Djibouti, Burundi, Somaliland, Malawi, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea...), but never have I waited so long simply to get into a country.


  • 赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯罗马城市也在苏威火山灾难性爆发毁于一旦埋于地下苏威火山于公元79年8月24爆发,持续了2

    Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.


  • 中国市场研究集团负责人本·卡德表示,这么段时间之后,价格一定会发生变化的。

    Ben Cavender, principal of China Market Research Group, said the price change had to happen after such a long time.


  • 之前一项研究科学家发现理想的体型泰勒·斯芙特这样高高瘦瘦的腿类型。

    In an earlier study, scientists discovered the ideal female body shape is leggy, tall and thin like Taylor Swift.


  • 他们一样,兹·盖兹的吉他弦65公分

    Like theirs, his guitars use a 65 cm scale.


  • 中国产业联盟执行秘书张也平

    Executive Secretary General of China's two-dimensional code industry alliance Zhang Yeping said.


  • 能源公司现年61董事•鲁雅他现年66岁的哥哥沙希•鲁雅他们父亲去世1969年创办了爱萨集团

    Essar Energy Chairman Ravi Ruia, 61 years old, founded Essar Group with Shashi Ruia, 66, in 1969 after their father died.


  • 尔塔宁可能恶化随着时间工作时间人们生活方式作为一种不良饮食习惯增加饮酒导致例子

    But Virtanen said it was possible the lifestyle of people working long hours deteriorated over time, for example as a result of poor diet or increased alcohol consumption.


  • 个体晶粒描述晶粒尺寸的重要参量,多晶体晶粒及其邻接晶粒之间的关系至今仍是空白。

    However, there is not any report on the relationship between grain edge length and its neighboring ensemble grains edge length average in the polycrystal.


  • 史蒂夫·克拉克是朋友时,检察一次他带上自己身患癌症不久于人世妹妹孟菲斯埃尔表演

    Steve Clark, a friend of mine who served as attorney general when I was governor, once took his little sister, who was dying of cancer, to see Elvis perform in Memphis.


  • 基于夹层理论弹性动力学理论,研究了无限夹层圆柱壳移动压作用下临界速度

    The critical velocity of the infinite long sandwich shell to moving internal pressure is studied using sandwich shell theory and elastodynamics theory.


  • 基于夹层理论弹性动力学理论,研究了无限夹层圆柱壳移动压作用下临界速度

    The critical velocity of the infinite long sandwich shell to moving internal pressure is studied using sandwich shell theory and elastodynamics theory.


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