Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression, emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the storm.
In its latest economic outlook on Asia, the IMF forecast that the region excluding China and India would grow by only 1.6% in 2010, largely because it expects the American economy to be flat.
The field trial result showed that the method was a new approach to acidize sandstone with high success rate and long term.
This article had studied the super conditioning and thickening properties from long-chain surfactant.
The chenier is built up by a number of storms, the surge of which is higher or close to the historical record.
So far as our knowledge goes the problem whether the internally-sensitized emulsions could depress the desensitization of infrared sensitizing dyes has not been thoroughly discussed.
In middle-high latitude regions, the stratosphere temperature has two obvious warming periods in 1~16th months and 20~29th months, but it is cooling in 17~19th months.
Because some brighten or dim significantly in less than a day, their energy-producing regions must be no larger than the distance light can travel in a day - about the size of our solar system.
配 备增力锤片的粉碎机具有生产效率高,能耗低,物料发热小,使用寿命长等特点。
The grinder with the reinforcing hammer slice has the advantages of high production efficiency, low energy consumption, low heat radiation of materials and long service life, etc.
The two-buildup trajectory is very useful for planninghorizontal wells with medium-radius and long-radius.
The tower type belt driven long stroke pumping unit is composed of the crank-linkage-slide mechanism, movable pulley-narrow belt-fixed pulley mechanism and compound drum stroke-increment mechanism.
The study shows that: Mini-TED changes the curvature of trailing edge and increases effective aerodynamic chord length for high lift system, is an additional 'aerodynamic flap'.
It is additionally attached with measuring apparatus and the intensifying device. The unit is of the reliable prefor-mance and high production efficiency.
The author analyses the domestic made long stroke well pumping units both in use or in developing and points out the significance of the transformation of lengthenings…
Conclusions: in CADASIL long penetrating arterioles or branches supplying subcortical structures are obliterated and their walls are thickened.
The technical key and the aim of the invention are to develop a fertilizer for strengthening and accelerating the absorption and promoting the growth of the sprouts.
The technical key and the aim of the invention are to develop a fertilizer for strengthening and accelerating the absorption and promoting the growth of the sprouts.