• 沃森带领一位西尔斯太太在小学校园里参观。

    Principal Watson is showing Ms. Sears, a parent, around an elementary school.


  • 基蒂穿制服但是它是好的。

    Kitty is wearing her new uniform.It is long but it is nice.


  • 今天早晨的报纸暗示说,苹果公司考虑免去董事一职。

    This morning 's papers carried Suggestions that Apple is considering removing me as Chairman.


  • 我们预防策略这么时间里竟然一团糟很肯定当前更快的工作节奏下,我们降低感染率,我们努力提高工作节奏。

    Our prevention strategy was such a mess for such a long time that I felt sure we could bring down infection rates at a faster pace now that we're working at it.


  • 知道要说再见很难但是有一天你们明白的,”巨大鲸鱼说道,此时102英尺身体拍打着波浪。

    "I know it's hard to say goodbye, but you'll understand it someday yourselves," the magnificent whale said as its 102-foot-long body breached the water.


  • 一个独白似乎不现实——如果这样,他们非常奇怪了,这样实际上给了很多创作的材料

    No one's giving a long soliloquy in this situation — or if they are, they're a very strange duck, which would actually give you a lot of material to work with.


  • 最初叛军故事出现之后市场上突然传说,足有一英里的吉普车队小镇开来。

    Two weeks after the first stories of the rebellion appeared, there was talk in the market of a mile-long convoy of jeeps heading toward the town.


  • 第三甲板上,年纪的船夫赤膊一支桨上,茫然地瞪着我们的船。

    On the lower deck in a third, an oldish-looking, bare-bodied fellow is leaning over an oar, staring vacantly at our boat.


  • 劳工联合会秘书布伦丹·:“信贷危机持续压制房地产市场抵押贷款渠道恢复十分缓慢。”

    The TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, said: "the credit crunch is continuing to depress the housing market, with access to mortgage finance returning at a snail's pace."


  • 年前总检察控告并试图取缔证据包括某网站内容,该虚假网站经查与艾格塞兹将军有关。

    General Igsiz has been linked to bogus Internet sites used to smear AK; their content was used as evidence when Turkey's chief prosecutor sought to ban the party two years ago.


  • 于是卡宾枪瞄准那个俯身炮膛方位

    And, lowering his rifle, he took aim at the captain of the gun, who, at that moment, was bearing down on the breach of his gun and rectifying and definitely fixing its pointing.


  • HP现在努力填补并非一个职位而是大高层管理职位:赫德先生身行政总裁公司董事(尽管对此,公司改革者提出了刺耳的警告)。

    HP is now struggling to fill not one but two top positions: Mr Hurd doubled as chief executive and chairman (despite pointed warnings from corporate reformers).


  • 的一对一单身汉(Bachelor Dream Tours)变得如此欢迎以至于很快将只有那些富有的能力参加单身汉梦之旅(Bachelor Dream Tours),这归因于如此的等候名单广泛需求

    His one on one Bachelor Dream Tours are becoming so popular that soon only the wealthiest men will be able to take the Bachelor Dream Tour do to the waiting list and popular demand.


  • 鱼鹰飞往u.s.s.卡尔·文森甲板卡尔文森是一艘航行巴基斯坦海岸外的阿拉伯海上的一千英尺核动力航母

    The Osprey flew south destined for the deck of the U.S.S. Carl vinson-a thousand-foot-long nuclear-powered aircraft carrier sailing in the Arabian Sea off the Pakistani coast.


  • 帕拉的Carajás矿山码头铁路升级为可承载330车型火车3公里花费45亿里奥

    The railway from the Carajás mine in Pará state to the dockside is being upgraded to carry 330-car trains, each 3km long, at a cost of 4.5 billion reais.


  • 几个中国电信董事王晓初表示,该公司就引入iPhone手机一事苹果公司进行磋商,现在看来形势越来越明朗化

    A few months ago China Telecom Chairman Wang Xiaochu signaled that his company was getting in touch with Apple to launch the iPhone, and that scenario appears to be getting closer.


  • 进入试验场,看见运转空中脚踏车模拟装置。轨道玉米地间穿进穿是8字形悬轨,一个的8字有大概英里

    When I pulled into the property, I could see two functioning test models of Skyride weaving in and out of the trees and cornfields; one a figure-eight track, the other an eighth of a mile around.


  • 美国佛罗里达州名男子早上起来上厕所被吓了一跳,因为看见马桶里有一条2米蟒蛇把头便池里伸出来。

    A Florida man got a rude awakening when he reportedly found a six-foot (two-meter) python in his potty, rearing its diamond-shaped head out of the toilet bowl.


  • Pope过道里,要求Michael单独谈谈。

    Waiting in the hallway, is Warden Pope who asks for a minute alone with Michael.


  • 基蒂穿制服但是它是好的。

    Kitty is wearing her new uniform. It is long but it is nice.


  • 公鸡把头埋在翅膀下面羽毛的时候,在像鹰一样锐利眼睛前划闪过红色鼻子下面站着狐狸先生。

    But just as he was about to put his head under his wing, his beady eyes caught a flash of red and a glimpse of a long pointed nose, and there just below him stood Master Fox.


  • 一个方形轮廓

    A square outline, the horse being taller than it is long.


  • 含铁橄榄石石英岩,代表了岩浆分离结晶初期还原条件下,太古代派生初始岩浆组成。

    Fayalite-bearing quartz syenite could represent the early fractional stage initial granitic magma derived from archean protolith in a deeper and reductive environment.


  • 五十英尺海军用船,这时码头上,柴油机已经发动起来了。

    A fifty-foot navy boat was waiting at the dock, its diesel motors running.


  • 宝宝睡吧

    Baby, sleep,. The night is long.


  • 普通角闪石岩、中常出现矿物,也出现花岗岩中

    Hornblende is often diorite, syenite in minerals, often appear in granite.


  • 通过熔化过程观察玻璃样品有关性能测试结果的分析,讨论了霞石作为绿色浮法玻璃原料可行性

    By observing of the melt course and by analyzing the measurements of glass samples, the feasibility of nepheline syenite as raw materials for the green float glasses was discussed.


  • 通过熔化过程观察玻璃样品有关性能测试结果的分析,讨论了霞石作为绿色浮法玻璃原料可行性

    By observing of the melt course and by analyzing the measurements of glass samples, the feasibility of nepheline syenite as raw materials for the green float glasses was discussed.


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