• 大多数天线制成用以收集反射无线电波反射器,就像曲面可见光聚焦一点一样

    Most antennas are made in the shape of a dish to collect and reflect the radio waves to the sub reflector, in the same way as a curved mirror focuses visible light to one point.


  • 调试显微所以可以反射

    You've adjusted the microscope so that it reflects!


  • 由于大型卫星产生强烈反射它们望远观测干扰更为严重

    The large satellites interfere more seriously with telescope observations because of the strong reflections they produce.


  • 模拟火山爆发天空中安放反射一些地球工程方案真是非常“离谱”。

    From mimicking a volcanic eruption to mirrors in space, some geoengineering schemes are pretty far out there.


  • 盖恩斯通步枪瞄准望向他,杰克树林中找到了一金属垃圾其将太阳照射的眩目反射暂时晃晕了盖恩斯的眼睛。

    Jack finds a piece of metal garbage in the woods and USES the glare from the reflection of the sun to blind Gaines as he looks through his rifle scope.


  • 盖恩斯通步枪瞄准望向他,杰克树林中找到了一金属垃圾其将太阳照射的眩目反射暂时晃晕了盖恩斯的眼睛。

    Jack finds a piece of metal garbage in the woods, and USES the glare from the reflection of the sun to blind Gaines as he looks through his rifle scope.


  • 但是提醒那些拍摄肥皂泡爱好者,如果使用光学反光太阳光反射可能损害视网膜

    However, he warned anyone thinking of photographing bubbles to take care if using an optical viewfinder, as the reflected sun could potentially damage the retinas.


  • 这样一颗太阳能气球,就像传统太阳能反射一样必须太阳横越天空时移转面向所以地球公司正在进行各种使气球转向的实验

    Like a conventional mirror, a solar balloon of this sort must be turned to face the sun as it moves through the sky, and Cool Earth is testing various ways of doing this.


  • 塞吉奥发明了微积分反射望远光谱以及运动定律

    Sergio: He invented calculus, the reflecting telescope, color spectrum, and the laws of motion.


  • 相反反射系统活跃的人则孤独症以及精神病相关——这些是以共鸣程度著称不同病状。

    Conversely, less activity in mirror systems has been linked to autism and also with psychopathy - different conditions that are both noted for low levels of empathy.


  • 比如所有的按钮看起来都特别真实黑色背景反射效果表面,在编辑器输入文字时会自动弹出放大

    This effect is achieved by having a black background and reflective surface look. The editors automatically pop-up a magnifying glass when you are trying to insert text.


  • 作为一个价值千金天文望远,这个仪器需要一些能够掩盖星光方法从而使其更好的探测行星反射

    That instrument, an even more expensive space telescope, will require some means of blocking the light from a star in order to detect light reflected by its planet.


  • 反射望远能够得很大,远大折射望远

    Reflector telescopes can also be made much, much larger than refractors.


  • 实际上,快门时,复杂程序开启,包括内光圈设置块单反射的升起其他更多的步骤。

    When you press the shutter release on the camera, a complex sequence of events occurs, including setting the aperture in the lens, flipping up the mirror of an SLR and a lot more.


  • 为了形成这种光束他们右手绿色激光束照射反射使原光束与其反射左手性光束相互作用

    To make it, they shone a right-handed green laser beam at a mirror and let it interact with the left-handed reflection.


  • 蝗虫发现时,科学家用铲子弄一些虫子,然后它们背面贴上反射

    When a swarm is detected, the scientists will scoop up a few dozen insects and glue little reflectors on their backs.


  • 配有反射瞄准可以睁开双眼射击

    The reflex optical sight means you can fire with both eyes open.


  • 通常雷达采用大型天线产生狭窄波束,其方法基本上与探照灯反射相似

    Radar sets generally employ large antennas to produce narrow beams in much the same way as a search-light reflector.


  • 学识稀奇古怪、鲜为人知,比如说,他清楚月球表面激光反射位置

    He possesses obscure geek knowledge, such as the location of the retroreflectors on the Moon's surface.


  • 然而一些研究人员反射系统能够担当心灵相通之责存有质疑

    Nevertheless, some researchers question whether mirror systems can take sole responsibility for empathy.


  • 改变气球气压,就可以调整气球反射太阳能电池光线焦距,还有气球内的凹面弧度

    The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.


  • 改变气球气压,就可以调整气球反射太阳能电池光线焦距,还有气球内的凹面弧度

    The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.


  • 类似其他太阳热能工艺,百照明系统通过反射太阳热能汇集传动涡轮机依靠高效大型蒸汽涡轮机发电。

    BrightSource's system, like other "solar thermal" technologies, concentrates the sun's heat to drive turbines; and the high-performance steam turbines it relies on are big.


  • 按照传统作法这些都是大型抛光金属板块电动马达操纵,保持阳光集中反射到太阳能电池上。

    Traditionally these are large pieces of polished metal, steered by electric motors to keep the sun's rays focused on the cell.


  • 张望远彩色照片到了两个宇宙级夜枭,两个行星状星云行星地球反射强光形成了有趣对比

    Captured in colorful telescopic portraits, two cosmic owls glare back toward planet Earth in this intriguing comparison of planetary nebulae.


  • 目前大多数激光器是来做反射,来来回回反射激光X射线,反射不能反射功率大的X射线。

    Most lasers use silicon mirrors to bounce light wavelengths back and forth, but silicon can't reflect powerful X-rays.


  • 在那里或许有些奇怪化学成分是开普勒望远看到的。 这个温度太了不能形成,氨云可以反射一部分入射辐射木星便是如此。

    That’s too hot for the formation of ammonia clouds that would reflect some of that incoming radiation as they do on Jupiter.


  • 理论上说,最轻微的地表下沉可以传感器反射组成系统感测出来。

    A system of sensors and mirrors would signal the tiniest sinking-in theory.


  • 这种类型的望远称为反射望远,比折射望远具有优势,后者需要用到两个而且受到光学畸变效应的影响。

    Such telescopes are called reflectors, and they offer major advantages over refractors, which use two lenses and suffer from optical distortion effects.


  • 这种类型的望远称为反射望远,比折射望远具有优势,后者需要用到两个而且受到光学畸变效应的影响。

    Such telescopes are called reflectors, and they offer major advantages over refractors, which use two lenses and suffer from optical distortion effects.


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