• 看见那个穿着宽松裤子留着长发了吗?

    Do you see that person with the loose pants and long hair?


  • 盘起长发的

    Who will coil my hair.


  • 他们看来,肩背帆布包、留长发嬉皮士

    In their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy.


  • 但是对于那些习惯长发的人来说还是应该偶尔头发修剪一下

    But to those who are used to maintaining long hair cut should once in a while by visiting the parlor to trim the hair down.


  • 身边一团体说:“瞥见谁穿着美丽衣服。留着长发了吗?

    The old man said to the person next to him, "Do you see the person with the beautiful clothes ang long hair?"


  • 短发使用洗发香波超过6毫升;头发中等长度不应超过8毫升;长发的人不应超过10毫升。

    People with short hair should use no more than 6ml of shampoo, medium length 8ml, and long 10ml.


  • 任何可以任何时候拥有一个真正盘的有利于队伍的。

    Anyone can pull at any time, but it would benefit your team to have someone who is really good at it.


  • 完美60岁棕色长发,35灰色短发。完美的假发

    Perfect people have long brown hair at 60 and short grey hair at 35. Perfect people wear wigs.


  • 因此既然没有留着黑色长发白种女孩就会忽略这些特征通过他记住眼睛鼻子的特征来查找符合的选。

    Thus, since none of the caucasian girls have long, dark hair, he ignores these characteristics and searches for someone with the eyes and nose he remembers.


  • 积极的关系更好地至关重要的。

    Positive interpersonal relationships are vital for optimal human growth and development.


  • 突然有一闯进房间,他身披大衣,留着长发手握宝剑,把屋里的吓坏了

    Suddenly a person who, in a large coat, with long hair and held a sword rushed into the room where everyone was surprised and frightened.


  • 有一次对着波浪一般起伏长发说:“希望生命惟一为你推轮椅的。”只是莞尔一笑眼里没有任何表示。

    Once, he said to the wave at the back of her hair, "I hope I'm the only chair-pusher in your life, " but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing.


  • 瀑布一般长发淡雅连衣裙标准瓜子脸聪明杏仁那稳重端庄气质调皮的都会小心翼翼。

    The long hair falls in general, elegant dress, the seeds of the standard face, almond eyes smart, dignified and stable temperament, and then met with mischievous people you will be cautious.


  • 有一次对着海浪一样平常升沉长发说:“真但愿惟一为你推轮椅。”只是莞尔一笑眼里没有任何暗示。

    Once, he said to the wave at the back of her hair, "I hope I'm the only chair-pusher in your life, " but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing.


  • 阿克梅娜一位年龄偏大的女性,有着白皙的皮肤灰白长发喜欢把头发起来肩上

    Ackmena was an older human female with fair skin, and long gray hair that she ties off and wears over her shoulder.


  • 结果表明移植受试对照猪一致;移植后60天时,用流式细胞外周血检测到一定比例源细胞。

    The results showed that tested pigs developed as well as control and a definite proportion of human cells existed in peripheral blood of chimeric pig on day 60 after transplantation.


  • 所有停留山顶所有乐趣爬山的过程里。

    Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.


  • 所有停留山顶所有乐趣上的过程里。

    That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.


  • 的脸色十分苍白,夜色仿佛白光,金色长发披散背后使看上去像一个溺水而死

    She was so pale that she seemed to shine in the darkness; the long blonde hair streaming down her back gave her the look of a drowned person.


  • 同时请不要忘记,如每一位女性所知,传统的衣着也在不断变化如果我们尊重胡子,蓄长发,穿草鞋试问:我们是否愿意看到基督穿锃亮皮鞋,留短发,脸刮得光光的形象呢?

    If we don't admire a person who is wearing a beard, long hair, and sandals, we must ask whether we would prefer to see Christ pictured with his shoes shined, his hair cut short, and clean-shaven.


  • 身材高挑,及长发有如纯金纺就,眼中如同传说中的并非活生生的真

    Tall, with hair like spun gold that fell halfway down his back, he always looked to her like a figure out of legend rather than a real, living person.


  • 探访后一直在忙,终于几天去了无印良品买下帽子,绝对这种拥有长发也很懒惰打理使用!

    After few weeks busy working days I bought his beanie finally, that is really nice specially for those who like me lazy to take care the long hair.


  • 唯一一个可以拯救这个城市只要挥舞着长发妖怪就会杀死。

    And she was the only one who could saved the city, as long as she waves her white hair which was pretty pretty long, many monsters will be killed.


  • 如果是头发非常长发成短发的可能需要头发分成八个部分或更多部分层次

    People with very straight hair or those who wish to taper from a longer length to a short one may need their hair divided into eight or more zones or layers.


  • 多不饱和脂肪酸中的动物育必需脂肪酸epaDHA含量分别总脂肪酸(9.020.59)%和(11.730.43)%。

    In poly unsaturated fatty acids, EPA and DHA which account for (9.020.59) % and (11.730.43) %, respectively are thought to be essential for the growth of human and animals.


  • 所有停留山顶所有乐趣上的过程里。

    Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.


  • 如果属于自己士兵加盘问见到行列混乱而不加制止错误罪。

    If someone sees a case where it is incorrect but does not inquire about it, or sees confusion but does not act to stop it, his crime will be comparable to that of the offender.


  • 如果属于自己士兵加盘问见到行列混乱而不加制止错误罪。

    If someone sees a case where it is incorrect but does not inquire about it, or sees confusion but does not act to stop it, his crime will be comparable to that of the offender.


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