• 镜头光圈影像平面之间距离

    It is the distance between the lens diaphragm and the image plane.


  • 镜头光圈孔径缩小

    He stopped down the lens to a small aperture.


  • 设置所需镜头光圈

    Set to the desired lens aperture.


  • 衍射光束靠近经过不透明表面镜头光圈叶片时散开

    Diffraction: When light rays pass close to opaque surfaces, such as the blades of a lens diaphragm , they are scattered;


  • 修正了相机手动光圈先决模式拍片镜头光圈出现异常动作的问题(微距镜头)。

    Fixes a phenomenon in which the aperture exhibits abnormal movement when shooting movies in manual exposure mode and aperture Priority AE (Av mode) using some Canon lenses (such as macro lenses).


  • 阐明另一个原理任何物体,只要它边缘镜头光圈边缘对齐,那么的形状就能在一定程度上可以辨别

    Another principle illustrated by Figure 4 is that any object having edges that line up with the edges of the lens aperture will tend to be resolved to some degree.


  • 针对视频监控中摄像机镜头光圈大小、图像聚焦、图像变焦三项参数控制问题,介绍了一种基于89c51单片机的镜头控制电路设计

    Abstract: The design of camera lens control circuit based on 89c51 is introduced. This circuit can adjust parameters of camera such as aperture, zoom and focusing.


  • 的大光圈镜头可以摄入尽可能量,所用技术并不需要笨重自动对焦系统,曝光时间也是自动调节

    It has a wide-aperture lens to capture as much light as possible, and the technology requires no clunky auto-focus mechanism. It adjusts exposure time automatically.


  • 简单办法选用最小的光圈设定镜头上显示的最大的数字),光圈小,所获得照片的景深就会越大

    The simplest way to do this is to choose a small Aperture setting (a large number) as the smaller your aperture the greater the depth of field in your shots.


  • 主要镜头固定没有自动对焦和自动光圈以及其他小配件

    The main lens is fixed in place; there is no auto-focus, auto-aperture, or other gubbins.


  • 问题在于要镜头光圈传感器芯片

    The problem is covering a rectangular sensor chip with a circle of light from the lens.


  • 很多时候被误解为对焦镜头-_-个人喜欢佳能50毫米定焦1.4光圈或者1.8光圈镜头尼康也有相同型号标准高速镜头可以室内条件拍摄提供高品质的图像。

    I like the Canon 50mm 1.4 or 1.8 (I'm sure there is a comparable Nikon) a faster standard lens will allow you to take great food shots when you are indoors or when less light is available.


  • 设置光圈(用于指定多少进入照相机镜头)——你想照漂亮景深广角的照片吗?

    You set the aperture, which dictates how much light comes into the camera-do you want a nice, shallow depth-of-the-field, or everything in focus?


  • 即便打算使用光圈照相,带有最大光圈镜头也可以取景大大增加取景器亮度

    Even if you intend to expose using a small aperture, a lens with a large maximum aperture can greatly increase viewfinder brightness.


  • f光圈(或光圈)决定相机的景深(对焦区域)以及多少光能通过镜头到达传感器

    The f-stop, otherwise known as the aperture, determines your depth of field (the area in focus) and how much light can pass through the lens to reach the sensor.


  • 机身然后另外购买一个高速镜头.(译者:一般指允许进光更多而提高快门速度的,大光圈镜头

    Buy the body and then buy a faster lens separate.


  • 实际上,快门时,复杂程序开启,包括镜头光圈设置块单镜头反射镜的升起其他更多的步骤。

    When you press the shutter release on the camera, a complex sequence of events occurs, including setting the aperture in the lens, flipping up the mirror of an SLR and a lot more.


  • 继续研究比较昂贵变焦镜头,你会发现它们有着恒定光圈

    As you move onto the more expensive zoom lenses, they maintain a constant aperture.


  • 一般解决方法就是镜头最大光圈一些光圈值,然后屏幕预览放大确认每个人看上去挺好

    The solution is often to shoot a few clicks smaller than the lenses widest aperture, then use the preview screen and zoom button on your camera to make sure everyone is looking good.


  • 基本上,光圈1.8左右镜头已经足够大多数人使用了,并且时常还要光圈调小了使用。

    In general, all you really need is one that is around F1.8 as that aperture is wide enough for most uses and you may even find yourself closing that up at times.


  • 镜头光圈范围相机也有一个快门速度的范围。

    Just like a lens has a range of apertures, your camera has a range of shutter speeds.


  • 然而像我们这些单反相机使用者在有足够多的经验之前,总是很难理解一个光圈50mm镜头多么实用

    What some of us DSLR users don't realize until we've grown enough is just how wondrous and useful a good 50mm lens with a wide aperture is.


  • 一些卡片机目前已经支持f2.8光圈镜头这个已经勉强应对同时有些卡片机目前可以装载f/2.0甚至f/1.8的镜头这些镜头排出相片的质感实在极了。

    Several compact cameras now have lenses with apertures of f/2.8, which is not bad, and there are even a few that are as fast as f/2.0 or even f/1.8, which is great.


  • 镜头性能加上f/2.8的光圈,再加上最长500mm的长焦端,使镜头适合拍摄野生动物体育赛事也是天文爱好者进行天文摄影的绝佳镜头

    The combination of telephoto capabilities and an f/2.8 aperture throughout the zoom range up to 500mm makes this a great lens for wildlife, sports and for you stargazers, astrophotography.


  • 50mm定焦镜头较大价格范围内的平均光圈F1.4便宜的(镜头光圈F1.8,较贵的(镜头光圈F1.2

    The 50mm prime on average allows an aperture around F1.4 on a mid ranged price lens, F1.8 on the cheaper ones and F1.2 on the pro series.


  • 光圈就是镜头里面一个洞,就是一块横膈膜一样的东西,好光线穿过。

    The aperture refers to the hole in the lens, known as the diaphragm, that lets the light in.


  • 光圈就是镜头里面一个洞,就是一块横膈膜一样的东西,好光线穿过。

    The aperture refers to the hole in the lens, known as the diaphragm, that lets the light in.


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