• 大昭寺门口磕长头女人

    The women kowtow outside of Jokhang temple.


  • 寺庙漆木门外,仍然密密麻麻磕长头信徒们

    Outside the door painted in red, are the prostrators and believers doing praying.


  • 担任董事长的几年在提升公司形象方面发挥了作用。

    In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.


  • 格雷斯头又又直黑发盘成了一个发髻

    Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun.


  • 年龄2530岁之间,中等体格,头长衣领的暗棕色头发

    He was aged between 25 and 30, with a medium build and collar-length mousy hair.


  • 身份证想象成一个动物身体,铅笔是脖子橡皮擦是它的

    Imagine the ID card as the body of an animal, the pencil its long neck, and the eraser its head.


  • 于是吻了鲜红嘴唇,摸抚她的贴到她的心上,弄得的这颗心又梦想人间幸福一个不灭灵魂来

    And then he kissed her rosy mouth, played with her long waving hair, and laid his head on her heart, while she dreamed of human happiness and an immortal soul.


  • 一些居民专家认为这种食肉动物可能只熊,一头任性豹子狮子抑或是一头狼因为现场发现了3英寸长的

    Some residents and experts said the predator may be a bear, a wayward panther or cougar, or even a Wolf because 3-inch paw tracks were found at the scene.


  • 那张相当长的好像这个家里饲养绵羊

    Given his rather long face, it was like having a sheep in the house.


  • 可怕的“长头梦想家”琵琶鱼看上去好似《异形电影中的生物最近格陵兰岛水域发现的外来物种

    Looking like a creature from the Alien movies, this nightmarish "longhead dreamer" anglerfish (Chaenophryne longiceps) was until recently an alien species to Greenland waters (map).


  • 这里从远方风尘仆仆一路磕头而来的,也有当地的市民,清晨围绕大昭寺磕一圈长头,约小时然后回家更衣、净手、吃早饭,再去上班

    In the morning they kowtow around Vphrul - snang temple for half an hour, then go home to change their clothes, wash their hands, have breakfast and go to work.


  • 我们死人签证这里他们亲属说话。”这位一头银发的男子是名字古怪“信息技术应用科技联盟”的董事长。

    "We give visas to dead people to come here and talk to their relatives," explains the silver-haired director of the curiously named Science and Technology Union for IT Application.


  • 最近研究认为60英里15英里的新板块已经折断形成,两个海洋板块之间,就像蟒蛇吞下头鹿

    New work suggests that a chunk 60 miles long and 15 miles thick appears to have broken off and got lodged between the two ocean slabs like a deer swallowed by a python.


  • 那天傍晚遇到个有趣但又有些拘谨年轻人披着一头金黄色的直发。他走进办公室,站右侧

    Later that day, in the late afternoon, I was approached by a young, animated, slightly nervous guy with long, straight, blond hair, who entered my cubicle and walked right up to me.


  • 不仅如此一个浪头即将把海豹险境之时,座鲸还利用的巨大状肢(米长动物王国中最长)把轻轻地推了回来

    Not only that, but when a wave threatened to return the seal to danger, the humpback used its massive flipper (at five metres, the longest in the animal kingdom) to nudge it back on.


  • 摇晃着很有可能长虱子的,“伙计,把这个在上面

    She shook her lice-likely head. “Write that on down, Bozo.


  • 那一头天生的金发却长际,甩动起来好看得要命

    Her natural blonde hair flowed to her waist and looked great when she flipped it around.


  • 随后父亲潜水衣碎片发现而后通过空中搜索发现头五米长的大白活动这一区域

    His father's shredded wetsuit was found later, and aerial searches spotted a five-metre great white shark swimming in the area.


  • 餐桌巨型宴会厅一直延伸到那头,有150英尺长,装点黄金烛台

    The table, stretching from end to end of the vast banqueting room for a distance of 150 feet, was adorned with gold candlesticks.


  • 然后就是相机长焦镜头摄像头手机

    Then there is the camera, the telephoto lens, and the cellphone with a camera.


  • 达留着一头长至下巴的长发,当向前探身时,光滑的头发下来遮住眼睛

    Htan Dah's silky chin-length hair slips toward his eyes as he leans forward.


  • 只上霸王龙大一满口是令人印象深刻12英寸长的巨齿

    The pliosaur's head was twice as big as that of a Tyrannosaurus rex and was filled with an impressive set of 12-inch teeth.


  • 这样长800米椭圆形赛道称为“斗牛场”,不是因为它的形状而是因为这里丧生选手西班牙的凡塔斯头牛场还要

    Tracks like this half-mile clay oval were nicknamed bullrings, not because of their shape but because they were responsible for more shattered bodies than the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas.


  • 海洋实验室称,这种发现狮子鱼,长约6英寸(15厘米),生活如此深的海水中,能够承受压力相当于迷你库珀车(Mini Cooper)车顶1600头大象的重量。

    Living so far underwater, the newfound, 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long) snailfish can withstand pressures equal to 1, 600 elephants standing on the roof of a Mini Cooper, according to Oceanlab.


  • 目前为止,热带大西洋所写的专栏文章里没有详细地描述筏子情况现在大家来分享一下我们这个非同寻常的:它实质上是条四体船,由四根每根长40英尺,两头封闭的水管构成。

    So far in these columns from the tropical Atlantic, I have not described the raft's features in great detail. Let me share a few facts about our extraordinary home.


  • 拿出塑料管,把一些东西管子的

    He took a long plastic pipe and fitted something into one end.


  • 是的他们会反弹更远。如果隧道长,FM的信号会直到隧道终点出来时才消失。

    Yep. Of course, they only bounce so far. If the tunnel is long enough, even FM stations fade out until you come out the other end.


  • 已退休医生, 80 ,违背了其中少数的庇护所,被遗弃宠物摇摇欲坠家中古代长头面积北京

    Retired doctor Hu Yuan, 80, runs one of the few remaining refuges for abandoned pets in her ramshackle home in the ancient Long Tou Jing area of Beijing.


  • 已退休医生, 80 ,违背了其中少数的庇护所,被遗弃宠物摇摇欲坠家中古代长头面积北京

    Retired doctor Hu Yuan, 80, runs one of the few remaining refuges for abandoned pets in her ramshackle home in the ancient Long Tou Jing area of Beijing.


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